Problem: how to get rid of foot odor is very common. Overview of the most effective ways to get rid of foot odor


Those who did not ride in a reserved seat car did not really encounter the smell of legs.

Probably the biggest inconvenience in this case is experienced by the owner of the source of the unpleasant smell, who has not been able to solve the problem of how to get rid of the smell of legs.

Foot odor: possible causes

You can get rid of the problem only when you learn "where the legs grow from." Many people know that a person who cannot take off his shoes in a public place without creating an unpleasant atmosphere has his feet always wet.

On the surface of our legs, it’s scary to think, a quarter of a million sweat glands! Sweat alone cannot be a source of bad air, for it is based on water that is odorless. Sweat saves us in the heat, covering it with a waterproof film, but we do not live in a general stench. Not all people have a sweat that smells. Bacteria create an unpleasant odor, and the man himself or his diseased organism creates a nursery for them.

Increased sweat in the legs should cause excitement, this is a disease, hyperhidrosis, it can only be treated according to the doctor’s recommendations.

- Talking about foot hygiene is probably stupid, everyone understands that the unwashed feet will be “thanked” with a sweet heart the next day. We noticed such a problem behind your feet, then make it your own rule to wash your feet twice a day in the morning and in the evening.

- You lived quietly all your life, and suddenly this killing smell of legs appeared, hanging an inferiority complex. First of all, check if it is possible that the new shoes are made of poor-quality raw materials with the use of glue, which, when heated, gives off a choking smell.

- Even the most sophisticated shoes, not to mention sneakers, should be washed. Of course, we don’t throw it into the washing machine, like sports shoes, but we use special dry shampoos for shoes.

- The real problem, due to which there is an unpleasant smell of the legs, is a fungus that affects both the nails and the skin of the foot.

How to get rid of foot odor: a set of measures

Having ascertained the cause of the appearance of foot odor, we draw up a plan to combat it.

- Above we talked about daily washing of feet, but I would like to emphasize separately that feet should be thoroughly wiped, because it is in a humid environment that bacteria multiply, and it was not for nothing that they chose sweat as their habitat. Fungus, bacteria multiply most in dead skin, so you should do nail cutting and cutting corns.

- I’ll tell you a secret that the best way to dry and disinfect the skin of the foot, and especially between the fingers, will help with the ordinary, darkest laundry soap, which we completely forgot about, but in vain. Having got wet, it is advisable to apply a special cream on the skin in order to get rid of foot odor for a whole day.

- Feet sweat most in the warm season, and this is understandable, if there is no dress code requirements, it is best to wear shoes with open toes, creating natural ventilation. For work, you should buy shoes made from natural materials.

- Reminding a self-respecting man about daily, and sometimes twice a day, changing socks is simply unethical, but dirty socks also cause bad foot odor. It is advisable to wear socks made of natural materials, for some reason bacteria especially like nylon.

- If the shoes do not have time to dry during the rest, you should dry the insoles separately or use the help of electric drying.

- You can’t get rid of the smell of legs, then get special, “breathing” insoles, the uniqueness of which is in the instant absorption of sweat, and disinfection of it.

- Baths of medicinal herbs in which you should keep your legs at least 2 to 3 times a week, if there is no way to do them daily, will also become assistants in the fight against unpleasant odors.

How to get rid of foot odor: pharmacy drugs

Do not trust traditional medicine, contact a pharmacy.

- When buying deodorants in order to get rid of the smell of legs, you should definitely take antiperspirants, because only in this case the smell is not masked, but destroyed.

- I want to warn you right away that effective ointments, creams, tinctures are very expensive, sometimes it seems that they are valued at the level of French perfumes. Although for people suffering from this problem, in this case, the question of price is not worth it.

- Pharmaceutical infusions of calendula or echinacea can be used for daily grinding of the legs.

In any pharmacy, you can buy tea tree oil, which can be used to lubricate the feet daily at night or after taking a bath.

Cure the fungus will help:

Pasta Teymurova - a universal tool with a drying effect due to talc and boric acid, which is part of it. Zinc oxide and borax play the role of an antiseptic. Rub the paste for 2 to 3 minutes between your fingers for 4 days in a row, remembering to process your nails.

