New and more dangerous Ebola virus detected


Chinese virologists found in the liver of bats the genetic traces of a virus from the Filovirus family. A study published in the journal NatureMicrobiology shows that the virus can be transmitted from person to person. Timely preventive measures will help to avoid the disease and its spread.

When was the new virus discovered?

A new virus was discovered in December 2015 in the southern Chinese province of Yunnan. Shin-Lu Yang of the Institute of Virology named him after Mengle County. Strictly speaking, the researchers found only the genes of the Mengle virus. Biomaterials were obtained from the liver of a bat, which lives in the tropical forests of southern China.

The sequence of the virus genes was only 32-54% consistent with the sequence of other Filoviruses. Therefore, the researchers carried it to the new subfamily between Marburg and the Ebola virus. The first known representative of the subfamily was the Mengla virus.

At the end of 2018, outbreaks were noted in the south of the People's Republic of China. Scientists urge to follow preventive measures and consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

How dangerous is a new viral pathogen?

Despite genetic differences with other Filoviruses, the Mengle virus is probably pathogenic. This is confirmed by the fact that the core region of the surface protein is identical to other Filoviruses.

Researchers have studied infectivity using other viruses.

The main conclusion: Mengle virus infects not only the cells of bats. Experiments on cell cultures of hamsters, dogs, monkeys and humans show that it is considered contagious to a wide range of species.

Virologists note that an infected dog, cat, or hamster is a potential carrier of the disease. However, it is still unclear how widespread viruses are in the tropical forests of southern China.

What symptoms are expected in humans?

The disease begins with a sudden increase in temperature, malaise, fatigue and pain in the body. In the further development of the disease, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are added. Other symptoms include headache, conjunctivitis, pain in the chest, abdomen, joints, and muscles.

Some patients experience internal and external bleeding. In severe cases, the kidneys, liver and other organs completely "fail."

In debilitated people, the disease is fatal in 84% of cases.

The first signs of the disease after infection occur in 2-21 days. Victims become contagious after the onset of the first symptoms. However, transmission through semen during intercourse is still possible for several months.

Most vulnerable groups:

  • people with close contact with the sick or deceased: family members or medical staff, as well as entrepreneurs;
  • hunters who come in contact with infected animals or carcasses are also at risk.

There are currently no treatments for the Mengle virus. In Russia, there is a network of special insulators that meet both technical and medical safety requirements.

How can I protect myself in an epidemic?

Personal measures to protect against the virus Menglav of Russia are not required. If there are cases in other countries, it is impossible to completely exclude travelers from affected regions from entering Russia.

However, the risk of infection is virtually eliminated. To prevent its spread among the population, Russia has strict rules for isolation and safe patient care.

Vaccination is not currently available. There are several vaccine designs for Ebola virus infections that are at different stages of the study. However, a vaccine intended for Ebola may not work for Mengle.

People living in high-risk areas should be aware of the necessary protective and hygienic measures. If there is a reasonable suspicion of infection, you should inform your doctor in advance about this.

The specialist will be able to take appropriate measures in a timely manner and prevent an epidemic. Coming home from China with symptoms of Ebola or Mengle fever is not recommended without warning specialists.

It is also not recommended to engage in self-medication without consulting a qualified specialist.


Watch the video: Did The Ebola Outbreak Start With Animal-To-Human Transfer? (July 2024).