Hormonal diet: what is the essence, what are the advantages and disadvantages. Will overweight return after a fashionable hormonal diet


Recently, more and more often you can see full people on the street. A large body mass often does not allow a person to live normally, and forces them to take the most desperate steps for the sake of losing weight.

Hormone diet for women, which will be discussed below, allows with minimal effort to solve the problem of completeness caused by hormonal imbalance.

The results of multiple studies confirm the dependence of gaining excess body weight in women on the level of certain hormones. So, the more the pancreas produces insulin, and the ovaries produce estrogen, the higher the chance of the formation of excess fat in the body. These data have allowed nutritionists to develop a nutritional system that lowers these hormones at the same time. increase the percentage of adrenaline, testosterone, somatropin, norepinephrine, and other fat-burning hormones.

What can increase estrogen and insulin levels:

• hormonal contraceptives;

• period of pregnancy and lactation;

• menopause;

• treatment of hormonal disorders.

Any of these processes, and other hormonal imbalances, can lead to a gain in fat mass due to metabolic changes, increased appetite and fluid retention. If hormonal imbalances are caused by serious illnesses, then no diet will help, and medical attention is required. And in cases of temporary natural changes in the body, it is enough to follow a hormonal diet for easy adjustment of hormone levels.

Where is hormone fat stored?

In what place and at what speed fat is deposited in the body, often depends on the excessive content of a certain hormone:

estrogen stimulates the formation of fat on the buttocks, to adjust the condition you need to eat foods rich in fiber;

insulin causes fat deposits on the sides to get rid of it, eat meat, fish, a large number of vegetables;

• stress hormones, cortisol form fat on the stomach, and only healthy fats (preferably fish oil), whole grains and legumes are required to remove it;

testosterone provokes fat deposits on the hands. In this case, you need to significantly increase the amount of protein in the diet and completely eliminate trans fats and hydrogenated fat (pastries, oil creams);

But the lowered level growth hormone may spill fat on the ankles and calves. For correction, it is enough to increase the amount of protein and reduce the intake of fast carbohydrates.

Hormonal diet: basic principles

This diet does not require any special foods or cooking methods - the main thing is that the food is varied and easily digestible. It is better to minimize salt, pepper and other spices that interfere with the removal of fluid from the body, causing swelling.

Each food product has its own score from 0 to 4, according to which it is clear what and how much it contributes to the deposition of fats after eating the product. But products with a zero designation do not put off fat at all, but even contribute to their burning.

Hormone diet product points:

• "0" is assigned to fish, eggs, seafood, white meat, chicken and turkey, rabbit meat, raw vegetables, mushrooms, citrus fruits, herbs, dairy products less than 2% fat, green peas;

• "1" - vegetable fresh, beans and berries;

• "2" - chicken meat (except breast), veal, boiled root vegetables, nuts, cheese (feta cheese, "health", feta), olives, boiled cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley), dairy products up to 4% fat , vegetable oil;

• "3" - boiled potatoes, wheat and millet porridge, cheeses, dark chocolate, fruit juices, corn, natural yogurt, granola;

• "4" - all fatty and sweet foods in the form of duck, goose and pork meat, sausages, canned fish and meat, honey, ice cream, milk chocolate, as well as semolina, fatty dairy products, mayonnaise-based sauces, and other high-calorie products.

It is better to talk about a specific diet and optimal foods with a dietitian, as the number of points can vary in each case.

Concerning estimated meal times, then they should be no later than:

1. breakfast 10:00;

2. lunch 12:00;

3. Lunch 15:00;

4. midday 18:00;

5. dinner 20:00 (no later than three hours before bedtime).

The maximum one-time volume of food, regardless of the time of day, is 300 grams, or slightly more than 1 cup in liquid form.

Do not allow gaps between meals for more than 3 hours, and in between you should drink as much water as possible (at least two liters).

Three stages of hormonal diet developed

The first, preparatory stage

Designed to get rid of fat as quickly as possible. Its duration is only 1-2 weeks, but the first stage is the most difficult. At this time, you need to eat only foods with a minimum energy value, which on a scale of hormonal diet are equal to zero. The exception is vegetable oil (not more than 1 tablespoon per day, preferably in the morning, before breakfast).

The main diet of the first stage is light proteins and the most non-nutritious vegetables. For example, for breakfast you can cook an omelet from a pair of eggs and supplement it with a vegetable salad. For lunch, it would be nice to eat cottage cheese and drink tea. For lunch - a broth of low-fat fish and vegetable salad. For a mid-morning snack, a stew of fish with green peas is perfect for a side dish, and for dinner - a protein in the form of a baked turkey fillet or chicken breast with fresh vegetables.

