Folk remedies for alcoholism: what can be used without the knowledge of the drinker? Alternative medicine recipes for those who are tired of drinking


Alcoholics do not recognize their problem and refuse to see a doctor. In such a situation, herbs and folk recipes that are quite effective and can be used without the knowledge of the drinker come to the aid of relatives of an alcohol-dependent person.

Effective folk remedies for alcoholism

Recipes of traditional medicine since ancient times have been used to combat alcohol addiction. The most effective are decoctions from herbal plants that can cause severe vomiting and aversion to alcohol. They are intended for those who can not independently get rid of the habit of drinking. Such funds can be used without the desire of the patient, simply adding to food. But you need to be sure that there are no contraindications to treatment. There are many plants for this purpose, but there are the most effective ones.

Common folk remedies for alcoholism:

- thyme. The effect of this plant on the body is mild, so the treatment time may take up to a month. Thyme perfectly helps with an unused gag reflex, when the stage of alcohol addiction is not the last. For the recipe you will need one and a half glasses of boiling water and three tablespoons of dry thyme. The product should be infused for an hour under a closed lid. Take a tablespoon four times during the day. For the second recipe, you need to take half a liter of boiling water and five grams of thyme, cook the broth for 20 minutes. Then add water to the original volume. Drink three times a day in 100 ml, preferably before drinking alcohol. Thyme should not be used if there is a heart or thyroid disease, a stomach ulcer, tuberculosis;

- Bay leaf. Decoction from this plant causes a strong aversion to alcoholic beverages. You need to take a glass of water and eight grams of bay leaves. Cook for seven minutes. Strain the broth, after which it can be consumed. A day, it is recommended to drink the entire cooked broth, dividing into several receptions. The course of therapy is five days. If there is cholecystitis, constipation, ulcer, pancreatitis, it is better to refuse the remedy;

- calendula and oats. To begin with, you should prepare a decoction of oats, which is not cleaned. One liter of water will require a glass of cereal, boiling time - half an hour. Next, add 100 grams of calendula flowers to the broth, cover the container with something warm and let it stand for about ten hours. Eat 200 grams three times a day;

- hoofed meat. This herb, like others, provokes the appearance of aversion to alcohol. The most effective remedy in the fight against beer alcoholism or with attachment to low alcohol drinks. Dried Clefthoof Roots can be bought at the pharmacy. The easiest way is to grind the roots into powder and add a pinch to any food or drink. After drinking alcohol, a gag reflex, weakness, nausea, and dizziness will appear. From this plant, you can prepare a decoction. A glass of water will need a tablespoon of roots, a boil for five minutes, cool and strain. Add the broth to the food in the following proportion: two tablespoons of the infusion is enough for half a liter of food;

- centaury. Grass removes cravings for alcohol. This plant can be used independently, or mixed with thyme, ungulate, wormwood and other plants. To prepare the broth, you need to take two tablespoons of herbs and a glass of boiling water, boil the product for 15 minutes. The broth should be insisted for several hours and filtered. The patient should drink one third of the medicine three times a day. The course of therapy is a minimum of two months;

- St. John's wort This plant has a lot of useful properties. In a problem with alcoholism, it works as an antidepressant and soothes the psyche. The broth suppresses the desire to drink and eliminates many unpleasant consequences after long days of drinking. To succeed, grass should be used for several weeks. For half a liter of boiling water, you should take four tablespoons of St. John's wort, simmer in a water bath for about twenty minutes, strain. Eat two tablespoons twice a day;

- sorrel root. This recipe is good for drinking bouts. A glass of boiling water should take a tablespoon of sorrel roots. Boil in a sealed container for about five minutes, do not open the lid and insist the broth for three hours. Take the infusion six times a day for a tablespoon;

- nut catkins. Of these, you need to prepare an infusion. This recipe contributes to the emergence of a persistent aversion to alcohol and gives an unpleasant sensation after taking it. You will need to fill the floor with a liter jar of blossoming walnut earrings, you do not need to tamp, and pour vodka. Let it brew for ten days, strain. The effect will appear after consuming the entire portion of the product.

