Simple step by step recipes for delicious zucchini fritters. Cooking lush, airy pancakes from zucchini (step by step description)


Zucchini is appreciated by chefs for a delicate sweet taste. The vegetable does not have a pungent odor, which makes it possible to add almost any dish with zucchini - delicate pulp is added to soups, salads and vegetable roast are prepared with it. Especially popular in the season fritters from zucchini, they are prepared easily and quickly, requiring only a minimum of effort and skill from the cook.

In the article, well-known and unusual step-by-step recipes of fritters from zucchini are selected, it is described in detail which zucchini to choose than to complement the dough, so that the taste of fritters becomes more saturated. Explains how to fry pancakes from zucchini in a pan or cook in the oven a diet version of the dish.

General principles for preparing fritters from zucchini according to step-by-step recipes

• Despite the fact that cooking fritters does not require unique skills, there are several secrets that make them especially tasty. First of all, it is important to carefully and correctly choose zucchini. The peel of vegetables should not be wrinkled, smoothness and glossy luster - a hallmark of a ripe, high-quality vegetable.

• Young and mature zucchini are suitable for fritters, the cooking process differs only in the preparation of the vegetable. If the peel is not cut off from the young fruit, then it must be removed from the mature squash, otherwise rough particles will be felt in the pancakes. In addition, regardless of the degree of maturity of the fetus, you need to inspect the seeds. To do this, the zucchini is cut along and if the seeds are large, they must be removed.

• There are many ways to grind the pulp of a vegetable. Almost always it is rubbed on a grater, changing, if necessary, only the size of the cells. Sometimes, interrupting with a blender, mashed potatoes are prepared, but this is usually done only if semolina is added, which draws in excess moisture excessively.

• It is advisable to add salt to the dough immediately before frying. Zucchini - watery vegetables, when interacting with salt, they liberate juice abundantly. If the dough is salted earlier, the dough will float, and frying the last batch of fritters will be difficult.

• The main components of the dough for fritters: squash, flour and eggs. The latter are added to bind vegetable chips. In addition to the above, other ingredients can be added to the dough, enhancing the taste or allowing you to cook more fluffy pancakes. It can be cheese, minced meat, kefir, semolina, greens. Spices and salt are used based on their own taste.

• Zucchini fritters are fried in a thick-walled pan in high-quality vegetable oil. Dough, prying with a spoon, dipped in warmed fat. If it is put in an insufficiently hot oil, firstly, it will creep out, and secondly, the products are filled with excess fat. Fry, without covering, on both sides, until a delicate blush is obtained. The pan is closed only in special cases when lush pancakes are prepared so that the pancakes are steamed over the entire thickness.

• There is another cooking method when the dough is baked in the oven. With this method, fat is practically not used, but is applied in the thinnest layer on parchment, which covers the roasting pan. A detailed step-by-step recipe for diet fritters from zucchini is in the article, using its principles you can cook in the oven other fritters from this collection.

• Serving zucchini fritters, it is customary to release sour cream or yogurt to them without flavoring. Based on these fermented milk products, you can prepare a sauce. The simplest recipe for yogurt sauce can be found in our step-by-step recipes for zucchini fritters.

The easiest zucchini fritters: a step-by-step recipe


• zucchini, small - 2 pcs.;

• 5-6 tablespoons of flour;

• two selected eggs;

• garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Zucchini should be washed thoroughly with warm water. It is advisable to cut the peel with a thin layer, but if the vegetable is young, you can leave it. Cut the zucchini along and remove the large seeds. After rubbing the pulp of the vegetable on a coarse grater, here on the shallow side chop the garlic. For two small zucchini, one prong is quite enough.

2. After pouring two eggs into the cup, shake them until smooth with a fork and send them to a bowl with zucchini. Having slightly salted the vegetable mass, add less than a third of a spoon of pepper and mix well.

3. We sift the flour to remove weed impurities from it, pour it into the zucchini and stir well again.

4. The dough for fritters is ready, you can start frying. Pouring oil into the pan, put on medium heat and warm. Scooping the vegetable mass with a tablespoon, dip it in hot fat. When the underside is lightly browned, gently flip it over and bring the other side to brown. On average, frying one side can take from three to five minutes.

5. Put the finished pancakes in a bowl and cover with a towel so that they retain heat for as long as possible. Do not use the lid or, even worse, the film, the fritters will quickly soften.

Zucchini aerial pancakes: a step-by-step recipe for kefir


• three tablespoons of flour;

• 50 gr. granulated sugar;

• half a spoon of quicklime soda;

• large egg;

• two small, young squash;

• non-aromatic vegetable oil, highly refined;

• 100 ml of kefir.

Cooking method:

1. Pour kefir into a bowl. It is advisable to use a warm dairy product, so preheat it at room temperature. Add soda to kefir and mix thoroughly. Set the bowl aside, let the acid activate the soda.

2. After washing the zucchini, with a sharp knife or a potato peel, thinly cut the peel. Rub the flesh of the vegetable on a medium grater, put sugar and mix.

