Curd cream is a healthy dessert and filler for homemade baking. Recipes homemade curd cream and options for its use


Cheese cream first appeared in Russian cuisine at the beginning of the 15th century in the form of Easter cheese. There are many recipes for making curd cream.

Curd cream is an excellent filling for cakes, pastries, muffins, plaques. It is used independently, as a dessert, which can be varied in every way with fruits (banana, pear, mandarin), berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants), chocolate, syrup.

Curd cream - general principles of preparation

Consider the types of curd creams and methods for their preparation.

All types of cream cheese are divided into two types - raw and custard. Their composition is almost the same, only the cooking technology differs.

The main component of cottage cheese cream is cottage cheese, which must be fresh. When preparing raw curd cream, cottage cheese is not subjected to any heat treatment, and for custard, cottage cheese is placed in a water bath.

For any curd cream, cottage cheese must be grated through a sieve, passed through a meat grinder or beat in a blender. Cottage cheese should turn out without lumps, become a homogeneous mass.

Recipe 1. Curd "Creme brulee"

Delicious ice cream - will delight your baby.


• Milk - 50 ml.

• Cottage cheese - 200 gr.

• Boiled condensed milk - half a can.

Cooking method

First of all, you need to grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, you can two times so that there are no lumps left. Then mix the cottage cheese and condensed milk thoroughly with a mixer or in a blender. Then add milk, also mix.

Next, distribute the curd mass on the molds for ice cream or muffins. And send it to the freezer. Stand for at least 2 hours. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2. Walnut-chocolate cake with curd cream


For biscuit:

• 3 eggs.

• 100 g of sugar.

• 50 ml of vegetable oil.

• 150 g flour.

• 10 g of baking powder.

• 1 pack vanilla sugar.

• 2 tbsp. l cognac.

• 100 g of walnuts.

• 4 tbsp. l cocoa powder.

For curd cream:

• 1 egg.

• 300 g of cottage cheese.

• 50 g of powdered sugar.

• 15 g of vanilla powder.


• 150 g - canned cherries.

Cooking method

Cooking cream:

Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender, add the egg, icing sugar and vanilla powder. Mix everything well.

Cooking the dough:

Beat eggs with sugar in a lush foam, add vegetable oil, beat again. Then mix the dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Add crushed nuts, mix well and pour in the egg mixture, gently stirring with a wooden spatula.

We take a small square shape, it must be covered with baking paper and smeared with butter or vegetable oil. Pour dough into it. On top of it with a confectionery syringe we draw a lattice or any other drawing of curd cream.

We put in a preheated oven 180 gr. for 35 minutes. Garnish with cherries and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 3. Curd cream for eclairs

Eclairs - insanely delicious, but high-calorie dessert, because it is made with oily fat cream. But as an easier option of filling, you can use the most delicate curd cream. To taste, it is impeccable.


• 200 gr. cottage cheese;

• 1 glass of powdered sugar;

• 200 ml cream;

• Vanillin.

Cooking method

Prepare the cottage cheese, grinding through a sieve, add the icing sugar into it and mix well. Then add whipped cream, vanilla sugar or vanilla essence, whip with a mixer, you need to make the curd cream air. Then, using a pastry syringe or pouch, fill the eclairs through a small hole or side incision.

Recipe 4. Cupcakes for children with cranberries and curd cream

These cupcakes are perfect for baby food, your child can also participate in their preparation. Muffins can be cooked in a slow cooker for a couple, which makes them delicious and healthy.


• 170 ml of kefir or drinking yogurt;

• 150 grams of flour;

• 50 grams of butter;

• 50 grams of cane sugar (10 grams in cream);

• 3 pieces of quail eggs or 1 chicken;

• 1 teaspoon of baking powder;

• 30 grams of cranberries (10 grams for cream);

• 2 grams of turmeric;

• 100 grams of cottage cheese.

Cooking method

First you need to sift the dry ingredients through a sieve and mix them. Then beat eggs with softened butter and yogurt (kefir), add sugar.

Combine the liquid mass with dry ingredients and add cranberries. Mix the dough until smooth and lay it out on the tins.

Cook in a slow cooker for a couple of 30 minutes. Open the cooker and check cupcakes for readiness with a toothpick. Allow them to cool.

To get the curd cream, you need to beat the cottage cheese, the remaining sugar and cranberries with a mixer to a homogeneous mass.

Garnish cupcakes with cream using a pastry syringe, add cranberries to the picture.

Recipe 5. Salmon with curd cream


• 2 steaks or slices of salmon fillet;

• 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;

• a quarter of a lemon;

• salt, lemon pepper;

• a bunch of greenery;

• 200 grams of cottage cheese 0-2%;

• 125 grams of natural yogurt.

Cooking method

Squeeze lemon juice, mix with olive oil and spices. We rub the fish on both sides with this mixture and lay portionwise on the foil. It is better to fold the foil in two layers. Well, turn the fish into foil with an envelope and put it in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for about 20 minutes.

To prepare the curd cream, you need to finely chop the greens. Salt cottage cheese, knead with a fork, add greens and a glass of yogurt to it.

We take the salmon from the oven and serve it with curd cream.

Recipe 6. Curd cream for cake

This curd cream is perfect for cakes based on biscuit.


• cottage cheese (9-18% fat) - 200g;

• sour cream (20-25% fat content) - 400ml;

• sugar - 200g.

