Super Stuffed Stuffed Crab Sticks


It would seem that crab sticks have recently entered our culinary life, but without their participation, not a single hostess represents a celebration or holiday, because the salad of crab sticks is necessarily present on our tables!

However, not only this famous dish can be made from such seafood - they are beautiful just stuffed, but if you put them in the form of a hut, you get a wonderful culinary masterpiece, which will be the best dish of the festive table!

In this case, you are free to choose the stuffing, which will fill the crab sticks, but the most excellent option would be cottage cheese with dill, seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream. Such a filling, as well as possible, will emphasize the delicate taste of seafood and make a light creamy touch, seasoned with languor of greens.

Snack is not only attractive in appearance, but also very economical at cost price - this is what we and we will calculate at the end of the recipe, as usual!

At the “Monastic hut” of crab sticks you will need:

- 400 g crab sticks;

- 200 g of cottage cheese;

- 1 bunch of dill;

- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;

- 3-4 pinches of salt;

- greens and cucumber for decoration.

First of all, you should prepare the filling: put the cottage cheese in a container, add salt and dill, rinse and grind it beforehand. Stir lightly with a fork or spatula. Make sure that the cottage cheese was not sour, otherwise it will spoil the whole taste of the cooked dish!

Add mayonnaise or sour cream. Lightness and fat content of products you can choose according to your taste! Mix the whole curd mass so that it is completely mixed with mayonnaise and salt.

Clean the crab sticks from the wraps. If they are not defrosted in advance, shifting them from a freezer to a refrigerator for the night, then simply put them in a container with high sides and pour boiling water on them. After a few minutes, drain the water that has become warm, and again pour boiling water.

This is a small secret of this dish - crab sticks unwind only after they have been in boiling water for about 5 minutes and become soft. Without steaming you will not be able to unfold them properly - it will tear at the places of the folds.

Pull out the sticks one by one and unwrap on a board or on a dish. Spread the stuffing on the inside edge, using a teaspoon, and roll back, slightly crushing the crab meat to the stuffing. The crab stick will significantly grow in breadth!

So lay the entire bottom layer of stuffed chopsticks, and then grease its surface with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Put on it and the second cooked layer. Build a hut out of the sticks, that is, lay them out in the form of a triangle, smearing each layer.

When finished, decorate the dish with greens and slices of fresh cucumber. You can slightly pepper the snack on top, and then place it in the cold for 1-2 hours, so that everything should be soaked.

Your holiday snack is ready - reach out, cut, lay out on a la carte plates and taste. Good appetite!

To calculate the costs - let's calculate the cost of all the products spent:

- 400 g of crab sticks - 40 rubles;

- 200 g of cottage cheese - 17.5 rubles;

- 1 bunch of dill - 4.5 rubles;

- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise - 3 rubles.

Total: snack "Monastic hut" of crab sticks worth 65 rubles. However, about 6 servings, which means that one portion of such an appetizing aperitif will come out for your pocket only in 10 rubles!

A great budget option for a festive meal - take note of our recipes, write them in your culinary notebook, or bookmark our site and cook with us!


Watch the video: Cheesy Crab Stuffed Jumbo Shells Recipe (July 2024).