Cake with mascarpone and fruit, berries, chocolate, liqueur. Recipes biscuit, sand, pancake cake with mascarpone


It is impossible to refuse a slice of gorgeous mascarpone cake. The famous Italian cheese makes ordinary bread a temptation, what can we say about biscuit or sand cakes soaked in a delicate cream?

Lombardians came up mix thick cream with lemon juice or vinegar, and now the whole world is literally crazy about cakes, cupcakes, desserts with mascarpone cheese.

There are many pastry recipes that use soft, soft cheese. Cake with mascarpone can be sponge, sandy, pancake.

It can be made from ready-made cookies, carrots, poppies, meringues - any option will be good with a cup of fresh tea or coffee.

Cream based on mascarpone goes well with fruit, berries, coffee, honey, chocolate, liquor. You can experiment as much as you want.

Mascarpone Cake - General Cooking Principles

For the preparation of the cake will need to prepare the cake and cream. If the cake is biscuit, you will need to beat the eggs well with sugar and flour. Proteins and yolks are whipped separately, then yolks mixed with sugar or powdered sugar are introduced into the protein mass, at the end of the sifted flour.

If you are preparing a sandwich cake with mascarpone, then you should knead the elastic, loose dough out of the ingredients, keep it in the refrigerator for a bit, and then bake the base for the future cake.

Basic cream recipe includes mascarpone itself, sugar in the form of powdered sugar and any aromatic component: citric acid, coffee, liquor. All the ingredients are simply whipped with a mixer until a homogeneous air mass is obtained.

If need heavier creamthen you can add butter, a little vanilla extract and a pinch of salt to the basic ingredients. At first, soft butter is whipped, powdered sugar is gradually added to it, at the end mascarpone, lemon juice, vanilla extract, and salt are added. It is impossible to beat the cream for too long: it will exfoliate, turn into a curd.

Considered a classic cream of mascarpone and cream. Necessary cream for whipping, that is, high-fat. First, they are whipped, then all the main ingredients - at low speed.

If berries are used in the cake, you do not need to wash them. Flour cakes necessarily need to sift. To grind sugar for receiving icing sugar in the coffee grinder or to use ready powder. If in the recipe you need to whip proteins, then the eggs should be cold.

Biscuit cakes are usually baked at 180-190 degrees. Form the dough before pouring butter. Baking time depends on the diameter of the mold (a thick layer of dough is baked longer). The classic way to check readiness is a dry toothpick.

Cake with mascarpone "Coffee-liqueur tiramisu"

The classic pastry art - the famous Italian tiramisu. Cooking a cake using this recipe is very simple, because you don’t have to bake anything. The classic version of this mascarpone cake is made from ready-made biscotti or savoyard biscuits. This means that no moisture at the bottom of the dish will not appear. Fabulous taste!


• two hundred grams of biscuit biscuit biscuit (savoyardi);

• a glass of natural strong coffee without milk and sugar;

• a glass of liquor, rum or brandy;

• thirty grams of grated chocolate (or cocoa powder);

• four hundred grams of mascarpone;

• eighty grams of powdered sugar "

• two chicken eggs.

Cooking method:

Cool coffee and mix with alcohol.

Third, finely grate a chocolate bar.

Carefully separate the yolks.

Grind the yolks with powdered sugar.

Squirrels beat mixer with a strong foam.

Put the soft cheese in a container, gradually pour the yolks with sugar, mixing thoroughly.

Add whipped proteins to the cream, mix and remove to the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Biscuit biscuits dipped in a coffee and liqueur mixture and spread on a plate (in the form).

Spread half a cream over a layer of biscuit.

Repeat both layers.

Cover the cake from the top and sides with chocolate chips.

Remove the treat in the fridge for two or three hours for soaking.

Cake with mascarpone biscuit "Creamy-chocolate"

Wonderful, tender biscuit with cream of cream, soft cheese and chocolate can be prepared in the home kitchen. To prepare a mascarpone toast for this recipe is quite troublesome, but if you follow the work precisely, you will definitely get the airy sponge cake.


• three chicken eggs;

• three hundred grams of powdered sugar (two hundred in the dough, one hundred per cream);

• 120 grams of white flour;

• 150 grams of mascarpone;

• 160 grams of natural dark chocolate (one hundred for pouring, sixty for cream);

• 350 ml of store-thick cream of the highest fat content (three hundred in the cream, fifty in the fill);

• a glass of strong tea;

• two or three spoons of finished coconut shavings.

Cooking method:

Separate chicken yolks from proteins.

Using a mixer at high speed, beat the yolks and one hundred grams of powdered sugar.

