Female opinion: Russians do not seek advice in glossy magazines


For several decades, glossy magazines have claimed the role of sovereign minds and are trying to teach us how to live. What to wear, how to wear, what dinner to cook for your beloved man, what to give an employee for a birthday, what to read and what movie to watch in a movie theater, how to write a resume and how to behave during an interview, what to wear for a corporate evening and what curtains to choose in the kitchen : all this and much more can be found on the pages of any gloss. Do the residents of Russia want to build their lives according to the magazines? I decided to find out the Women's Opinion portal by conducting a sociological survey among Russians.

In general, 46.6% of ladies surveyed do not read glossy magazines. They see only their negative influence on the reader, and the surefire way to resist the negative influence of gloss is not to read them at all. These women suggest that any glossy magazine is, first of all, someone’s promotional products in beautiful packaging where any information other than advertising exists only “for the sake of sight”.

Almost never listen, but sometimes they view glossy magazines 28.7% of respondents. This category of respondents is sure that this product is not intended for reading at all. They like to pick up a beautiful bright advertising booklet, look through it, stopping at more expressive pictures, but nothing more. In their opinion, these magazines were created for relaxation, as they never have any serious topics, and they always create the illusion of an eternal holiday of life.

And only 24.7% of Russians admitted that they quite often listen to the advice of glossy magazines. As the results of the discussion of this survey showed, for this item mostly young women voted. They believe that in the world of negative news and endless stress, there must be something that will make life brighter, more successful, brighter ... From their point of view, this is exactly what glossy magazines give us. They say that today only there they can find the information they need about fashion, career, shopping, leisure, the relationship between a man and a woman, and many other useful tips.

But, as can be seen from the results of the survey, most Russians prefer not to turn to this type of publication, and this is despite the fact that our country is still considered the most read in the world. It is nice to realize that women see glossy magazines as they are, and not as they want to appear.

The survey involved 1230 women from 112 cities of Russia aged 20 to 45 years.


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