Plots to win the lottery: how to read?


For centuries, people have used rituals and rituals to achieve various goals: gaining health, attracting good luck, scaring off enemies, searching for love, and attracting money. Often, money rituals required a lot of time to realize or brought a small income. The exit was found with the advent of the lottery - a fairly quick way to make good money. So there was a need for magical rituals, focused on winning the lottery.

How to talk a lottery ticket for a big win?

You can talk about a lottery ticket for a big win on a bill, moon, coins, peel, candles and the ticket itself. All methods have a number of rules that are important to follow during the ritual. The main ones are:

  • Visualization of the goal.
  • Belief in magical influence and the end result.
  • Anonymity and concealment of the rite from outsiders.
  • Clearing the room before the plot.

The best days of the week for the ritual are Wednesday and Thursday. For a large prize, it is advisable to conduct the rite on Wednesday on the bill. Take a bill to buy a ticket and read the plot 7 times in a row:

"I will give one bill - I will receive one ticket - I will get a lot of money!"

The lottery ticket must be paid with the spelled note. Bring it home and immediately, without telling anyone about the purchase, light a candle in the room, preferably green, and read the words:

"I keep the ticket lucky in my hands, I attract the winnings, I bring wealth to myself and my family."

Ticket should be hidden before the date of the lottery and not show it to anyone. Do not forget about the importance of visualization. Periodically, you can get a ticket and, looking at it, represent the winnings.

The strongest conspiracies and spells to win the lottery

The most powerful spells for luck and winning the lottery include:

  • A conspiracy on candles.
  • Water rite.
  • Ritual with a lottery ticket.
  • Hex on the peel.
  • Plot bills or coins.

Most argue that it is the growing moon that has the most power to attract finance. Some sources insist that the rite should be held on the waning moon, because during this period no one will undertake to carry out conspiracies for good luck, and you will get the magical influence entirely. We recommend following the initial directions and waiting for the moon to grow.

From Vanga

The plot for a big win in the lottery from Vanga is carried out on coins that are sewn into clothing. With the help of the ritual, you can pull out a lucky ticket and attract good luck in the money issue. Before the ceremony, stock up with the necessary items for its conduct:

  1. White thread.
  2. New needle.
  3. Favorite wardrobe item.
  4. Coin.

The coin should be sewn into the lining or hem of clothes in the evening, saying:

"This white thread and steel needle to my clothes, I sew wealth and good luck to myself. So that money stretched towards me different: big and small, paper and gold, and they brought joy. Let it be as I conjure!"

Clothes should be hung up in the closet at night, obviously leaving a few bills or coins in your pockets. In the morning, they should be taken out and moved to the wallet, and the outfit with a coin in a conspiracy put on. Wear this wardrobe as much as you can, fueling thoughts of winning. You can not erase it before receiving the prize.

On the bill

To talk lucky bill, you can use the method of Vanga. The second common method is the above-described rite with a spell, when a lottery ticket is paid for with conspiracy money. However, few people are familiar with faster and easier ways and rituals. They will need paper money, preferably green. In the middle of the night, you need to straighten the bill on the table and recite a magic spell over it:

"With me, good luck and fortune! Good money and great success await me!"

Plot a note in your pocket and go buy a lottery ticket. The money itself can not be given, otherwise the effect will disappear. This rite allows you to choose a good coupon and is valid only once.

On a lottery ticket

If you have purchased a lottery ticket, you can speak it for good luck. For the ritual, take 7 candles and place on the table, forming a circle, in the center of which you need to put a happy coupon. Light the candles and read the spell:

"Ticket to ticket, winnings to winnings. I conjure fire, I invoke victory. Numbers have come together, profits have fallen. Let there be fortune in hand, and money in a bag!"

When pronouncing a conspiracy, you should focus on the positive aspects, think about financial well-being and be confident in your luck. Put out the candles and hide the lottery ticket in the place where you keep money until the day of the draw.

Reading plots for luck in the lottery refers to white magic, so do not be afraid of the consequences. However, it is not recommended to use different rites or prayers at the same time. Prayer for a lottery ticket should be held during the growth of the moon and it must be addressed to St. Martha. You should start praying on Tuesday. Read "Our Father" and proceed to the main prayer text:

"Holy Marty the Wonderwork! The servant of God (name) appeals to you for help. I ask you for support and assistance in the work begun. Deliver you from want and life trials, help you to fulfill your desire (voice why and why you need money). I beg you solve the problem and bestow tranquility. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. "

A prayer is read for 9 weeks and then a lottery ticket is bought. A faster, but no less effective, will be an appeal to Saint Nicholas. You can pray to him any day with the words:

"I pray to the saint of God, St. Nicholas! Protect the servant of God (name), hear and help solve problems. Deliver from adversity and failure to fill your life with financial stability. Give profit instead of the poor, for I will bring benefit to others. Amen".

Prayer text is recommended to read in front of the icon in the light of a candle in complete solitude. Words spoken wholeheartedly have a great effect and impact. Therefore, turning to the Almighty for help, be honest and open.


Watch the video: Understanding "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson (July 2024).