Alfalfa sowing beneficial properties and contraindications


Such a perennial culture as alfalfa (medunka) from the legume family has found wide application in medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and so on. And all this - due to the large content of substances such as amino acids (there are as many as eight), it is truly considered a healing plant.

At first, it was known as a laxative and diuretic agent. A lot of fluid in the body is good, but when there is too much of it, this fact can cause diseases such as rheumatism. Diabetes and others. Over time, it began to be used in various other areas, which we describe in the article.

Alfalfa: useful properties and contraindications

What is alfalfa? This is a medicinal plant, with a straight stem, green leaves, which is considered to be the birthplace of Central Asia.. Latin is translated as «mussel herb - Medicago. Let's see what benefits it brings to our body:

  • She promotes excretion of excess fluid, awakens appetite and normalizes digestion (fight against ulcers, flatulence and heartburn).
  • It can be used to treat a disease like endometriosisbecause its components are great at fighting with inflammations.
  • Bad breath can be cured thanks to this herb due to its high content chlorophyll.
  • Its beneficial properties help in the fight against hemorrhoids.
  • Infusion medunki rubbed into the scalp for more intense hair growthbecause itimproves the performance of hair follicles.
  • Weakness- use in the form of tinctures and decoctions.
  • Cold diseases.
  • Lactating mothers and pregnant women can use young shoots. They contain substances useful for building bone tissue.
  • Blood clotting will get better thanks vitamin kwhich is very useful for the liver.
  • Treatment cystitisand kidney disease.

The beneficial properties of medicinal alfalfa do not end there., but here are the most important. But do not forget about the contraindications, because this means they are.

This folk drug can not be used with individual intolerance. Also, with a disease like lupus erythematosus. In general, before using any such drug, you should consult with your doctor.

What does alfalfa look like: grass and seeds? (a photo)

Grassand flowerslook like this:

Such she has the seeds:

Useful properties of alfalfa

In different countries of the world it is used in different ways, for different purposes, but still get a wonderful effect. (Before using the drug, pay special attention to contraindications !!!!)

Europe: valuable roots and leaves with their beneficial properties are used as a treatment for diseases associated with the endocrine system.
China: all diseases associated with digestive disorders of any complexity.
America: An ancient recipe for jaundice.
India: sore joints.

The composition of herbs and application

Besides amino acids In its composition, it contains vitamins, minerals, phosphorus and calcium. Useful properties on the face! Therefore, it is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Where else use medunku?

In cooking: young shoots go to salads and soups, squeeze juice. From the seeds - flour.
Infusions, decoctionsnot only for ingestion, but also for bathing.
Ready made drugsin dry form or in the form of tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy (for example, wrinkle cream Lucerin).

Alfalfa classification

There is about 20 species of this plant. Let's take a closer look at them, studying the scope and comparing the appearance of plants.

Alfalfa Crescent / Yellow

It grows on loose soil, can withstand cold and even frost. Applied in agriculture and medicine. In the latter as a drug for migraine, with pneumonia, kidney disease. Can be taken with an accelerated heartbeat.

Alfalfa choke

Annual plant used as herbivore feed.


Their names are clear what plant use for sowing.


Winter-hardy plant improves soil fertility and its structure.

Tree Honey

Forage plant technical. The only kind of alfalfa grown as decorative. in Greece - the leaves are eaten.

Alfalfa begonia

how to sow alfalfa manually: video

  • Alfalfa as siderat

It saturates the soil nitrogen, nutritious substances - good fertilizer when humus plants. Possesses phytosanitary properties - will save from litter and nematodes, and for earthworms and beneficial bacteria for the soil - a find! It is very useful for many vegetables and fruit trees. Siderata planting time - early spring. The soil should be loosened (25 centimeters). The depth of planting in bulk is 1-3 cm. Alfalfa consumption (norm) is 1.0-1.5 grams per square meter, weave about 100-150 g.

At 15 acres takes about 4 pounds of honey, it can be sown with sand, mixed in half.

  • Alfalfa as a honey plant

For this purpose, blue or alfalfa seed is used.. It is frost-resistant, blooms from June 15 for an approximate 40 days. It is necessary to sow the seeds very early, having processed the soil well before that. With one hectare (hectare) can be collected about 300 kg of honey. This is with good watering. And without watering - 30 kilograms. Honey from this plant quickly crystallizes and has an amber shade..

Real reviews of buyers and doctors about alfalfa

Vladimir, 45 years old, plumber:

"I had severe heartburn from almost all the food I ate. The doctors threw up their hands - they could not understand. What is wrong with me. And one mom's friend, who is constantly treated exclusively with herbs and infusions, recommended me the broth. Of course, I was skeptical of this new recipe, but what was to be done? As a result, after a month of use, my heartburn disappeared like a hand. "

Kristina, 25, housewife:

"I drank broth medunki during pregnancy and feeding my daughter. The doctor advised. The child was born healthy, the doctor noted more calcium in the body, not more than permissible of course. And my health has changed, I used to be tormented by constant fatigue. And now everything is normal. I recommend mommies this healing herb! "

Valeria, 47 years old, copywriter:

"I’ve been struggling with wrinkles since I was 40 years old. I tried both purchased creams and folk remedies. When I learned about Lucerin from a real Altai alfalfa, I immediately became interested. It moisturizes my skin, gives shine, smoothes out wrinkles, deeply nourishes skin cells. buy - you will not regret! "

Vitaly, 56 years old, therapist:

"It is very useful to drink decoction of alfalfa on an empty stomach. In addition, it is an excellent diuretic, its beneficial properties help many people recover from diseases. It is suitable for people of any age."


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