Sour pancakes are the best recipes. How to cook sour pancakes correctly and tasty.


Sour pancakes - general principles and methods of preparation

Where are the pancakes, okay; where are the pancakes, here we are! We all love thin pancakes, but they take time. Another thing is fritters - no less delicious, they are a real lifesaver, when there is no time to cook. Thick pancakes from thick dough, several pieces in a pan, are fried almost instantly, and they are eaten even faster. Fritters from sour milk grow, increase in size, they are lush and soft. Cooking them is a pleasure - firstly, you do not need to get your hands dirty in flour, kneading the dough. Secondly, economical recipes consist of simple, affordable products.

In some cases, yeast dough is used, which starts directly on the water. Withstanding a certain technology, you can get an infinite number of options. Sour pancakes on water are fried with slaked soda, but of course they have a simpler taste. Whatever you say, it’s tastier than pancakes cooked according to classic recipes, including milk or fermented milk products. Pour them with honey, sour cream jam or condensed milk, and get a wonderful dessert for tea drinking.

Sour pancakes - product preparation

The sourness in the fritters dough is unobtrusive and very pleasant. You can get it in different ways - using yogurt or kefir, ordinary whey or just acidified with lemon juice or acid water. Saturated and tasty pancakes are obtained using fermented baked milk or kefir. It is fashionable to bake pancakes on sour cream, but very much they will be high-calorie. The result is even better if diluted with water or milk to the consistency of kefir. If the base is neutral, for lush pancakes you need to add more acid and soda, or use more baking powder. Put the dough in a pan with a spoon, it is very convenient to use a classic wooden Russian spoon.

Sour pancakes - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Sour pancakes on yogurt with apples

You can successfully cook pancakes without apples, but whatever you say, they are tastier and more interesting with them, especially if you cut them into small thin slices. Any variety is suitable, but for contrast it is better that which is more acidic (Antonovka, Semirenko). Diluted sour milk is also better, but if it is not enough, you can dilute it with water.

Ingredients: flour (5 tablespoons with top), egg, yogurt (200 ml), sugar (1 spoon), a pinch of soda, apples (2-3 pieces, preferably acidic), vegetable or ghee for frying.

Cooking method

Chop apples. Some housewives rub them on a coarse grater, but flat pieces are much better. Beat the egg with sugar and salt. Add the flour mixed with ourselves, sour milk and sugar. Mix and add apples. In a heated frying pan with 2 tablespoons of butter, spread the dough, a few pieces, at certain intervals, since the pancakes tend to grow. Fry over low heat. Stir the dough every time, otherwise apples, floating up, are used earlier. Spread on a plate and pour jam or sour cream.

Recipe 2: Sour Pancakes with Pear and Ginger

A dish for lovers of strong tastes. Pear and raw ginger will give a slightly pungent combination, teasing and warming inside. A new taste, pleasant and unusual, will be complemented by cheese - a real men's dish.

Ingredients: eggs (2 pcs), sugar (2 tablespoons), hard cheese (50 grams), fresh or ground ginger, lemon, flour (0.5 cups), vegetable or ghee for frying.

Cooking method

Beat eggs with sugar. Rub the pear and cheese on a coarse grater, add a pinch of ginger. Combine the products with beaten eggs and add a little flour. You can squeeze half a lemon directly into the dough. Fry fritters as usual - laying out spoons in a pan. The pear can not be peeled, so that the distinct taste of the fruit is felt more. Lemon nicely acidifies the dough. Brew strong fresh tea for this dish.

Recipe 3: Sour Banana Fritters

If you want to please loved ones with a very original dish, prepare banana pancakes. By the way, this dish is only unusual for us. In places where bananas can be removed from branches, banana pancakes are one of the daily dishes. There is very little acidic product needed.

Ingredients: flour (1 cup), sugar (1 tablespoon), salt (teaspoon), sour milk (1 cup), soda (half a teaspoon), vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), bananas (2-3 pcs).

Cooking method

Do not like to bother for a long time - use a blender. Mix the egg, sour milk, vegetable oil and bananas until the lumps disappear. Add the mixed flour, baking powder (or soda) and sugar. In a heated frying pan with butter, put the pancakes and fry them in the usual way. You can decorate them with strawberry slices, powdered sugar. Serve with sour cream.

Recipe 4: Sour Yeast Pancakes

Yeast dough seems cranky. Cooking buns or pies should be done with caution, according to proven recipes, so that the dough rises correctly. And in the case of pancakes, you don’t have to worry - the first time they will turn out just fine with you.

Ingredients: flour (600 grams), milk mixed with water (600 grams), sugar (1 spoon), yeast (20 grams), sugar (2-3 tablespoons), salt, eggs (2-3 pcs), vegetable oil, butter (1 spoon).

Cooking method

For dough, we breed 20 grams of yeast in a small amount of water (three tablespoons are enough). Add half the milk and half a spoonful of sugar to the mixture, then 2 cups of sifted flour. Mix the dough and cover with a towel. Leave for a few hours. When the dough rises, we breed the remaining products in a separate bowl, pour into the dough and gradually pour the flour. The dough is soft and supple. It should fit a little and can be fried in the usual way. Beautiful rosy pancakes - what you need for breakfast or dinner.

Sour pancakes - tips from experienced chefs

Fritters can be cooked with cottage cheese. You will say: yes these are ordinary cheesecakes - but there are still differences. The pancake dough is more liquid, while the cheesecakes are molded by hand. Cheesecakes with berries are added even better - for example, currants or raspberries. You can use frozen berries. Just crush the cottage cheese with eggs and combine with the rest of the ingredients and fry on both sides.


Watch the video: The Fluffiest Pancakes You'll Ever Eat (July 2024).