With a mixer, beat the whites with the remaining half of the powder (also one hundred grams) until the proteins start to keep their shape well (the stage of stable peaks).

Gently pour the yolk mixture into the whites. Slowly, gently stir with a spatula to maintain airiness.

At least gently, pour the flour in parts, stir in a circular motion with a spatula from the bottom of the container upwards. The dough should resemble a thick, but light and pleasant foam.

Pour dough into the form. It will not flow, so you can use the confectionary split ring without a bottom.

Bake for about half an hour.

Prepare the cream, starting with whipping cream and powdered sugar.

Grate chocolate on a fine grater.

In creamy peaks in small portions add alternately mascarpone and chocolate.

Before you collect the cake, you need to wait until the biscuit is completely cooled.

Cut the biscuit into two or three parts.

Spoon type black strong tea (need half a glass) and soak the cakes.

To collect the cake, promazyvaya layers of cream. The top does not need to coat.

With a knife trim the sides, if necessary.

Put the cake in the refrigerator to soak it.

An hour later, get a cake and pour the icing.

To prepare the glaze, you need to pour the remaining cream into the saucepan and put a tile of broken chocolate into small pieces.

While stirring, heat the cream with chocolate until the frosting is completely uniform.

Pour the cake, be sure to spread the icing on the sides.

Decorate with shavings, almond petals or confectionary dressing.

Put the cake back in the fridge for ten or twelve again.

The cake will be very, very delicate, so it should be cut with a sharp thin knife.

Cake with mascarpone "Berry tart"

Mascarpone is very good with berries. The sand cake according to this recipe is crumbly, with berry sourness, very tender and tasty.


• two glasses of white flour;

• half a cup of powdered sugar;

• nine tablespoons of butter;

• spoon of cold milk;

• two eggs;

• bag of vanillin (teaspoon);

• lemon;

• 250 grams of mascarpone soft cheese;

• half a can of condensed milk;

• tablespoon of heavy cream;

• some icing sugar.

Cooking method:

Separate chicken yolks, only they will be needed.

Peel the lemon zest.

Knead the dough from flour, yolks, powdered sugar, butter, milk and vanilla and lemon peel.

Roll the dough into a bowl, put in the fridge for about two hours.

Put the dough between the pieces of food film, trying to sustain the size of the form.

Preheat oven.

Put the dough layer into a clean shape, make holes in five or six places with a fork.

Bake the cake for about fifteen minutes, until the test turns golden.

Prepare the cream, whipping mascarpone with condensed milk and a spoonful of cream.

When the cake is completely cool, lay out the cream.

Spread the berry mix on top of the cream: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, red currants.

Garnish the berries with powdered sugar.

Cake with mascarpone "Pretty ballerina"

A wonderful mascarpone cake is one of the variations of the famous cake, named for the great ballerina Anna Pavlova. Air meringues give the treat incredible ease.


• six chicken eggs;

• four hundred grams of powdered sugar;

• a pound of any fresh berries and fruits (strawberries, raspberries, peaches);

• a bunch of fresh basil;

• a bag of vanillin or two teaspoons of vanilla extract;

• two teaspoons of wine vinegar;

• three teaspoons of cornstarch;

• a pound of mascarpone;

• 250 ml heavy cream.

Cooking method:

Preheat oven to one hundred degrees.

Mix cornstarch with 250 g of powdered sugar.

Separate cold proteins and beat them until resistant peaks.

Continuing to beat the eggs, pour the icing sugar.

At the end, pour in vanilla extract (or add vanilla), wine vinegar, beat for a minute.

Bake meringues on a sheet lined with baking paper. Spoon scoop the egg base and put in a circle on a sheet.

Bake meringues for about an hour until they turn golden.

Peaches (or other fruits) cut into slices.

Fresh basil finely chopped.

Beat the mascarpone with the remains of powdered sugar and cream. If desired, add lemon zest and a spoonful of lemon juice to the cream.

When the meringues have cooled, form a cake.

Put the air meringue on a plate.

On top of each, apply butter cream.

Distribute berries and fruits on top of the cream.

Sprinkle with basil cakes, a pinch of powdered sugar.

Cake with Mascarpone "Cherry Chocolate"

Another version of sponge cake with mascarpone will delight lovers of cherries and chocolate. Preparing a delicacy is very simple, but it turns out beautiful and tasty.


• three chicken eggs;

• three hundred grams of powdered sugar;

• 150 grams of white flour;

• 300 ml heavy cream;

• 300 grams of mascarpone;

• a bar of dark chocolate;

• two hundred grams of fresh or canned cherries;

• some butter.

Cooking method:

Beat the eggs half (150 grams) of powdered sugar mixeromy.

