Brad Pitt will buy sex videos Jolie for $ 10 million


It is known that the recognized Hollywood handsome Brad Pitt is very sensitive to the reputation of his common-law wife Angelina Jolie. The actor is trying to buy a video that captures the sexual games of the star of the “Tourists”.

Brad offered the owners of incriminating evidence an amazing amount of ten million dollars. The detectives hired by the actor found that the piquant record was made back in 1999. Provocative photos of Jolie were also shot along with the video. A close friend of the star family told reporters that Brad intends to lay out huge amounts of money in order to get photos and film. "Now his main goal is to protect children from unflattering information in the press."

Angelina does not give any interviews about the new dirt. The famous actress has repeatedly said that she previously led a wild life and abused drugs. I would like to note that Brad Pete always dreamed of taking Angelina to the crown and it seems that the long-awaited event finally happened.

In early January, domestic and foreign media announced: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie secretly married during the Christmas holidays in the Caribbean. Official representatives of the actors are still silent and do not confirm information about the marriage of the favorites of the public.


Watch the video: Angelina Jolie Rejected Brad Pitts $100 Million Offer? (June 2024).