What will it be for you on April 20: a unique horoscope of druids and a "danger index" for all zodiac signs


Despite the fact that the month on the calendar is the same, with every sunrise the world changes under the influence of spring forces. The ancient Celts attached particular importance to this time of year and took seriously what the druids had predicted in it for people. And although millennia have passed, the relevance of forecasts and advice in their style has remained the same and is based, in fact, on the same principles for creating horoscopes.

But for maximum picture clarity, you should supplement this with a personal “hazard index” at the end of the article.

How will your May weekend go? Find out what fate has in store for you

Apple tree: Only following a nearly minute plan will save the day from confusion and loss. Have to act alone, but the fruits of success - with someone to share. Perhaps you will be invited to embark on a journey in which you will experience many adventures and find new friends.

Fir: You may be considered a dreamer and a romantic, but this spring will give you a chance to translate what you want into reality. And today, what you do and the result is of special value, but how you relate to what is happening, what place you think you take in the world.

Elm: Today you are unusually energetic, but do not rush to frolic in professional skills - it’s better to humbly hone them, otherwise, the initiative will turn into putting too much work on you. Possible problems at home - from burnt cutlets to flooded neighbors.

Cypress: The forces of nature urge you to pay attention to water. Drink more, go to the pool, let the boat down the stream, arrange a large wash. Among your occupations, intellectual loads will prevail over physical ones.

Poplar: It is time to discover ambitious plans for family and friends. And those who share your views today will not give up and strongly support until the end. By evening you will not have to be bored, but in general, the day promises to be tiring when it seems there is no strength for spring.

Cedar: A vegetarian day will cleanse your karma and energy. In interpersonal relationships - no tenderness or compromise, otherwise, you will become a comfortable riding horse to the needs of others. But control the speeches - what is said in a hurry can turn out to be unjustly rude.

Pine: Carefully correlate the planned affairs with a stock of physical and mental forces. When you feel an overload, in no case do not support yourself with tonic agents, like coffee. The best cure for fatigue is fresh air and a bit of humor.

Willow: You will be attracted to a certain collective event, at which you will suddenly and in the center of attention. Beloved person is preparing a surprise for you. This Friday is remarkable for striking success for plans for the weekend - nothing conceived today will break anything.

Linden: We'll have to choose - the day will pass calmly, but boring, or fervently and interestingly, but with overwork, as if they were working on haymaking. Taking initiative at work will bring your promotion and bonus closer, but superiors today are keen and merciless - they will also notice the smallest mistake.


Oak: The surefire way to spend the day well is to do what your heart desires. But if she wants to waste money - be merciless in refusing. This April is a month of financial literacy and savings. A date is possible, just choose a place yourself.

Hazel: This day will be a lesson on the correct prioritization. And it will remind you how close or far your life is from what it seemed many years ago, in childhood. This is the most favorable time for small harmless rites for the fulfillment of desires.

Rowan: You will want to stubbornly out of harm, but it will not lead to anything good. Try to unload the day from serious decisions and better look at the little things that may include signs of fate about how you better live on.

Maple: A unique opportunity from spring is to make peace with enemies and even turn them into allies. But chelvek, whom you know well and love, will dazzle with a demonstration that he is not happy with you. Be careful with what requires an account or thoughtful reading.

Nut: Tackling a lot of things at once, you will not have time, but you can handle a couple brilliantly. This is a very good day for finding a new job, but a bad one for promotion on the old one. There may be problems with raising children or animals.

Jasmine: The homeworkers will at last listen to you, but, having made your decision, they will be removed from the help in fulfilling your plans, so that victory in family affairs will have a downside. The outlet will be creativity. Just do not share the results - critics will come running.

Chestnut: Do not make hasty decisions and do not trust any information - the truth is nearby, but disguised as a chameleon. In some ways, it will be necessary to show the willpower of the dragon - otherwise you will not maintain personal well-being. Also today you will suddenly find neutral and even peculiarly pleasant something that irritated you before.

Ash: It’s a good day to change the style, so you can go to a salon, a store and so on ... You will return to another person not only in appearance, but also having received the energy potential, like a comet, for the development of personality.

Hornbeam: Do not try to get rid of that petty bad habit today - it will stick even stronger. But with pessimism - you have to fight, otherwise you will not see opportunities under spring and spring, and there summer too, will flow past like sand through your fingers ... And so, if you hold on in spite of everything - a luxurious beach holiday is also possible.

Figs: Live today with hopes and dreams of the future, letting the present go as you have to - this will create for you a kind of energy field for a light day. Stay at home in the evening. On the street, of course, wolves do not roam, but something can go wrong.

Birch tree: Be silent about your plans for the day - it is worth sharing them with someone, how they crumble with the grace of the sand castle washed away by the wave. But as far as work is concerned, it is better there to seem an insecure person, but to coordinate all actions with the authorities. Otherwise, it will think that you are too willful.

Olive: A magical day when it is so easy to feel happiness. And immediately grab the first such moment, keep in mind and heart. Then, with a high probability, it will happen again more than once in a day. Also, today you will have just a sense of greyhound on where you can earn money and how to invest money profitably.

Beech: You will be overcome by nostalgia, but be careful - trying to return the good from the past today, you also risk repeating its mistakes and losing what you have accumulated during this time. Instead, you are advised to look into the future, which is beginning to form for you, as a pearl is gradually overgrown with mother of pearl, today.


"Danger Index" for the signs of the horoscope of the Druids on Saturday, April 20, 2019



1-2 points: You do not have to walk along the edge of the abyss, so that danger reaches you with its black tentacles. It's just that day when saving yourself is more important than everything else. So conduct it on the basis of these considerations, boldly sacrificing less.

3 points: Golden ghostly middle, holding on to which you can remember this day as positive and not even suffer. But if intuition tells "stop!" or "save yourself!" - Better listen to her.

4-5 points: A cloudless day in which virtually nothing threatens you. Of course, the world did not suddenly become as good as strawberry candy floss, but specifically for you today everything in it is completely safe.


Your mark: Apple tree: 3.6 Fir: 4.0 Elm: 3.8 Cypress: 3.3 Poplar: 4.7 Cedar: 4.5 Pine: 3.1 Willow: 5.0 Linden: 2.9 Oak: 3.6 Hazel: 4.4 Mountain ash: 5.0 Maple: 3.8 Walnut: 4.6 Jasmine: 4.7 Chestnut: 3.0 Ash: 4.2 Hornbeam: 4.6 Figs: 3.9 Birch: 2.3 Olives: 4.5 Beech: 3.2


Total: One of those days in April when the events of a probable future and present harmoniously intertwine. Many characters today have a special case. And a lot means for them an inner world that needs to be preserved, then transformed. In general, this Friday can be described as a motley day of spring, in which there is a little bit of everything.


Watch the video: OMG they feel trapped; you feel LOVE! VIRGO April 2019 Mid Month You vs Them Tarot Reading (July 2024).