How to care for dentures: tips with photos. What tools are needed when caring for removable dentures


A denture is a product that requires serious care.

If you do not keep them clean, bacteria will begin to accumulate on artificial teeth very soon, and the prosthesis will begin to deform after some time.

Therefore, in order for it to serve as long as possible, you need to know how to properly care for dentures.

How to care for removable dentures?

It is no secret that prostheses can be either removable or non-removable. For each of these designs, there are certain recommendations that must be observed if you want to continue to delight others with a snow-white smile.

To care for the removable structure, the following recommendations should be followed:

1) the prosthesis must be cleaned 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime;

2) in the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to clean the structure with a paste with non-abrasive particles and a soft brush, especially carefully monitor the areas of contact between the prosthesis and gums;

Attention! Do not use potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide under any circumstances; each of these substances can seriously disrupt the structure of the material!

3) try to remove the product after each meal and rinse it thoroughly under running water;

4) every day, use a special disinfectant solution that removes bacteria that collect on the structure throughout the day;

5) do not forget to do a professional cleaning of the product with a dentist 2-3 times a year.

To store a removable structure, it is not necessary to leave them in a container of water at night. If the prosthesis is made of modern materials, then the storage conditions may be different. It is better to check with your dentist about this.

If necessary, you can use special fixing means that allow you to firmly hold the prosthesis in the oral cavity.

How to care for fixed dentures?

Fixed structures are crowns, bridges and micro prostheses. It is much more difficult to care for them than for removable products, since they are always in the oral cavity, and you can’t remove them for cleaning.

To properly care for a fixed denture, you need to adhere to these recommendations:

1) brushing your teeth 2 times a day is required;

2) get an irrigator. This device is able to clean the prosthesis many times better than any brush. In addition, with its help you can make an excellent gum massage, which is very important for the prevention of a number of dental diseases;

3) if you use floss, you need to know that it cannot be used next to crowns and veneers, for this an irrigator is much better;

4) devices with an indicator will help you determine in which places plaque and bacteria are still present. After this, the structure will need to be cleaned again;

5) at least 2 times a year you need to visit your dentist for professional cleaning of the structure.

With what means do you need to care for dentures?

As mentioned above, to care for fixed structures, you must definitely buy an irrigator.

In general, all denture care products are divided into 2 types:

1) fixing;

2) cleansing.

The first type is needed primarily for those who use removable structures. Fixing agents are of the following types:

Powder. A very reliable method of fixation, used for small salivation by spraying a thin layer on the prosthesis, which then needs to be properly pressed for a certain time to the gums.

Special strips. These stripes are prepared from a special canvas and applied in case it is difficult for a person to get used to the prosthesis. They need to be attached to the structure itself, which can significantly reduce its pressure on the gum mucosa;

Cream. The cream is applied, as a rule, with a thin layer and dotted along the edges of the product. Make sure that the cream has a minimal amount, as its excess can harm your health. With the help of such a cream, you can not only firmly glue the structure to the mucous membrane, but also create a gasket that will protect the gums from excessive pressure. Fixing cream usually acts within 12-24 hours, then dissolves in saliva.

Also, you will definitely need to buy a set of special components designed to care for the prosthesis and oral cavity. Your dentist will tell you which one is best for your design. The kit may contain such means:

  • a brush that will need to be changed quite often (1 time in 30 days);

  • a brush designed to clean the interdental spaces;

  • non-abrasive paste. It is forbidden to use pastes with abrasive particles, since they can scratch the material of the product very quickly, which will lead to the accumulation of infection and bacteria in it.

Rinse and disinfectant tablets

The irrigator is a fairly effective device. It works on the principle of releasing a thin stream of water. It is fed from the apparatus under high pressure, which allows the device to wash all plaque from the most inaccessible places of the structure and the oral cavity. In addition to it, there are other disinfectants, such as:

  • dental floss (floss);

  • tablets for indication;

  • effervescent tablets that help eliminate all bacterial plaque that could not be cleaned with a toothbrush;

With the help of such tablets, you can not only remove the existing plaque on the prosthesis, but also prevent the occurrence of tartar and an unpleasant odor. The most effective pills for this:

  • Korega

  • "Protefix";

  • Dentipur.

You need to use them every day, having previously dissolved in water.

If you want your prosthesis to last you as long as possible, do not forget to follow all recommendations for its use and storage.


Watch the video: How To Take Care of Dentures? (July 2024).