Gastritis: treatment of folk remedies. Does it make sense in the treatment of gastritis folk remedies - ask an experienced doctor


Gastritis is an acute and chronic inflammatory process affecting the gastric mucosa.

Pathology is quite a great danger to the life and health of the patient, because with the passage of time mucosal ulceration occurs, and in severe cases it can be a question of perforation of the stomach walls and subsequent severe complications.

Despite the seriousness of the disease, patients rarely pay special attention to their condition. According to statistics, only in Russia about 60% of the population suffers from gastritis in one form or another.

However, the Soviet tradition and hope for the good old "maybe" lead to the fact that people do not go to doctors, but prefer self-treatment.

The flight of thought here is truly enormous: someone runs to a neighbor for advice, someone searches for methods of treatment on the Internet and delves into the advice of pseudo-healers from television, etc.

Meanwhile, much, if not most, of what is replicated in the global network is not only useless, but also, often, dangerous.

Gastritis treatment of folk remedies. Natural products

Of course, the use of natural products favorably affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract. But only if it is a healthy person.


1) Mix lemon juice with natural honey and vegetable oil (olive). Ratio: 0.5: 1: 0.5. Direction of use: 1 spoon. Take 30 minutes before meals.

Doctor's comment: Having chosen such an exotic method of treating gastritis, the patient risks much earlier to be in the emergency room of gastroenterology. The authors of the recipe do not take into account that there are two main forms of gastritis: with high and low acidity.

If the stomach cells produce an excessive amount of gastric juice, this recipe can cause irreparable harm to health. The thing is that the mucosa of the organ is already irritated. Lemon juice - almost pure organic acid, will contribute to even more rapid destruction of the mucous. Honey, in turn, actively stimulates the production of its own hydrochloric acid.

It is not hard to guess that in a patient with gastritis with high acidity, the stomach will very soon turn into something non-functional.

For patients with gastritis with low acidity, this recipe is also dangerous, because lemon juice will irritate the already inflamed mucosa.

In its pure form, wrecking and incompetent advice.

2) Perga is mixed with natural honey. The ratio is 1: 1. Reception to carry out 3 times a day on the table spoon.

Doctor's comment: partially help only patients with gastritis with low acidity, because it contributes to the production of hydrochloric acid. For patients with the second form - the prescription is dangerous for the reasons already mentioned.

3) Vodka or medical alcohol mixed with grated radish / oil / further on the list in a combination of 1: 0.5 ....

Doctor's comment: Having found recipes on the Internet in which such an ingredient as medical alcohol or vodka is found, you can stop reading. Ethanol significantly irritates the gastric mucosa, often itself becomes the cause of gastritis and peptic ulcer. Such recipes are dangerous for patients with both forms of gastritis.

4) Eat 0.5-1 kg of peeled green apples during the day, dividing this amount into 5-6 servings.

Doctor's comment: useless and dangerous recipe. Apples - a storehouse of hydrochloric acid. Like any acid - malic effectively destroys the mucous. Such treatment will lead to disability or death rather than to recovery.

5) In a glass of warm water dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda. Method of administration: 3 tablespoons with a frequency of 2-3 times a day.

Doctor's comment: It is worth remembering the school course of inorganic chemistry. Soda - acid salt of carbonic acid. Upon contact with hydrochloric acid, the latter is actually neutralized (NaHCO3 + HCL = NaCl + Co2 + H2O).

However, the neutralization reaction is accompanied by the release of heat and a huge amount of carbon dioxide. As a result, instead of relief, the patient will receive heaviness, bloating, pain, and severe gastric dysfunction, which cannot cope on its own.

6) Drink 2 glasses of pineapple juice on an empty stomach.

Doctor's comment: Council authors appeal to the high content of the enzyme-bromelain in pineapple juice. It really is. It helps to improve digestion and reduces inflammation. But sick gastritis will hardly help. Before removing inflammation, it is necessary to normalize the acidity of the medium. The recipe itself is useless.

7) 30 minutes before a meal, drink ¼, ½, or 1 glass of potato juice, depending on tolerance.

Doctor's comment: Potato juice can not cure gastritis. Due to the high starch content, the potato juice will contribute to a temporary improvement. A sharp deterioration may catch the patient at the most unexpected moment.