Cooking method

Cottage cheese should be grated through a sieve, twisted through a meat grinder or beat with a blender. Add sour cream and beat until smooth. The cream can be varied with vanilla, walnuts or almonds, which must first be crushed.

Recipe 7. Curd cream for delicious eclairs

Eclairs are air buns that are filled with air cream.


• one pack of medium-fat cottage cheese (200 gr.)

• a glass of powdered sugar - about 200-250 grams;

• cream of the highest fat content - 200 ml;

• vanilla essence 2-3 drops or a pinch of vanilla powder. (not sugar)

Cooking method

Very important! Cottage cheese has the property of quickly deteriorating, while it becomes not useful, but dangerous. Based on this, you should strictly check the freshness of all products.

We begin the cooking process. We spread the cottage cheese from the bundle into a wide cup. Take a fork and grind it with icing sugar. After dissolving the powder, pour in the cream and continue to grind. After that, drip vanilla and continue to whisk already with a mixer. Thanks to the quick turns of this device, the cream will turn out airy and uniform. Beat up until the cream is sufficiently airy and gradually settles. Ready cream is placed in a special confectionery envelope or bag. You can put the cream in eclairs or decorate the cake.

Recipe 8. Curd cream for soaking biscuit cake

A biscuit is a porous dough that needs to be soaked. Therefore, the cream is needed appropriate.


• 100-150 grams of butter;

• 100 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of fat cottage cheese of the best freshness;

• for taste and aroma, you can add orange zest and vanilla.

Cooking method

This recipe is both simple and complex. All components, along with sugar and vanilla, are placed in a cup. Then proceed to grinding and grinding the cream base. First you just need to stir the cream until smooth. To do this, use the minimum speed. Then gradually increase the mixing speed. Continue to whisk until the cream is airy and at the same time dense. The finished cream saves the waves generated by the mixer for a long time. Now you can apply the cream. Its main application is the impregnation of cake sponge cake, it does not hold its shape well. They can be coated with edges. It is easy to apply and does not drain. However, flowers from such a cream cannot be obtained.

Recipe 9. Curd cream for sour cream biscuit cake


• One pack of commercial fat-free cottage cheese (200-250 grams);

• 200 grams of medium-sized granulated sugar;

• two glasses of sour cream of the highest fat content - 20% fat content of 400-420 grams;

• 50 grams of sweet cream 72% butter;

• to enhance the taste, you can add a mixture of nuts.

Cooking method

We spread the cream base - cottage cheese. Rub it with a fork until smooth. Next, pour sour cream and mix with granulated sugar. Now you can take the mixer and beat the mixture more intensively.

In order to make the cream tastier, you can add crushed nuts. The best option is a mixture of almonds and walnuts. You can grind nuts to a state of oil or slightly chop - this is to your taste. Add nuts and continue whisking.

Then put in a cup 50 grams of softened butter. If the cream does not work out thick enough, it can be artificially thickened with gelatin or a spoonful of starch. Melt gelatin in a small amount of water before adding.

Do not spare the cream, all pieces of biscuit should gently drown in it. Leave the cake to soak for 30 minutes.

Recipe 10. Curd cream for air soufflé

One of the most delicious varieties of cake is souffle.


• clean, possibly boiled, water 120ml;

• two packs of cottage cheese (450 grams);

• one pack of gelatin (20 grams);

• natural (without flavoring) yogurt (500ml);

• icing sugar one glass or 8 tablespoons.

Cooking method

We start cooking with gelatin. Soak it in cold water with a volume of about 200 ml. it should swell for at least 30 minutes. Next we melt it over low heat, but in no case boil it.

Remove the hot mixture, and let it cool down, but not freeze. Then add the powder and yogurt. Beat everything until smooth and until it becomes airy, like a cloud. Add the remaining components. We continue to whisk. The cream is very dense and elastic. Take the base of the cake, put it in the form and fill in the cream.

Cake freezes in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.

Recipe 11. Curd cream with condensed milk for waffles

A delicious cream for wafer rolls or waffle cake.


• a whole pack of high-quality butter - 200 grams;

• two packs of coarse-grained cottage cheese - two of 200 grams each;

• half a can of condensed milk 100-150 grams;

• half a glass of powdered sugar - 100 grams;

• bag of vanilla sugar 10-20 grams.

Cooking method

To work, the oil must be softened. The easiest way is to leave it for an hour at room temperature. When the butter is sufficiently thawed, combine it with condensed milk and whisk. In the process of mixing add vanillin, icing sugar. Continue to beat until perfectly white and airy consistency.

Next, you need to take the cottage cheese and grind it to a homogeneous mass. Then add it to the already whipped mass. We continue to beat at the highest speeds for about 15 minutes.

Put the cream in the refrigerator for one hour.

Pack the cream in a tube with a spoon or from a special bag.

By the way, this cream holds its shape perfectly and can be used to create decorative elements.

Curd cream - tricks and tips

How to choose a good cottage cheese?

1. If you buy cottage cheese in a store, then you need to pay attention to its shelf life - it should not be more than two weeks.

2. The composition should be only milk and sourdough, without other additives.

3. The name should be "cottage cheese", and not cottage cheese, curd, etc.

If you use cottage cheese, then the metabolism is normalized, nutrition improves with useful substances of all cells of the body. hemoglobin level in the blood rises.


Watch the video: Vanilla custard filling for cake, an easy vanilla custard recipe to make vanilla filling for cake! (June 2024).