Honey treatment

People say that a person has a craving for drunkenness if the body lacks useful minerals and vitamins (especially potassium).

Therefore, some recipes are aimed at eliminating this shortage and normalizing metabolism. So does honey, which has many healing properties. You can use it and not be afraid of the consequences, but in advanced cases it is not particularly effective. Honey can be used to treat alcoholism in the following way.

The first morning you should eat six teaspoons of this delicious product, repeat after half an hour, wait twenty minutes and repeat again. On this day you can not drink alcohol.

The next morning, you need to again consume 6 tablespoons of honey, but have a good breakfast.

Then every thirty minutes you need to eat honey in the same amount until 18 tablespoons are eaten.

After two days of such therapy, the desire to drink should decline well. During the binge period, it is also useful to give the patient a honey infusion. You just need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink.

The benefits of soda in the fight against alcoholism

Soda gives temporary relief. This is an indispensable assistant for alcohol poisoning. You can use this method. It is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water, drink this remedy and cleanse the body of alcohol, causing vomiting. Another recipe is a mixture of soda with mineral water. Half a liter will require two teaspoons.

This method helps when you need to alleviate the condition the next day after alcohol poisoning, as well as with a hangover. The tool will help prevent dehydration, relieve swelling and remove toxic substances from the body.

Unusual folk remedies for alcoholism

In addition to herbs for combating alcohol dependence, you can try other methods, which at first glance may seem strange.

Among them:

dung beetle. This mushroom has been used in folk medicine for a long time and is an effective tool that fights against craving for alcohol. It can be fried or boiled, and the mushroom tastes like mushrooms to taste, so the alcoholic will not notice the catch. After drinking alcohol, mushrooms cause severe poisoning of the body. The effect lasts a couple of days, so vomiting and intestinal upset will be repeated if you want to drink. If a sober person eats mushrooms, he will be fine. Since the composition of the dung beet contains substances incompatible only with alcohol;

birch smoke. Another unusual old method is the use of birch logs. Dry birch logs should be sprinkled with sugar and set on fire, and after the alcoholic sits next to the fire and drinks vodka, he will begin excruciating vomiting. You can not tell a drinker who does not recognize his dependence, but simply invite him to a barbecue, feed and drink vodka;

stink bugs. Unpleasant bugs with a specific smell tasted everyone who has raspberry bushes growing in the garden. It turns out they can be useful. In the old days they were added to vodka and insisted for several days. Enough 20-30 bugs of green color. If you give a drinker a drink of 50 grams of this infusion, you can cause severe vomiting and persistent aversion to alcohol for a long period;

cancer shells. For this original recipe, you will need to boil the crayfish and grind their shells into powder. A few teaspoons of this product should be poured into food and allowed to drink vodka. Severe vomiting should occur. In order for the result to be effective, it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times until the drinker develops a gag reflex from the smell of alcohol.

You can try these unusual folk remedies for alcoholism if decoctions from medicinal plants do not give the desired effect. In the fight, all methods are good.

The effectiveness of lemon juice

A folk remedy for alcoholism also includes a recipe with lemon juice, which provokes an aversion to alcohol, even among heavy alcoholics. The course of therapy lasts two weeks and occurs as follows. On the first day, you need to drink the juice of one lemon, the next day - two. And so every day add one citrus to the seventh day. After seven days, the dose should be reduced by one lemon, that is, at the end of therapy on the fourteenth day, juice from one citrus should be consumed. But this method has contraindications: gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It must be remembered that folk remedies for alcoholism have their contraindications. Therefore, before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the ailments that a drinker has. Otherwise, you can harm the body, which is so worn out by alcohol.


Watch the video: The 10 Most Serious Side Effects Of Alcohol On Your Body (July 2024).