What does a chicken dream about: with and without chickens. The main interpretations of different dream books - what a chicken dreams of


In a dream you can see a variety of animals, birds. You can even play with them and walk. What is chicken dreaming for? How to interpret such a dream?

What chicken dreams about - basic interpretation

Seeing a black chicken in a dream is a rather alarming sign. After such a dream, it is better to listen to your inner feelings and understand what your body wants. Severe ailments and other difficulties can overtake you. Do not allow this.

It is also important to consider all the details of sleep and not to miss a single one:

• Where did the chicken come from in your dream;

• What did she do;

• Where did she moan;

• Did you lay eggs?

• Did you please her appearance in a dream;

• Have you spoken to her?

If you gut the chicken, you want to know the truth. You have been gnawing for a long time that the truth has not been revealed to you, that you are trying to build an equal relationship with a person, but you are constantly being stopped and you do not understand what the reason is. In fact, everything will turn out to be banal simple - the reason will be in the subjective opinion of a person in relation to you.

You may have once committed an offense for which you are now condemned and biased against you. Try not to make excuses and not seek opportunities to defend your innocence. The issue is decided on its own. You will not need to intervene.

If in a dream you see a chicken hatching eggs - you will also wait until one of your loved ones makes the right decision. Do not force events and do not panic. Try to defend your priorities as quickly as possible and help speed up the resolution of problems to a loved one.

If a chicken in a dream lays golden eggs - you are really lucky. You will be able to reach the heights that you dreamed about and could not imagine that you could strive for them. Think about whether you are really ready to get new opportunities. Or, you will remain sitting in one place and with pain in your soul will recall the missed opportunities.

If you dream of a chicken with golden feathers - do not believe everything that they will tell you. Someone will deliberately deceive you, will lie to you for the sake of profit. It is worth defending your position and not allowing anyone to manipulate you.

If you see a stuffed chicken - get ready for the fact that difficult times will begin in your house. You will spend time explaining your case and you won’t be able to defend it. You will more and more often claim to be understood by loved ones, but it will not be. And it will insanely upset you.

If you dream that someone is knocking on your door and you see a chicken behind it, chores and anxieties will suddenly enter your life. Do not be alarmed, but you will suddenly find yourself in a rather difficult situation and you will look for a way out of it. This may be a snag at work, a misunderstanding of your desires on the part of the second half, incorrect statements addressed to you from loved ones.

Do not be offended if someone tells you that you are tired. It’s just time for you to solve your own problems. A dream in which you see someone knocking on your door and dead chicken behind it promises you a betrayal from a loved one, from whom you did not expect this at all and you could not think that he was capable of it. Try to forgive him and never again be offended.

If you see the corpse of a chicken, which you yourself were killed in a dream. Think about whether you broke the law? Did you betray anyone? Do not quit? Maybe you suddenly parted with someone, what caused a tragedy in human life? Then it’s time for you to rectify the situation, otherwise the grievances will not subside and will negatively affect your entire subsequent life.

Do not panic if you fry chicken in a dream - this is a good dream that portends you gratitude from life for your patience and understanding. You will be grateful to your loved ones who previously resented you. You will also be able to find a common language with the person with whom you have recently quite a lot of conflict. Your enemies will retreat, and you will be able to resolve all the contentious issues of your life.

If you dream that chickens are running around the yard, you will also fuss and try to solve something important. You will not succeed in any way, because you will be too nervous and too trying to please someone. Resist the temptations and do not believe that spontaneous decisions will be right. It is better to wait and make an informed decision that will suit everyone, including you.

If you dream that the chickens are cackling loudly, gossip will begin to hone around you. There will be a huge number of them and you will not know how to get rid of them. Try to be more careful in communication. Do not trust the most secret, try to keep your secrets to yourself. Then you can calmly survive the unpleasant moment in life. And gossip won't hurt your reputation. But it will only push you to new achievements and changes in life.

What does chicken dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that a chicken dreams when you are afraid of something and very much. Fear can bind you. You can go through rather difficult and unfavorable times when it is difficult for you to make the right decisions, but you cannot trust anyone else.

In any case, try not to spoil your relationship with your soulmate because of your fears. They will pass, but the negative in communication between you will remain. If in a dream you are trying to catch a chicken that runs away from you all the time, you will always have hopes for a relationship with a person who does not want a relationship with you. He does not see his other half in you and does not even want to think that something can develop between you.

If in a dream you cut off the head of a chicken, you yourself will refuse the correct solution to problems. You yourself will abandon those relations that could be developed into a rather long-term and strong alliance. Then you will regret it, but only later, when nothing happens to fix it.

Therefore, try to weigh the positive and negative aspects of the relationship so that it is not a surprise for you that you have lost something that you should take care of. If you dream that someone gave you chicken, expect surprises in life.

It is important to take a closer look if this gift has not disappointed you. If in a dream you are disappointed - then in reality you too will be disappointed. If in a dream you were delighted with a gift - in reality you will also be happy and satisfied.

If a chicken bites you - be prepared for criticism from your loved one. He will not miss a moment to criticize your actions and actions. Do not be offended by it - keep silence. He will soon think it over and apologize.

What does the chicken dream about in the Esoteric dream book

If you dream that a man gives you chickens - you should not expect pleasant surprises, you will most likely be swept by chores and rather unpleasant events. It can be unpleasant little things that over time will turn into big trouble. Do not be afraid to change reality, after such a dream it is better to play it safe.

If you kill a chicken in a dream, you can become seriously ill. But the disease will not be long. Soon you will restore your health and be able to happily solve your problems. If in a dream you pluck feathers, you will be exposed.

If until recently you were planning something unusual, you wanted to implement some kind of your unusual plan - now you will find disappointment and fear that you will not be accepted, your innovation will not be taken seriously and you will have to abandon it.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is raising chickens, she will become rich and successful. She will no longer need to turn to anyone for help. She will be able to help herself and will not involve anyone in solving her problems.

What is chicken dreaming about in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina said that the chicken dreams when you are waiting for pleasant chores. If a chicken in a dream is tearing something apart with its paws - get ready for the fact that a certain truth will open that will not greatly please you. You will be shocked at what will actually happen.

Aesop’s dream book says that the chicken dreams of little things that will fill your life. Chicken with white feathers - dreams of a pleasant change and progress in business. Chicken with yellow feathers - dreams of profit and a new kind of earnings.

What is the dream of a chicken who cackles loudly? To pleasant troubles and pleasant joint affairs. You will be in a good mood in a pleasant company. You can also expect rest and relaxation. Nothing can disturb you.


Watch the video: What does chicken or hen dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (July 2024).