3. We stir the egg in kefir and pour it into the zucchini, add flour, put a little salt. Thoroughly stir the zucchini dough, flour lumps should not remain in it. If it turned out to be rare, still interfere with the flour, but not much. We try to cook the dough by density as for ordinary pancakes. If zucchini after crushing allocated a lot of juice, it is better to squeeze them slightly and only then add kefir.

4. Pour oil into the pan, it should not be small, but there is no need for excess. We cover the bottom of the pan, about a centimeter. As the oil warms up, the oil will begin to crackle, then we dose the dough with a spoon and fry the pancakes, turning over as it turns to brown.

5. The dough rises literally before our eyes, the zucchini pancakes on kefir are remarkably lush.

Delicious zucchini pancakes: a step-by-step recipe with fresh herbs and cheese


• large zucchini;

• 80 gr. hard cheese;

• garlic;

• egg;

• fresh dill;

• a spoon of first-class wheat flour.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the zucchini, carefully wash its surface with water. As a rule, the peel of a large vegetable is hard, it needs to be removed, but if you have very young zucchini, we leave the skin. Pay attention to the seeds, after cutting the vegetable along. If the seeds are large - remove.

2. Coarsely rub the squash into a wide bowl. Strain the excess juice and grind cheese into the bowl with the same grater, mix.

3. Finely chop two cloves of garlic and herbs. You can do with garlic as with cheese and zucchini - grate, but with small holes. We shift the crushed components to the zucchini mass, add a little pepper, flour, and, slightly salted, mix. Salt must be added taking into account the salinity of the cheese, otherwise you can spoil the pancakes.

4. Fry pancakes in lean, well-warmed butter, in a thick-walled pan. We spread the vegetable dough with a spoon in a well-heated fat. Turn over, browning the bottom side enough, fry the other side too until golden brown.

Lush zucchini fritters: a step-by-step recipe with semolina


• three medium young squash;

• two large eggs;

• a glass of semolina;

• a spoon of white flour.

Cooking method:

1. Wash off dirt from zucchini, cut along, then cut finely. Grind it with a blender or food processor. Slightly add the resulting homogeneous mass, combine with semolina and leave for 20 minutes. During this time, the cereal will swell enough, which will make the vegetable mass more dense.

2. Wash the eggshell with warm water. Gently breaking, pour the whites into a bowl, and put the yolks in a cup. Beat the whites to splendor, stir the yolks until smooth.

3. We mix flour into the squash mass, introduce the yolks, and then, in small portions, mix the protein mass. The gradual introduction of eggs will allow you to cook more magnificent pancakes. At the end, you should get a thin, uniform dough, a little thicker than for ordinary fritters.

4. Spread the squash dough with a tablespoon in a well-hot oil in a pan. Initially, fry under the lid until the lower side is lightly browned, then turn and fry until golden and the second side, but without the lid.

Dietary marrow pancakes: a step-by-step recipe with spinach for the oven


• half a kilo of young zucchini and fresh spinach;

• 50 gr. flour;

• three selected eggs;

• 5 gr. ground thyme;

• garlic;

• olive oil - 25 gr.

For the sauce:

• 150 gr. natural non-fat yogurt without flavoring;

• a spoon of finely chopped dill;

• clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. From the washed zucchini, thinly peel the peel. Cut the vegetables in half, if the seeds are large - choose. Rub the pulp into a bowl on a coarse grater, slightly add salt and set aside for fifteen minutes.

2. While the vegetable mass settles, wash the leaves of spinach and dry it from moisture, soaking it with a towel. Hard stems are removed, and the leaves are cut thinly, in short stripes. We clean two garlic cloves.

3. The squeezed out squeezed squeeze out hands, the allocated juice is decanted. We break the eggs into the zucchini mass, add the flour, thyme and a little ground pepper. Finely rub the garlic to the zucchini and mix everything thoroughly, after which we mix the zucchini mass with spinach.

4. Prepare a baking sheet - cover the roasting pan with parchment paper and grease it with olive oil.

5. Retreating to the thickness of the finger, from each other, spread small portions of squash dough with a spoon. Set the baking sheet in the middle level of a very preheated oven. Cooking fritters from zucchini a quarter of an hour.

6. While the pancakes are baked, prepare the sauce. We mix yogurt with chopped dill, squeeze garlic to it, add salt and chop with a blender.

7. Pour hot pancakes with freshly prepared sauce and serve.

Tricks for making zucchini fritters - tips and tricks

• There is a simple way to make thicker squash dough. Salt the vegetable mass immediately after chopping the zucchini. Let her stand for half an hour and strain the juice that has stood out. You can slightly squeeze zucchini.

• Achieving a uniform pancake structure is easier if you rub the squash as finely as possible. From coarse chips get a heterogeneous dough with obvious fiber.

• Put the dough out of the spoon in a small pot, then the pancakes will not resemble a pancake. If the consistency allows, put not one, but one and a half tablespoons, and the second portion, on top of the first.

• Do not make the fire maximum; after warming up the oil, set medium heat. The pancakes are baked evenly, the middle will not remain raw, and the bottom will not burn.


Watch the video: Strawberry shortcake pancakes. Dominique's kitchen (June 2024).