Attention! In the presence of wounds, cuts, scuffs, paste is not recommended.

Formagel perfectly copes with both fungus and sweating feet. Its advantage is that it is enough to apply this composition once a week, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Cream Deo-control made on the basis of cocoa butter, tea tree and lavender, which not only deodorizes the legs, but also kills microbes.

Universal 911 Nepotin Cream filled with the power of sage, camphor, menthol and green tea, it has antimicrobial, antiseptic activity. With daily use after a week, you will feel how much sweating from your legs has become.

When purchasing a cream to combat the smell of legs, be sure to pay attention to the composition, because the main thing in this case is not to cover the unpleasant fumes of the legs, but to disinfect the surface and achieve an antimicrobial effect.

How to get rid of foot odor: folk remedies

Traditional medicine is sometimes very tough, but usually safe.

- For disinfecting shoes and getting rid of the fungus, it turns out 2 in 1, should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 alcohol and 5 percent vinegar. Using a pipette, carefully drop this mixture onto the big toe of each foot.

- Without drying talcum powder on hand, you can use baking soda, which will create an environment that is unacceptable for bacteria, or corn starch that absorbs sweat well. With these bulk products, we should slightly powder both the feet themselves and the skin between the fingers.

- If you have access to the cedar bark, then you have an invaluable gift that can kill any smell of shoes in a short time. To do this, it is necessary to chop the cedar bark a little and each time to fill insoles.

- Our people will find a way out of any situation. For a drying bath, some people use bleach, pour only 50 g of powder into a 5-liter bucket, pour tepid water to the brim so that you can freely hold it for a minute - the other legs, which we wipe dry and grease with cream. With a solution, you can wipe the shoes by abundantly wetting a sponge or cloth in it.

- Salt, soda, vinegar are available in every home. We prepare a solution from them, lower our legs into it and then dry it without wiping it. For 1 liter of water we take one or another component:

• salt - 100 g;

• soda - 1 tablespoon;

• vinegar - 50 ml.

- At home, it is easy to independently prepare the powder from crushed cloves or lavender and, daily changing it, gradually fill it with shoes.

“Kombucha works wonders in helping your legs get rid of the smell of sweat.” Just a few tablespoons per 1 liter of warm water is enough to make lotions for the feet.

- It’s easy and simple to prepare a bath by dropping a few drops of oil into the water:

• eucalyptus;

• fir;

• peppermint;

• lavender;

• cypress.

- If potassium permanganate is still in some house, then only 1 - 2 crystals added to the water will make it pink and well disinfectant. This is very important for the bath, after which the legs do not need to be wiped.

- It turns out that if every evening in a place affected by the fungus, apply high fat sour cream for only 20 to 30 minutes, then the fungus and the smell will disappear very quickly.

- The disinfecting property of oak bark has long been known. Once a week, regularly making baths from oak bark, you can quickly get rid of excessive sweating and foot odor. To prepare the infusion should be 7 - 10 tbsp. l small pieces of oak bark, boil for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, then dilute with the same amount of liquid and you can take a bath.

- Do not want to bother with the baths, then grind the same oak bark on a coffee grinder to a state of finely ground powder and pour it into socks that will have to be worn overnight.

- Pouring a contrast shower on your feet at night or taking baths alternately with hot and icy water will cause a rush of blood, reduce perspiration.

- For the preparation of broths for baths, you can use the remains of any herbs, such as chamomile, celandine, sage, lavender, yarrow.

For half an hour, pour 1 liter of boiling water two tablespoons of dry grass or flowers, filter, add more water so that our feet are covered with a decoction. To enhance the effect, you can dissolve 2 tablespoons in the same place. sea ​​salt.

- An ambulance for removing foot odor will be an acetic bath, which is used only in extreme cases. Pour 3 ml of water with 100 ml of vinegar and hold the feet in this solution for 5 minutes.

- Very often, children even of preschool age suffer from increased sweating on their legs. Such babies should make gentle baths of chamomile, daily, at night. In advance, you can insist in a thermos 2st. l chamomile, drenched in a liter of boiling water, strain, dilute with water and lower the baby's feet into the solution for a quarter of an hour.

You can get rid of the smell of legs only by careful care of them.


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