Little by little, without stopping beating, add white flour.

Pour the batter into the mold.

Bake sponge cake at a temperature not higher than 190 degrees.

Biscuit to cool completely, if the cake turned out to be thick, cut in half.

Grate chocolate.

Prepare a base cream of mascarpone, powdered sugar and cream.

Put cherry berries on a sponge cake (if canned cherries are used, squeeze the juice carefully).

Put an air cream on top of the berries.

Cover the cake with chocolate chips.

Cake with Mascarpone "Poppy"

Poppy lovers can enjoy the delicious mascarpone poppy cake. The airy, magnificent delicacy looks very beautiful in the section.


• one hundred grams of food poppy;

• 250 ml of milk;

• a pound of powdered sugar;

• three hundred grams of soft butter;

• two hundred grams of white flour;

• two bags of vanilla;

• a tablespoon of baking powder;

• three chicken proteins;

• a pinch of salt;

• 350 grams of mascarpone;

• one hundred grams of blueberries (can be replaced with other berries).

Cooking method:

To steam up poppy, previously having washed it through a strainer.

To do this, pour the poppy seeds with 200 ml of boiling milk, cool it, then put it on fire again and boil it until the liquid boils away (about twenty minutes).

Swollen poppy seed twice in a meat grinder or whisk with a blender.

Prepare the dough with a fork, rubbed soft butter with a bag of vanillin and 150 grams of powdered sugar.

Add baking powder and salt, mix and leave for three minutes.

Sift flour and parts pour it to the oil base.

Pour the remaining milk, stir the dough.

Add steamed poppy into the dough and mix again.

Squirrels beat with 100 grams of powdered sugar to the peaks.

Introduce proteins into poppy dough, gently mix all the movements from the bottom up.

Bake the dough in the form, missed butter, about fifty minutes.

Cool the cake completely.

Prepare a cream of soft cheese, vanilla, powdered sugar (250 grams).

Cut the cake in two halves.

Smear cakes with one-third cream.

Lubricate the top and sides with the rest of the creamy mass.

Decorate the cake with blueberries, a few grains of poppy.

Send for soaking on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Cake with mascarpone "Carrot-nut"

Carrot baking turns out juicy and moist - you need to be ready for this. Unusual fresh taste and beautiful color give this mascarpone cake a special charm.


• three chicken eggs;

• 250 ml of olive, rapeseed or sunflower oil;

• 180 grams of brown granulated sugar;

• 250 grams of white flour;

• bag of vanilla sugar;

• one third teaspoon of soda;

• a quarter spoonful of salt;

• as much cinnamon powder;

• teaspoon baking powder;

• half teaspoon ginger and nutmeg powder;

• 350 grams of finely grated carrot;

• 150 grams of walnuts;

• 250 grams of mascarpone;

• half a cup of powdered sugar;

• lemon.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs, butter, vanilla and brown sugar.

Sift flour and mix with soda, baking powder, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon and salt.

Gradually add flour mixture, continuing to whip butter and eggs.

In a uniform dough, add carrots and chopped or grated nuts (leave a handful for decoration).

Knead the dough well.

Bake the cake for about fifty minutes, cool.

Prepare a cream of cheese, powdered sugar and two spoons of lemon juice.

Cut the cake in two halves.

Grease cakes inside and outside with cream, decorate with walnuts.

Pancake cake with mascarpone "Coffee with cognac"

The original look and taste of mascarpone pancake cake will be very surprising. Gentle cream, brandy aroma with a subtle coffee note is a wonderful beginning of a Sunday day.


• two glasses of white flour;

• three table boats of sugar;

• two tablespoons of brandy;

• five chicken eggs;

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• two glasses of milk;

• a pound of mascarpone;

• can of condensed milk;

• three tablespoons of coffee liqueur;

• chocolate bar (any).

Cooking method:

Bake pancakes from eggs, flour, sugar, milk, butter and brandy.

Prepare the cream of mascarpone, coffee liqueur, condensed milk.

Fluff pancakes cream, forming a high cake.

Chocolate grate finely and pour the cake on top.

Cake with mascarpone - tricks and tips

  • To prevent the biscuit from falling off, it should be cooled in the oven, the door should not be opened for at least half an hour. And also biscuits do not like drafts and noise: during baking, you need to close the vents.

  • Mixing whipped whites and yolks for biscuit, it is necessary to add to the whites first the yolks, and then the flour. With such a correct mixing sequence, the sponge cake will definitely rise.

  • You can add the ingredients you like to the basic recipe for mascarpone cream. Lime, orange, mint are very good - with them the cream will be very fragrant and fresh.


Watch the video: Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe. No Bake Cheesecake Recipe (June 2024).