The truth and the myth about the benefits and dangers of chicken eggs for health. Amazing facts about chicken eggs and their beneficial properties?


Do not be afraid of eggs!

They are an excellent source of amino acids and vitamins, providing a set of powerful nutrients for the brain that are beneficial for the body in order to feel good.

But do we all know about chicken eggs?

We will understand.

Chicken eggs: composition, calorie

In our article we will focus on chicken eggs.

Depending on the breed of hens, they are of two types:

  • whites who carry hens with white plumage;

  • brown or brown, which bear the chicken with the so-called. red plumage.

Remember: color does not affect the taste of the product or its beneficial properties.

Of course, it’s not just what we eat, but what it is that ate the foods we eat also matters. In this regard, not all eggs are equal. Their nutritional complex depends on how they fed the chickens. In those who grazed pasture and / or were given special useful feed, as a rule, nutritional utility is much higher. Egg size depends on the weight of the chicken, its breed and age, as well as the favorable conditions in which it was kept. On yolk color Chicken nutrition and its feed additives have an impact. In particular, alfalfa gives a bright yellowness.

Eggs are also one of the most versatile foods in the kitchen. They can be served in a variety of ways on their own, or they can be added to sweet and savory dishes. This product also boasts a rich nutritional structure and low calorie content. Here is a wide range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. But eggs also have some drawbacks, so you should consume them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

After you try the chicken homemade eggs, it will be difficult to return to the shop.

Calorie chicken eggs is 72 kcal.

The composition of egg white (18kcal):

water - 85%

protein - 12.7%

carbohydrates - 0.7%

fat - 0.3%

The composition of egg yolk (54kcal):

cholesterol - 210 mg

protein - 2.7 g

carbohydrate -0.6 g

fat - 4.5 g

Chicken eggs: what is the benefit for the body? Five proven benefits

1. Protein. One of the main nutritional benefits of eggs is their protein content. This ensures satisfaction of 20% of the recommended daily intake for women and 17% for men. Like other animal products, chicken eggs contain high-grade protein, which ensures the presence of all the amino acids necessary for survival. Proteins are the basic building blocks of the human body.. Your body uses these amino acids to preserve the integrity of your tissues and maintain brain function.

Eating food with a sufficient content of this substance has a great benefit for your body, in particular, it can help in combating weight loss, increase muscle mass, lower blood pressure and improve bone health.

2. Vitamins and minerals. Chicken eggs have beneficial properties and are a storehouse of key nutrients.

• Eating eggs increases the intake of choline (vitamin B4) - an important element for brain function. Each large egg contains 147 mg of choline, which is about 27% of the recommended daily intake for men or 35% for women. Choline very useful and used to build cellular membranes. It plays an important role in the production of signaling molecules in the brain, along with various other functions. It is also used for the prevention of cancer, in particular, of the mammary gland. But many do not even know about its existence.

• Eggs also contain selenium (28% of daily needs are satisfied) - an important mineral that helps in the function of the thyroid gland.

Leucine - This is one of the amino acids that is involved in building the human muscular system. Also, without this acid, it is impossible to build a protein. Also, thanks to leucine, cholesterol levels are reduced in the blood.

• With the inclusion of eggs in your diet increases consumption iodine and vitamins B-2 (thanks to riboflavin, the process of oxygen absorption by the cells of the skin, nails and hair is facilitated) B-5 (pantothenic acid is the main component involved in metabolism), B-12 (prevents the penetration of fat into the liver, increases the oxygen consumption of cells during hypoxia), which is also an undoubted health benefit.

• T. n. "Essential" fatty acids reduce triglycerides in the blood, which are a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

• Eggs help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. This is due to the content in it vitamin E.

Niacin affects the formation of germ cells and the performance of the brain.

Folic acid It is recommended to use when planning a baby, as well as during and after childbirth. This is the second most important vitamin after fish oil.

3. Eye health.

During our life, vision tends to deteriorate. There are certain nutrients that counteract the degenerative processes that negatively affect our eyes. Eggs (mostly yolks) contain lutein and zeaxanthin - pigments that belong to the group of oxygen-containing carotenoids. These are powerful antioxidants that tend to accumulate in the retina and have beneficial properties for the physiology of vision.

Numerous studies have concluded that a sufficient consumption of these components reduces the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration (two very common eye disorders). Chicken eggs contain vitamin Awhich plays a major role in the fight against blindness. It also plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.

4. Incredibly nutritious..

They are largely ideal food because they contain many of the nutrients we need. Also, after one eaten egg, we feel satiety. Calories are more in the yolk than in protein. It is theoretically believed that eggs are digested at 98%. This result suggests that the body does not accumulate harmful components and slags. But in practice, it all depends on the method of preparation. It is believed that raw eggs are digested worse. During heat treatment, many vitamins are destroyed.

For these reasons, to get the benefit, it is usually recommended to use chicken eggs after minimal temperature treatment - “soft-boiled eggs”.

5. Chicken eggs are low in calories, which helps you lose weight..

They have a high score on the saturation scale, which measures the ability of foods to induce feelings of satiety and reduce subsequent calorie intake.

The simplest is a diet, in which during the week you need to follow a balanced diet that contains the use of eggs. The result is a loss of 3-5 kg ​​per week.

Chicken eggs: what is the harm to health?

1. Salmonellosis - It is an acute intestinal infection that can get into the human body through infected foods of animal origin.

In order not to contract such a disease and not to bring harm to health, when eating chicken eggs should follow simple rules:

• limit the consumption of raw and poorly boiled eggs. The exceptions are the raw eggs of a healthy country chicken.

• In any case, be sure to wash them with warm water before drinking, you can even with salt.

• Wash your hands after touching raw eggs.

For the destruction of salmonella requires prolonged temperature treatment. Raw or undercooked eggs can provide the soil for harmful bacteria and foodborne illness.

The ideal egg is a chicken after minimal temperature treatment, i.e. "Soft-boiled".

2. Protein. Excessive use of it may put an extra burden on the liver and kidneys. And this in turn can lead to diseases of these organs.

3. Cholesterol. Despite the nutritional profile, eggs do not represent the ideal diet for everyone. They contain a lot of cholesterol - 62 percent of the maximum daily dose. Such a high level can lead to a risk of cardiovascular disease. But since all cholesterol is in the yolk, it is possible to eat egg white.

4. Studies have shown that only people with type 2 diabetes have a risk of cardiovascular disease..

Chicken eggs for kids: more good or harm?

Of course, the health benefits of eating chicken eggs to children are much greater. As mentioned above, they contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, minerals. From the very beginning of the introduction of eggs into the diet of the child, this will positively affect the health of the baby, his mental and physical development. Give egg start with the yolkgenerally not earlier than 7 months. The "essential" fatty acids found in the egg play a large role in the normal growth of children. And vitamin D, which is found in chicken yolk, helps prevent rickets. Eggs contain 9 essential amino acids that help in the growth of healthy nails and hair for children. In particular, thanks to leucine, children grow up.

Opponents identify two reasons:

1) salmollenesis. The danger of catching this intestinal infection threatens, mostly children, because they have not yet such a strong immunity;

2) childhood allergies. Rash and diathesis are most often caused by egg white, which is highly allergenic. Some may have an intolerance to this product. Carefully treat the body of your child, and he will tell you everything himself.

In general, research shows that eating up to 3 whole eggs per day is completely safe. Indeed, eggs are wonderful food provided by nature. Among other things, they are also relatively cheap, easy to prepare, consumed with almost any food and have an amazing taste.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz Explains How Hard-Boiled Eggs Give You Energy (July 2024).