8) Drink on an empty stomach juice squeezed from 1 carrot.

Doctor's comment: carrots, with gastritis with high acidity, can not be used in any form. It contains nicotinic, ascorbic acid, carotene and a number of other substances that irritate the gastric mucosa and promote the production of its own gastric juice. The effectiveness of carrot juice in gastritis with low acidity is also questionable.

9) When gastritis with a PC to take the composition of natural honey and water in the ratio of 1 tbsp. on a glass of warm water. 3 times a day, 60-120 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment: 2 months.

Doctor's comment: frankly delusional and harmful advice. Honey as an aid is sometimes used with another form of gastritis. To treat the increased acidity with honey is extremely dangerous, since the production of hydrochloric acid will increase significantly.

10) In any form of gastritis, the Borjomi / Narzan mineral water is excellent, further down the list.

Doctor's comment: apply mineral water during gastritis should be with great caution. The trace elements that make up the waters, acids and other active substances with an illiterate approach will only aggravate the patient's condition. Such treatment can be a good help only after consulting with a gastroenterologist.

Gastritis treatment of folk remedies. Herbs.

Do not lag behind in their recommendations and herbalists.

1) Mix the crushed leaves of peppermint, trefoil, orange peel. Mix with water in combination 2 teaspoons of the composition in a glass of water. Take a glass half an hour before meals.

Doctor's comment: peppermint is relatively safe for gastritis. However, the pronounced therapeutic effect is not. As for the orange peel - it contains a large amount of citric acid, destroying the gastric mucosa. The recipe is dangerous.

2) Take juice or tincture of motherwort. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. You can prepare the tincture "in reserve" for the winter by mixing the juice with alcohol or vodka in a 1: 1 ratio.

Doctor's comment: motherwort does not have any effect in the treatment of gastritis. The recipe itself is useless. The maximum that a patient can count on is calm of nerves and normalization of heartbeat. In combination with ethanol, the recipe becomes threatening, since, as was said, alcohol during gastritis is absolutely contraindicated.

3) Grind the seeds of the plantain in a coffee grinder. Take 10 g dissolved in half a glass of water 2 times a day for 2 weeks or until the condition is normalized.

Doctor's comment: The composition does not fight the change in acidity. Only suitable for complex treatment as a healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

4) To treat any form of gastritis, take 1 tbsp. plantain juice 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Doctor's comment: the same as with the recipe above.

5) At lunchtime and before dinner, take 1 tablespoon of olive oil with chopped peppermint.

Doctor's comment: incomprehensible essence of the recipe. Olive oil does not have an even score, no effect, and peppermint is more effective to take in the composition with water.

6) Prepare the composition: Mix 10% propolis solution with a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil. Proportion: 10: 1. Take 10-20 ml 3 times a day before the next meal.

Doctor's comment: in the absence of intolerance to the components, the patient can take the specified composition. However, there is still the same problem. This tool will bring only temporary relief, since the intensity of the work of gastric mucous cells will continue.

7) Prepare tincture of pine cones (green) with honey. Half a jar of honey - three small bumps. Insist 3 months. Better in a place protected from sunlight. Method of application - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

Doctor's comment: the bumps do have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition would be great for treating gastritis with high acidity. The recipe spoils the honey. It is contraindicated in this form of the disease for the above reasons.

Gastritis treatment of folk remedies. Findings.

As far as can be judged, a large part of what is in the global network is useless or dangerous formulations recommended by people far from medicine.

If the patient decided to treat gastritis on their own, you should follow a number of warnings and recommendations:

1) Honey for gastritis with high acidity is prohibited. In gastritis with low acidity, it can be used in small quantities, but the therapeutic effect is minimal.

2) Alcohol, vodka is also prohibited in any form of the disease.

3) Carrots, leaf lettuce, citrus fruits are absolutely contraindicated, and therefore can not be components of the recipes to combat pathology.

4) Potatoes bring temporary relief.

5) Anti-inflammatory compounds (which include aloe, sea buckthorn, pine cones, plantain, etc.) are defective as an independent means. They need to be taken in combination with drugs or herbal preparations that normalize acidity.

In general, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in conjunction with traditional medical therapy and strictly under the supervision of a specialist doctor.


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