Is washing your nose really harmful? Truth and fiction about a popular procedure


Nasal lavage is widely used in Russian medical practice. As drugs, otolaryngologists (ENT doctors) use solutions of Furacilin, vasoconstrictor drugs, and salts. The same practice is common throughout the post-Soviet space. How justified is this method of care for the common cold and diseases of the upper respiratory tract? The issue is debatable, discussions are conducted among physicians, pediatricians and otolaryngologists.

As for the West European, American medical tradition, the question of expediency was resolved more than half a century ago. Nasal lavage is considered unacceptable for several reasons. There are only two indications for this procedure in a sparing form - getting into the upper respiratory tract a strong allergen and toxic damage. Who is still right? Is it harmful or beneficial to rinse your nose?

In what cases is nasal lavage advisable?

Foreign practice, unlike the Russian and the entire "post-Soviet", is based on the extremely limited scope of washing. Why is that? During colds, flu, rhinitis and other similar pathologies, mucus is secreted in the nose. In a way, it is a unique substance. It has antiseptic properties, weakens and kills an infectious agent. In addition, it moisturizes the inner lining of the nose, reducing the intensity of discomfort. And being produced in large quantities also naturally removes bacteria, infectious pathogens and their metabolic products.

Nasal lavage is a gross interference with a natural and well-functioning system. With mechanical leaching of mucus, bacteria does not become smaller.

The number of agents is restored very quickly, and it takes longer to produce mucus. Which can lead to an aggravation of the condition. Therefore, with viral and bacterial lesions, rinse the nose is not worth it.

Among the testimonies, foreign experts distinguish only two states:

  • Ingestion of an allergen. For example, during the spring, when inhaling pollen. The measure is more effective in the first 30-40 minutes or even less. Until a full reaction has begun. The method allows you to wash off the allergen. By the way, women suffer from allergies much stronger than men. did you know that
  • Second foundation - toxic damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Irritation with acid vapors (not applicable to alkalis, since water accelerates the reaction and activity of the chemical agent). Allows you to quickly remove settled particles of matter.

Indications have nothing to do with the common cold. In this case, ordinary water of room temperature is used as a preparation. Without salt, medicines. As the most natural and safe substance for the human body.

Many doctors justifiably include excess mucus production here. When it becomes so much and it is so thick that it does not leave itself. In such a situation, the water dilutes the exudate, and it leaves faster. It is impossible to abuse the technique.

When is it better to refuse the procedure?

In most cases, in addition to the above two, there will be no sense in washing the nose. But harm is possible and probable. Against the background of colds, the problem will make itself felt worse by a runny nose, symptoms of upper respiratory tract damage. Discomfort, burning, itching, sneezing will become stronger. This is the result of insufficient hydration of the nasal mucosa.

Considering that often the nose is washed many times a day, there are real prospects for a longer course of SARS than if no measures were taken.

Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to rinse the nose. Neither to children, nor to ourselves. This will cause harm and aggravate the course of diseases, increase the time of recovery. Apart from these cases, when the procedure is possible.

How to rinse your nose so as not to harm yourself?

Even with indications, it is not recommended to rinse your nose often. Maximum 1-2 times daily if necessary. For the procedure, an average volume syringe or a plastic bottle with a special nozzle is used (comes with many drugs).

The volume of water that enters the nostril should be sufficient, but not so strong as to disturb breathing and cause suffocation. When washing, you need to bend over the sink, turn your head in the direction opposite to the side of the liquid. That is, when washing the right nostril, you need to turn right and vice versa. The liquid is introduced 3-5 times. At the time of administration, you need to hold your breath. Then blow your nose and repeat the procedure again.

Do the same with the other nostril to clear the airways. Nasal breathing immediately after the procedure may be impaired. This is a temporary phenomenon. Everything will return to normal in 10-15 minutes. Subject to compliance with the implementation technique.

What drugs can be used for washing, which can not?

As was said, for washing it is better to use ordinary water at room temperature. Too cold water will provoke a reflex narrowing of blood vessels, which will first lead to normalization of nasal breathing, and after a few minutes, to the opposite effect. In addition, reflex inhalation and aspiration with water (involuntary inhalation of fluid) are possible. The same goes for hot water.

It is strictly forbidden to use phytotherapeutic agents (they too often provoke allergies), vasoconstrictors (critically disrupt the normal blood circulation in the structures of the nose), drinking soda (overdries the mucosa, interferes with the production of mucus), and salt (for the same reasons).

By the way, there is a lot of conflicting information about the properties of drinking soda.

Furacilin in a minimal concentration is also acceptable. It has bactericidal properties. Too concentrated solution can irritate the mucous membrane and will only get worse.

Flushing the nose does not make much sense. The benefits of this procedure are extremely limited, but there is plenty of harm. Therefore, they resort to the procedure only if there is evidence and then to a limited extent.


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