Quail eggs: health benefits. How to use quail eggs with benefit without harm to the body


Doctors around the world have recognized: diet quail eggs are required in a full-fledged diet, especially in people with weakened immune systems and a number of chronic diseases.

Quail eggs have long been discussed, their benefits, harm and caloric content, and yet the consensus is: moderate consumption of quail eggs is a universally correct solution.

Quail eggs: composition, caloric content, as used

Quail eggs, as a rule, weigh no more than 12 grams, and from above are covered with a fragile thin motley beige-brown shell. Each egg has in its composition about 13% protein and 12% fat, and the total calorie quail eggs is not more than 170 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of just 100 grams of quail eggs (white and yolk) will fully provide the body with a daily rate of choline and cobalt, half the daily rate of vitamin A and a third - potassium, chromium, phosphorus and vitamin B2.

In addition, quail eggs are rich in saturated fatty acids for the formation of cell membranes and the production of hormones. In the testicular protein, three essential amino acids “hid”, which are not synthesized by the human body, but directly affect the state of his immune, cardiovascular systems and liver function (tryptophan, lysine and methionine).

We can not talk about the universal values ​​of the composition and benefits of quail eggs - each bird carries eggs based on a number of external circumstances. However, one small quail egg in its energy and nutritional value is certainly comparable to a large chicken egg. Some kind of nutritional bomb! It is not surprising, because the embryo, which will appear from the egg, must develop and grow, feeding only on substances from its "house" - the eggs. This is partly why children from an early age recommend quail eggs.

For the prevention of ailments small testicles drink raw on an empty stomachhalf an hour before breakfast. In the absence of contraindications and good tolerability, experts recommend continuing this daily “therapy” for two to three months. The first effect occurs a couple of weeks after the start of the systematic use of quail eggs.

Regarding the maximum permissible number of quail eggs per day, the recommendations still vary, but there are general principles:

• for children up to three years old - no more than two;

• from three to ten - three pieces each;

• from ten to the age of majority - four;

• in adulthood, a maximum of six eggs;

• after fifty years, four eggs are enough.

Quail eggs should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with half or one egg. The child may develop allergies, and if you have problems with the gallbladder and not assimilating the egg protein, you should not eat at all.

If you have problems with hypocalcemia and suspected rickets, traditional medicine knows quail eggs recipe: break two raw eggs (the insides can be drunk), boil the shells from them twice for five minutes on moderate heat, cool, pour the shells overnight with apple cider vinegar. Rinse in cold water in the morning, dry completely and grind into flour. People advise every day to use adults for a whole teaspoon of powder, and children for half.

And now essentially: why do people consider quail eggs to be medicine?

Quail eggs: what is the benefit for the body

If moderation is observed in the number of quail eggs eaten, their benefit will be undoubted. Both for young people and for the elderly, a unique combination of many of the most important chemical elements in the health of quail eggs will undoubtedly benefit. It is still early to talk about treatment with this food, but an organism that has suffered from severe stress (psychological or somatic) will definitely receive support.

Is quail egg treatment really helpful?

Quail eggs are the health benefits of those people who lead an active lifestyle. With these little helpers, no additional vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and proteins are needed - the benefits of quail eggs as protein supply are guaranteed. With their help without problems nutritional balance maintainedand also the lack of mineral elements is filled.

Traditional medicine recommends quail eggs, their health benefits as a universal remedy in the following cases:

• strengthening bones in osteoporosis, the fight against rickets (you need to take the shell from the eggs);

• normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of ulcers and gastritis, improve digestion;

• remove pathologies of the liver and kidneys;

• in immunodeficiency - eggs act as a preventive measure against acute respiratory infections, and some people believe that they even prevent the formation of cancerous tumors;

• with prostatitis and to restore male power;

• for the prevention of mastopathy;

• removal of radionuclides under radiation exposure;

• with anemia and anemia - to restore the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow;

• treatment of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and other organs (up to tuberculosis) - thanks to lysozyme from quail eggs reproduction of pathogenic microflora stops;

• anti-inflammatory effect in bronchitis, pneumonia and even bronchial asthma;

• prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases by dissolving fatty plaques and removing excess "bad" cholesterol;

• disorders of the nervous system, with memory impairment;

• rejuvenation and improvement of appearance, elasticity and color of the skin;

• prevention in pregnant women of brittle nails and hair, as well as the preservation of teeth in excellent condition.

