Did Renee Zellweger's personal life improve after so many love affairs


One of the most unpredictable actresses in Hollywood, Renee Zellweger, for many is associated only with the awkward fatty Bridget Jones, which is not surprising, because it really is her most significant role. Relatively recently, in 2016, the next “Diary” was released, the long-awaited third part, which caused a wave of interest in the actress, however, Rene herself always aroused the most interest from the public. She, by the way, and her partner in the film Hugh Grand, never trying to draw attention to her person artificially, manages to live her life in such a way that the interest around her is formed by itself. Perhaps this is also the secret of Bridget Jones's frenzied popularity.

Beauty reincarnation

The last thing that amazing Renee caught our attention with was her unexpected external changes. Yes, such that it is not even clear what exactly happened to her. Appearing in the film "Only True" in 2015, a year before the release of the third Bridget, she surprised, disappointed, and delighted the audience at the same time. To begin with, the film caught the attention of primarily fans of the ageless Keanu Reeves. Or those who remained from them after the strange film "Who's There", which many frankly did not understand, and after which some of the fans disowned their idol. The part that decided to give him a chance, nevertheless decided to watch the next film with the participation of the actor "Only True", in which he plays a lawyer.

The process of well-deserved rehabilitation of Keanu was so engrossed in the attention that many did not even notice that the lady who plays one of the main roles in the film, a thin bitchy blonde of middle age, is Renee Zellweger. Rene’s fans realized that the bbw is no longer there, instead of the “good old” Renee, now some other person, alien and unknown. But the biggest shock was that something strange and even mystical had happened: it seemed that Rene herself left with the kilograms that had gone. We just stopped recognizing our darling.

A special cut of eyes, probably somehow connected with her Norwegian roots, something subtly attractive in appearance - it all disappeared somewhere, and the actress began to seem more European and somehow standard, or something. At first, the actress was attacked with accusations of plastic, but no matter how many experts fought, they could not prove the traces of the operation. The actress herself denies the operation, and associates the changes with a change in lifestyle, a rethinking of her role and the inner harmony that has opened up for her.

In the photo - Renee Zellweger in the role of Bridget Jones, for which she had to gain 15 kg.

Now she is 50 and she is beautiful, although different. Her figure is perfect, her skin is fresh, her eyes are calm. Like her heroine Bridget, she, apparently always dreaming of ideal weight, finally reached him. Now its weight is 55 kg with an increase of 163 cm.

Having tried a huge number of diets, she found her solution and shares the recipe with everyone openly: 5 meals of balanced food in small portions, half a grapefruit before and after each intake, 2 liters of water per day, physical activity.

We add here more meditations, a rich spiritual life and many natural anti-aging cosmetic procedures instead of radical measures like operations. It is difficult to say how this is associated with a new section of the eyes, because we remember the slender Renee, and her squint was different. In any case, many think so.

Search for happiness in personal life

But the main question is: did all this help to find happiness in the personal life of the actress, whose name is often associated with failures in love. After all, even before an amazing transformation, with her charming cheeks and signature squint, she was still that heartbreaker, which shocked her fans more than once, but in such a way that “seriously and for a long time” did not work out in any way.

Let us recall only her most vivid novels and try to understand what is wrong with Renee’s personal life - they don’t marry or they are all looking for a prince. Jim Carrey, with whom the actress had an affair, twice called her to marry and was refused twice.

They say that the reason for their break was Renee’s romance with George Clooney.

This novel is called fleeting, but the actress with Clooney has long maintained warm friendships that several times went beyond the framework of friendships. Once, Renee joked about Clooney, saying that they had been married for 28 years, and Clooney picked up a joke, correcting the deadline: 27, because the first year can not be counted, because we only quarreled then.

For two years, Rene dated Bradley Cooper (2009-2011), just after his breakup with Jennifer Aniston, who, like Renee, loves to impose the label of a loser in her personal life. They say that he was not then inclined to create a family. But even after their separation, Rene managed to cause Bradley to break up with the next two chosen ones, Zoe Saldana and Suki Waterhouse, because he constantly talked with the former. And now, by the way, keeps in touch. And, by the way, now his alleged break with Irina Shayk is actively being discussed, in which Lady Gaga is allegedly not to blame. And who is to blame? However, all this has not yet been confirmed and it is too early to draw conclusions.

By the way, Cooper's mother Gloria, who often accompanies her son and plays an important role in making decisions, has repeatedly stated that she regrets her son’s break with charming Rene and would dream that her son would marry Zellweger.

In the photo - Renee Zellweger with her mother Bradley Cooper in 2009.

Recall the unexpected marriage of Rene, which ended as suddenly as it began. It was musician Kenny Chesney. The marriage lasted about four months. The reason for the breakup is deception. That was Rene’s only comment on this matter.

Rene somehow has no luck with the musicians. Her first serious affair was sad. Musician Sims Ellison pulled her out of a strip club and took her to Hollywood. They lived together for 5 years, but the guy was a drug addict and when Renee could not stand such a relationship and left, he shot himself.

However, Rene remembers him and even a few years ago honored him from the stage of the Austin Music Awards.

And these are only the most high-profile novels of the actress.

What's left over

In response to conversations about her changed appearance, Rene said in an interview with People that she was living a different, richer and more fulfilled life, and was glad that everyone noticed a change in her appearance. She lived with musician Doyle Bramhall, their union lasted several years.

And the other day it became known that the couple broke up and for several months as apart.
