Swelling of a finger on a hand for no apparent reason: possible factors. How to treat swelling and provide first aid at home?


Swelling of the fingers can occur not only due to damage to the joints, but also due to malfunctions of the internal organs. Very often, swelling and pain appear due to finger grass. It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will indicate the cause of the pathology and be able to prescribe treatment.

For no apparent reason, the finger on the arm is swollen: possible causes

Several factors can provoke swelling on the fingers. These include:

1. Hormonal disbalance. Swelling of the fingers can trigger hormonal changes in the body. for this reason, the fingers often increase in size and all this is accompanied by itching. Very often, pathology is observed in adolescents during puberty. Also, this phenomenon is often found in women in position or with menopause. Pain and swelling due to hormones are noted in older people.

2. Arthritis. Swollen fingers are very often associated with an inflammatory reaction in small and larger joints. Such an ailment is expressed very acutely. Due to arthritis, the middle and ring fingers swell. Fingers can not only swell, but also blush. The disease is also accompanied by swelling of the limbs, which prevents them from bending. In addition to swelling, the patient can also observe impaired activity, blue skin.

3. Arthrosis If the finger is swollen and reddened, then this may indicate the defeat of small joints near the phalanx. Swelling is associated with the occurrence of small nodules under the dermis. The growths cause the joints to become inflamed and begin to itch. In addition, pain appears, sensitivity decreases.

4. Gout. Gouty disease manifests itself in the form of bluish, swollen fingers. Pain also appears. This disease progresses very quickly. With this disease, body temperature can increase.

5. Injuries. If the finger is swollen on the arm for no apparent reason, the cause may be injuries and wounds. Swelling is associated with an island-inflammatory process under the skin. The deformation processes of the joints are observed. Fractures, sprains, bruises and dislocations can affect swelling.

6. Allergic reaction. Finger swelling very often occurs with an allergic reaction to medications, household chemicals or food. Swelling occurs immediately after the elimination of the allergen. In addition to swelling, the patient observes itching, the appearance of a rash, extensive redness of the integument.

7. Dysfunction of the internal organs. Swelling of the fingers is very often associated with a malfunction of the internal organs. The effect is impaired by the liver, heart, kidneys, heart. Such edema is very dangerous for health, so it is important to get specialist advice.

What to do if the finger on the arm is swollen for no apparent reason: first aid

If the swelling appeared due to a bruise, then the injured limb must be urgently immobilized. Cold is applied to the affected area to eliminate pain, swelling and hematoma. A piece of ice, any cold product from the refrigerator, for example, a bottle of water, a piece of chicken, will perfectly help with this.

A cold compress is applied only the first 12 hours from the moment of injury. Also effective is a light massage with an ice cube. Repeat sessions every hour, and the duration is a quarter of an hour. This procedure is strictly forbidden to do to people who suffer from diabetes. This is due to the fact that cold constricts blood vessels and exacerbates existing problems with blood circulation.

If, after a bruise, the nail plate was damaged, then it must be fixed with a band-aid. If the damage was minor, then the nail may grow. If this did not happen in a couple of days, then the torn off part should be cut with scissors.

A tight bandage is applied to the patient's swollen finger, which limits mobility and stops the progression of puffiness. But it is important to remember that the bandage should not be very tight so as not to impede blood circulation.

If swelling is accompanied by very severe pain, then the patient should be given an anesthetic. Recommended drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ortofen will do great.

Swelling of a finger on a hand for no apparent reason: what to do and what traditional medicine can be used?

There are many effective traditional medicine that can help eliminate swelling, pain, redness, and other symptoms. But in any case, it is necessary to remember that such recipes will only help temporarily cope with the symptoms, but will not defeat the true cause of the pathological process. Of all the funds, the most effective are:

1. Compress from fresh leaves of a plantain. It is necessary to take several leaves of the plant, rinse them very well and grind into the pulp. The resulting composition is superimposed on the affected area. The compress must be changed every three hours. If it is not possible to use plantain, then it is possible to take a powder of badiagi. Mix the powder with water to get a sour cream consistency. The resulting composition is applied to a sore spot and bandaged with a bandage. The dressing should be changed every 12 hours.

2. It is very often used for compresses jacket potatoes. The boiled potatoes must be grated and allowed to cool gruel. After the mashed potatoes have cooled, wrap it in gauze and attach to a sore spot for 4 hours. After the time is up, impose a fresh fresh bandage. Always take potatoes only freshly boiled.

3. Calendula decoction compress. An iodine network can be applied to the affected part of the body. But it is important to remember that any warming compress can be applied no earlier than a day after the appearance of swelling. If you disobey, then you can harm your health and aggravate the situation. Calendula pour a liter of boiling water and put on a small fire for a quarter of an hour. Let the broth ambassador cool down. Take cotton pads or cotton wool, moisten in the resulting broth and attach to the affected finger. Bandage it and leave for a couple of hours. After this time, replace the bandage with a fresh one.

4. Baths with sea salt. In warm water, it is necessary to dissolve the salt in the proportion of a large spoon per liter of liquid. The duration of the session is from 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, you can do stroking the affected finger.

5. Onion juice compress. Take a medium-sized onion and squeeze the juice from it. In the resulting juice add a small spoonful of sugar and moisten a piece of bandage with it. A bandage is applied to a sore finger for a couple of hours.

6. You can use a healing dressing with a medical mixture. Knead for its preparation berries of viburnum, add a large spoonful of aloe juice and a couple of celandine leaves. Fix this bandage firmly at the site of the injury. Such a tool disinfects very well and promotes a speedy recovery. If there is no viburnum, then you can resort to the use of beet juice.

7. For greater fixation, use a composition of raw yolk and half a small spoon of salt. Lubricate each layer of gauze. Apply a bandage before bedtime.

Swollen finger on the hand for no apparent reason: what can not be done?

In order not to provoke complications and not harm your health, not to injure the affected area even more, you need to get acquainted with a number of rules, which should not be done. These include:

1. If the finger is swollen, pain is present, then it is forbidden to rub the sore spot. In this way, capillaries and blood vessels can be damaged. If this is a fracture of the finger, then incredible harm will be done. It is also important to categorically refuse massage.

2. In the first hours and even days from the moment of swelling of the finger, it is strictly forbidden to make warming compresses.

3. In no case should you forcibly try to bend and unbend your finger. If this is a fracture, then a bone may come out. In this case, surgery is indispensable.

4. If pain, swelling, redness appear during trauma, then in no case should you neglect this.

After providing first aid to the patient, he should be taken to the emergency room.


Watch the video: The Pain, Swelling And Stiffness of Rheumatoid Arthritis (June 2024).