The son of actor Nicholas Cage turned out to be a Satanist


It often happens that children of celebrities prefer their own path in life, not relying on the help of their famous and influential parents. In this regard, the 22-year-old Weston Cage has clearly surpassed his stellar peers. According to the Daily Mail, instead of comprehending the secrets of acting, the young man chose to play thrash music on his guitar.

The other day, British paparazzi photographed Nicolas Cage in an amusement park in Florida. The famous actor walked peacefully with his sons - Weston and Kal-El. Cage's youngest child, seven-year-old Kal-El, looked like an exemplary excellent student, but Weston attracted the attention of visitors to the park with his defiant appearance. The guy with painted eyes and in tattered clothes seems to specially shocked others.

Weston Coppola Cage is known to tabloid readers exclusively as the son of a Hollywood celebrity. But in the musical party of a young man they know from a completely different perspective. The younger Cage is the leader of the band Eyes of Noctum, which performs hard metal. Housewives who adore handsome Cage would certainly be extremely surprised to see a “star boy” at a concert.

Weston is known to be aggressive not only on stage. He beat his wife Nicky Williams, which in fact was the main reason for the divorce. By the way, the musician's mother Christina Fulton also prefers heavy music. The Eyes of Noctum musicians themselves do not consider themselves Satanists. However, journalists have repeatedly written that performers simply do not want problems with the law, and therefore make such statements.


Watch the video: Nicolas Cage: 'Joe' Among Most Memorable Roles (July 2024).