Zodiac signs that are afraid to fall in love. And why does it scare them.


Unfortunately, parting is something that is inevitable in many ways. Some scientists even claim that the brain responds to a broken heart in the same way that it responds to physical pain. For most people, this can be a very complex and emotionally exhausting process. Some of them as a result are very afraid to fall in love again and bypass all potential partners. What zodiac signs are least and most susceptible to this fear?


Twins are best at breaking up. Instead of focusing on the past, which they can no longer control, they begin to plan their happy future, but the Twins avoid serious relationships, preferring short binding novels and vivid but short-lived feelings to nothing.


Sagittarius is hard to break the heart. This sign may be upset for several days, but then again moves through life with ease and carelessness. When he is uncomfortable, he will laugh, actively attend parties, trying to remain optimistic until he completely forgets about his former partner.


Aries quickly gets acquainted, falls in love and builds relationships. If they do not add up, then Aries does not despair, believing that there is a reason for everything. He does not allow mental suffering to torment him, because he knows that people come and go from his life for a reason. And then Aries again goes in search of a new love.


Oddly enough, the vulnerable Cancer sees grief as part of life that you should not get too hung up on. Even if he is in pain, he tries to resist it. Cancer will focus on other things and will soon again look for an already more reliable partner. In this regard, he is very purposeful, as he is focused on creating a family and a cozy home.


If Libra parted with a partner, they try to remain optimistic and positive. The first few days may be difficult for them, but Libra is doing everything possible to force himself to forget about it. They will not allow themselves to plunge into the abyss of depression, but rather wish the former good luck and continue their life in the hope of a happy chance and a more stable relationship.


True love is something that somewhat frightens the Virgin. She is afraid that if she shows someone her flaws, then this person will run away from her. She has a certain uncertainty, because of which it is difficult for the Virgin to fall in love and believe in the sincerity of her partner's intentions. Virgo prefers to be in safe solitude than give her heart to someone.


Pisces will experience the full range of emotions before getting rid of the all-consuming sense of grief. They are not afraid to show weakness, they just want to deal with it as soon as possible. Fishes go to the bottom, where they heal their spiritual wounds for a long time, and when they again surface, they become more circumspect and cautious. Now they are not so naive and fear love.


Aquarius has long become attached to people, but if he has already opened his heart to someone, then pulling this person out of there is incredibly difficult for Aquarius. He will allow himself to grieve and be sad, but he will try to occupy himself with a mass of work in the hope of forgetting about his pain - and often this really works. But to let a new person into his life, Aquarius is already afraid.


This is perhaps the most difficult zodiac sign in love, but also one of the most vulnerable. When Scorpio’s heart is broken, he usually keeps all his feelings locked up. Scorpio will stick to his usual routine and will try his best to think about anything except his former partner. The second time Scorpio is unlikely to want to pass such a test.

A lion

Leo loves the very feeling of love and enjoys relationships. He gives all of himself to his chosen one and wants complete reciprocity and maximum confidence. However, after parting, "licking" the wounds can take Leo a very long time. In the end, all this pain exhausts him so much that he no longer wants any new relationships, and he will beware of them for a very long time.


Capricorn always mentally “beats” himself because of a broken heart and unsuccessful relationships. He will think about what he could do differently, and get hung up on all those little things that he said and did. Capricorn emotionally exhausts himself with long thoughts and attempts to change what is virtually impossible to change. And henceforth, he certainly would not wish to fall in love again.


Once this sign has established a relationship, he seeks to keep everything unchanged. Taurus will make every effort to withstand any changes, let alone parting. He is stubborn and sometimes allows his emotions to prevail. Even when it is over, Taurus will need an incredibly long time to believe in this, and then he will not even want to think about finding a new love.


Watch the video: The One Thing Each Sign Is Most Scared Of In A Relationship (June 2024).