Poison for kukarachi: folk remedies for cockroaches. What folk remedies for cockroaches can not stand the red Prusak


These harmful domestic insects are among the most ancient inhabitants of our planet.

All over the world they are called "kukarachi", a word of Spanish origin. A comic folk song about "Kukarach", for the third century has been popular among children and young people in many countries of the world.

Once upon a time, the people “christened” government forces with this name during the Mexican Revolution for their apparent resemblance to cockroaches. But even today, many years later, these home-made "kukarachi", with a light brown color and dark stripes on the shield, resemble a well-organized, invincible army, which sometimes literally occupies our houses or apartments.

Despite its small size and unsightly appearance, baleen occupiers are quite resistant to increased radiation, run fast (a cockroach runs up to 13 meters per minute), very hardy (they can live a month without food, and a week without water) and multiply quickly. Crawling out of their shelters mostly at night. But they are not afraid of sunshine either.

But meeting with people in every way avoided. Hiding in plumbing holes, ventilation ducts, under wallpaper, baseboards and doorposts. Especially a lot of them in the garbage.

Cockroaches: the enemy must know in person

Cockroaches are amazing creatures. For some time they can live without a head, for they breathe not with the nose, but with the cells of the whole body. But an individual that has fallen on its back on a flat surface (on the floor or on the table) is not able to roll over and stand on its own feet. In this position, she soon dies.

"Cucaracha" are omnivorous and dangerous insects. They feed on food waste, dirt and accumulated debris in the cracks. Being in direct contact with household waste, they are carriers of a large number of various infectious diseases: dysentery, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, allergic reactions. With all their militant looks and arrogance, these home invaders cause people to feel hostility, disgust, and in some even fear.

For many centuries, humanity has waged an implacable struggle with cockroaches, using both costly modern means of disinsection and disinfection (from the use of expensive chemicals to smoking them out of the apartment with a special gas), and simple folk methods.

Simple poisonous folk remedies for cockroaches

The most common and most effective, in my opinion, means in the fight against these parasites boric acid. It is safe for humans and pets, but disastrous for striped "tenants". For them, boric acid is poisonous. Moreover, the poison is a nerve agent that causes muscle paralysis. Unable to hold on to its paws, the cockroach falls on its back and soon ... perishes.

Preparing such a poison is quite simple. Boric acid is mixed with boiled egg yolk or flour. From the mixture obtained roll small balls and lay them in places of the most likely occurrence of pests.

Sometimes boric acid is diluted in water and left in a small vessel near the sink or kitchen sink, to which cockroaches or Prussians (this is one of the varieties of red cockroaches) resort to drinking water. In such cases, the sink should be thoroughly wiped dry, so that the pests begin to drink water only from the drinker prepared for them.

No less active folk remedy for cockroaches is borax or sodium salt. Typically, borax is used in industry as a flux for brazing. It is practically harmless to humans and their pets, but for cockroaches it is deadly.

Recipe fragrant bait for "kukarachi": 200 gr. borax mixed with 60 gr. powdered sugar, add 60 grams. starch and 30 grams. vanilla sugar. Vanilla is needed to give the lure a sweet aroma. All this is mixed, diluted with water to obtain a pleasant-smelling paste and decomposed in small portions in the right places. I dare to assure that, having tasted this “yummy”, none of your insects will go far from the place of the meal. You just have to not be lazy, collect their dead bodies and throw them in the trash.

According to the stories of one of my friends, who once lived in an old family hostel, they were rescued from the invasion of striped "predators" mostly by brown. Fortunately, the husband worked at the factory and brought home the borax. And now it is freely sold in hardware stores.

Frightening folk remedies from cockroaches

Ammonia does not completely destroy insects, but its sharp smell is unbearable for them. During cleaning in the house, it is worth adding a teaspoon of sal ammoniac to the floor bucket, as all your "uninvited guests" will quickly run to the neighbors.

In addition, there are special, homemade traps for cockroaches. Take a glass half-liter jar, from inside under the neck and around the perimeter of the wall smeared with vegetable oil. At the bottom of the banks - a little honey or beer and put on the night on the floor. And in the morning they shake out the pests caught in the bait and destroy them. True, this procedure is not for squeamish and faint of heart.

Therefore, it is best to resort to a simple and inexpensive old-fashioned remedy such as kerosene. A brush or a tip of rags put this liquid on a plinth, corners of bedside tables, edges of linoleum. And although the persistent, peculiar smell of kerosene that filled your home is not entirely pleasant, you will have to suffer a little. But the cockroaches will run out of your apartment, like dumbfounded.

You might as well use it. denatured alcohol or turpentine. Their smell for cockroaches is also unbearable.

In the cold winter season, you can use another unusual method. Open the windows and balcony doors for a few hours to fill the room cold to a temperature of -5-8 degrees C. From such an air bath, "kukarachi" are made sluggish and unable to move. Even those who hid behind the doors of bedside tables or kitchen cabinets are getting cold and dying. But do not forget to pre-warm the pipes of the water supply and heating system so as not to defrost them.

Popular secrets of the fight against cockroaches

* We must always remember - the more cracks in your home, debris and dirt, the greater the chance of an attack Prussians.

* Storing food without proper packaging or packaging also contributes to the spread of these household pests. Keep your apartment clean. Do not leave the product on the table in the clear and often wash the floors.

* Make sure that insects do not get into the house with the furniture or clothes you bought.

* The appearance of cockroaches in the next apartment also contributes to their rapid spread. Therefore, they must be destroyed in an orderly and immediately throughout the house.

* For the prevention I advise you to have a regular geranium. The fragrant smell of this indoor plant discourages migrants from neighboring apartments, discouraging the desire to settle in the territory of your home.


Watch the video: Огги и Тараканы Oggy and the Cockroaches new cartoon for kids in 2016 HD (July 2024).