What time to change in a wardrobe of a woman after 40 years


Stylists are well aware that the feminine style in clothing and accessories, even if it is assembled from the most relevant fashionable novelties and elements of timeless classics, will be largely unsuccessful if created without taking into account the age of its owner. And unfortunately, often less attention is paid to this than to the color type of appearance or type of figure.

Or everyone understands it incorrectly, in the sense that after a certain age limit - 40 years, for a woman there should only be dark and faded colors and styles in everyday, business and holiday wardrobe.

In a word - away joy and hello severe boredom. But in fact, during this period (adjusted for plus or minus a couple of years, depending on the individual characteristics of changes in appearance with age), the style is simply transformed into something new and beautiful.

However, to complete the picture, this should be discussed in detail.

For example, in the format of tips that in 40 years it is time:

  • throw out of the closet;
  • must purchase;
  • replace by choosing even the best.

Absolutely, it's time to get rid of tiny shorts, preferring shorts of free elongated models to them, perfectly suited, by the way, not only for holidays, but also for the style of the city - they are effectively combined with blazers and blouses.

An elegant choice will be loose palazzo pants all year round and chinos for the summer. The latter, by the way, are sewn from linen or cotton and are an excellent replacement for jeans.

Jeans, by the way, should no longer be torn, with patches and an abundance of embroidery. Time has passed for jeans-boyfriends, models with seductively low waist, flared and overalls. They should be replaced with classic models.

Even the owners of long slender legs, it is better to abandon the length of the mini in skirts and dresses. And also from causing a decollete. A new age opens the opportunity to play with the perception of others around their image, instead of directly demonstrating sexuality. Midi-length skirts, for example, can have seductive cuts, a decorative seam “fastened” with buttons. If there is confidence that hiding such legs is simply ugly in the best sense of the phrase, then It is recommended to pay attention to double outfits - the lower shorter skirt under the upper translucent.

Fashion shows of recent seasons confirm that a festive dress with an open back has a greater effect than that which is almost devoid of fabric in the front, and the understatement in the drop-neckline has long squeezed the boldness of the “heart” cutout.

If fashion attracts style with a hint of retro, then stylists advise to refrain from the Dior era, preferring her to the laconic eighties or twenties of the XX century.

Clutches should be reserved for evening outings, and for a day put everything you need in bags with handles. The fact is that the clutch draws attention to the hands on which, at this age, unfortunately, age-related changes are almost always noticeable.

And the natural light of the day will only emphasize this, while the artificial evening light will slightly hide it.

Sunglasses can have colored glasses, but extravagant frames with massive decor are definitely inappropriate, and all the more you need to throw away models from cheap plastic. At least for the sake of not only style, but also good vision - the wrong lenses in them harm the retina no less than ultraviolet light. In principle, sunglasses are very useful - thanks to them, the first wrinkles are less formed under the eyes.

Even if it is something celebratory, and even more so - everyday, on clothes now there should not be an abundance of sparkles and sequins. More appropriate and interesting on things for publication will be moderate embroidery with beads, and it is worth paying attention to brocade fabrics.

It's time to leave the closet and T-shirts with brand symbols, funny little animals and large drawings. They should be replaced by knitted or crocheted plain or decorated with inscriptions in a foreign language.

Drawing on clothes, by the way, is very important. At a new stage in life, floral prints are welcomed, but they are not flashy tropical and preferably smaller. It is better to save animal colors on accessories and here it is not out of place to note that, say, stylists call up from head to toe in a leopard a dubious choice for any age.

In the decor of dresses and blouses, bows should be avoided, preferring more elegant flounces, frills and draperies to them.

Neatly and originally laid on the shoulders of the palatines, by the way, you should prefer neckerchiefs and narrow scarves - these accessories are about as insidious as clutches, they only attract attention not to the hands, but to the neck, often already bearing signs of age.

It is also worth noting that all clothes should, in principle, correspond to size - the mistakes are both the choice of too tight clothes and oversized clothes. However, if you really want to, a "redundant" exception can be made for outerwear, but not for everyday sweaters and sweatshirts.

Stylists insist on a review of shoes. So, heel and platform shoes should be replaced with classic stilettos and wedge sandals. And instead of a summer sneaker, it’s better to buy ballet shoes. Also, in the rows of sandals should not be flip flops, unless it is a question of a beach holiday.

There is no sense in changing your favorite colors, however, you should rethink their shades:

  1. More pastel and muted tones.
  2. Very bright and rich colors should prefer more complex, elegant options. Say, to replace fuchsia, lime and orange, should choose burgundy, the ashes of a withered rose, olive, mint and peach.
  3. If bright colors are still really liked, then for the most part they should not be in large things, but in their decoration or in accessories. But without expressive accents, the wardrobe, of course, is not worth leaving. The main thing is to balance a bright dress / skirt / anything with a calm color of other details of the image.
  4. Black, gray and brown in no case should not become the essence of the wardrobe, such things should be rare and something to stand out. Say, black can be a cocktail little black dress, and smoky - an original knit sweater.


Watch the video: Minimize Your Midriff with Wardrobe Woman Joann Hopkins (June 2024).