At the first stage, kilograms leave very quickly, the hormonal background changes, which is fraught with side effects - weakness, tinnitus, dizziness. Try to immediately drink strong very sweet tea and relax for half an hour. After these measures, the symptoms should go away. If this does not happen during the day and the health condition does not improve, then you should consult a doctor.

If the symptoms have passed, then this is probably a sign for the transition to the second stage of the hormonal diet.

In case of health problems, because of which it is impossible to withstand such dietary restrictions, you can skip the preparatory stage and adhere to the recommendations of the second. However, the effect will be much slower.

The second (main) stage

The course of indefinite duration is aimed at a stable, gradual burning of fat. The second stage can last for two days or several months, until the normalization of weight. In this case, the weight leaves relatively slowly, but constantly. At this stage, you need to eat five times a day with the most nutritious breakfast and a minimum high-calorie dinner.

The scorecard is as follows:

• 4 points breakfast;

• 2 - second breakfast;

• 2 - lunch;

• 1 - afternoon snack;

• 0 - dinner.

If one of the meals is skipped, you cannot transfer his points to subsequent ones.

Sample menu of the main stage:

• breakfast - 100 grams of rice and 100 grams of chicken, a glass of low-fat milk;

• second breakfast - nuts with yogurt or kefir;

• lunch - 100 grams of mushroom soup with 100 grams of baked turkey fillet and vegetable salad;

• afternoon snack - oatmeal on low-fat milk;

• dinner - steamed fish.

The third (stabilizing) stage

After reaching a normal weight, the hormonal diet goes into the last stage, the main task of which is the stable maintenance of a normal weight. To do this, add one point per day to one of the meals set during the second stage and control the weight. If after three days the weight continues to decrease, then another point is added, but to a different meal, and so on, until the weight stops decreasing. According to the received scheme, they eat constantly.

It’s not worth adding points for dinner.

Nutrition should remain five meals a day and varied. A prerequisite for restoring the body and maintaining optimal weight is the consumption of a large amount of fluid. It gives an excellent metabolic effect with the normalization of metabolic processes.

Do not forget about the maximum one-time volume of food in 300 grams, products can be selected according to the principle of adding points:

• one 4-point ingredient and several 0-point ones;

• two 2-point;

• one 3-point with 1-point and several 0-point products.

The number of breakfast points, if desired, can be slightly reduced if the result is not achieved as quickly as we would like.

The opinion of doctors about the hormonal diet

Doctors, in principle, do not advise experimenting with nutrition for no good reason, and if you follow a diet, then only prescribed by a doctor. A hormonal diet is no exception. No respected doctor will prescribe such a diet with points, even if the technique has been effective for so many women.

Each organism is individual, and a sharp decrease in energy value in food can cause stress, manifested both from the mental and somatic sides. Sometimes such changes, for example, dystrophy, kidney and heart diseases, as well as metabolic failure, are quite difficult to eliminate. In addition, a sharp change in eating behavior will certainly affect the skin, and often - on the psychological state, causing depressive moods.

Adhering to a hormonal diet, it is advisable to monitor the level of hormones and the state of the body as a whole, especially at the first stage. At the first unpleasant symptoms, it is better to stop the experiments.

Doubtful version of a hormonal diet with hCG (chorionic gonadotropin)

Despite the massive advertising, this method of losing weight can lead to irreversible consequences. The essence of the technique is that a woman begins to eat low-calorie foods, while regularly receiving injections of the hCG hormone (normally intensively produced in pregnant women in early pregnancy). Allegedly, this hormone is able to burn fats and completely remove appetite, as a result of which "kilograms go before our eyes."

In fact, the effectiveness of such a diet has long been refuted, but the side effects of hCG injections are quite dangerous:

• allergic reactions;

• swelling;

• irritability;

• depression;

• increased fatigue;

• severe pain at the injection site;

• ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, up to the formation of cysts.

The introduction of hCG is contraindicated in women with:

• thrombophlebitis;

• adrenal insufficiency;

• any oncological diseases;

• androgen-dependent tumors;

• early menopause;

• during lactation.

With migraines, hypertension, chronic renal failure, ischemia and bronchial asthma, the hormone is administered only in case of emergency.

In the USA and Europe, all hCG-based drugs and dietary supplements have been banned for sale since 2012. Potential hormonal failure and other side effects after using the product should be considered by every woman, deciding on such a rash act.


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