Naturopaths call healthy quail eggs health ampoules, and recommend eating them daily, both inside and out. The Japanese generally legislated quail eggs in the diet of preschool and school institutions.

The secret to rejuvenation with quail eggs lies in one of the components of the egg - tyrosine. It tones the skin and maintains a healthy complexion. Shampoos, creams and other types of cosmetics in the world often contain some of the components that make up quail eggs.

Will give recipe for one of the many masks for the skinthat has proven to be effective. The mask is nourishing, has a softening, cleansing effect, and improves blood flow. Mix three yolks of quail eggs with three teaspoons of cornmeal, pour one teaspoon of honey and ampoule "AEvit". Apply the mask on the skin of the face, hold until completely dry. Rinse thoroughly with water, as if wiping the face.

The benefit of quail eggs for the body, everyone can check for themselves, but there are several nuances.

Quail eggs: what is the harm to health?

There are several beliefs about quail eggs that can harm human health.

Eggs have cholesterol

Interested in selling people, and simply inspired by eating or drinking a testicle, believe in its lightness and healing properties for vessels. But whatever others say, there's no arguing against science: there is cholesterol in the quail, like in all other eggs. It is even more as a percentage than in chickens. Not everyone can be harmed by such cholesterol - its original function is to synthesize certain vitamins and hormones.

But in excess cholesterol is not processed by the body, and causes the formation of "plaques" in the vessels. In atherosclerosis and many other cardiovascular diseases, you should eat any eggs in extremely small quantities, or discard them altogether.

Quail eggs can also be infected

The causative agent of severe food toxic infection does not choose which eggs to live in — chicken, goose, or quail. The harm to the human body in the presence of Salmonella enteritidis is the same.

Quails do have a high body temperature, but it does not protect the eggs from infection by bacteria outside the body. Completely healthy birds, for which proper care is provided, do not really give infected eggs. But not all quails can be followed. When the egg is already "ready", it can get infected with feces of infected birds, and it becomes dangerous for humans.

It is better not to risk and not to use even quail eggs in the raw form. Moreover, when heat treatment is less than 5 minutes, all valuable substances in the egg are saved. Rinse the shell and hold it in a soda solution for several minutes.

Useful quail eggs are also allergenic.

Indeed, compared to eggs of other birds, these eggs do not cause severe and severe allergies. But not for children! Babies who have already endured the symptoms of any allergy should try quail eggs in very small quantities to avoid relapse.

High calorie

Miracles do not happen, eggs, in any case, high-calorie product. The only "bonus" for losing weight when using quail eggs is their great nutritional value. But we are talking about a maximum of two eggs per day.

Gastrointestinal reactions

This point is more about people who decided to "recover quickly": drinking twenty eggs a day, a person probably condemns himself to an upset stomach, diarrhea, and sometimes vomiting. As a result, nutrients from eggs are not absorbed by the body. Here the measure is important.

Note also that the eggs of wild quail are not used for food, in part, due to the high probability of infection.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the use of quail eggs

An organism that grows a new life in itself is subject to great exhaustion. Pregnant women often complain that, together with pregnancy and childbirth, "have lost several years of their life." To reduce the risk of such consequences, many recommend including quail eggs in the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers, given their beneficial properties.

But it is better to abstain from drinking raw eggs of a pregnant because of the possible harm of quail eggs described above.

Quail eggs for children: the benefits or harm

Probably the most pleasant thing in the attitude of most children to quail eggs is their agreement. Many children do not eat chicken eggs, and small, variegated testicles are tolerated.

As for the benefits of quail eggs for children, they are effectively used in baby food, as indirectly improve immunity, supply the body with vitamins and minerals. Of course, there is no question of treating children with raw eggs. But adding to the daily menu of the child (not suffering from allergies) one or two heat-treated eggs will help to normalize the metabolism, saturate the children's body with calcium and energy.

And remember: with bacterial, oncological, cardiovascular, and other diseases quail eggs can not replace antibiotics, anticancer drugs, statins and fibrates - for the correction of these conditions the help of physicians is required!


Watch the video: The Egg Diet: Does It Work? UCLA Center for Clinical Nutrition (June 2024).