Top 14 best yield cucumbers for open ground: a description of self-pollinated varieties and hybrids. A selection of the best self-pollinated cucumbers


To grow self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers, even a novice gardener can do it. They are more resistant to diseases, do not need pollination, and are undemanding to care. Such varieties give good yields even in unstable climates. Choosing a variety is not easy, we offer a selection of the best varieties of ground cucumbers.

Description and characteristics of the best harvested varieties of self-pollinated cucumbers for open ground

The yield indicator plays an important role in the selection of varieties. Modern hybrids of self-pollinated cucumbers are characterized by high productivity, which is a significant plus. Among them, several varieties with good indicators stand out:

· "Gerda";

· "Pinocchio";

· "Suzanne."

Gerda cucumber early ripening fruit is suitable for growing in open ground. Zelentsy universal purpose, they are used for fresh salads and preservation. The first cucumbers are removed after a month and a half of cultivation, the peak yield falls in the second month.

Bushes with a bundle type of ovary are highly resistant to powdery mildew and other characteristic diseases. Seeds are characterized by good germination. Zelentsy type greenbacks, tuberous, grow no more than 10 cm. Up to 5 cucumbers form in one sinus. Productivity is stable.

Hybrid "Pinocchio" ready for harvesting 50 days after planting in the ground. This is a cold resistant early grade for open ground. Fruiting is stable and long, back in September the bushes will please a good harvest. Zelentsy is suitable for salting and preserving, has a good taste and small size. The bushes are resistant to root rot, fungal diseases and olive spotting. Productivity of a grade is up to 13 kg from a square.

Variety "Suzanne" Czech selection refers to mid-season varieties. The first Zelentsy harvested in the second month of cultivation. Bushes are powerful, climbing, resistant to viruses and fungal diseases, beam type flowering. Cucumbers are formed in pairs in the axils of the leaves. Zelentsy are tasty, devoid of bitterness, small with characteristic tubercles. They are grown for fresh consumption and all types of processing. Productivity is up to 10 kg from meter of a bed.

What varieties of early self-pollinated cucumbers are best planted in the open ground

The early varieties will please the harvest in a month - one and a half after planting. These include the following hybrids:

· "Stella";

· "Korolek";

· "Prepaid expense".

Variety "Stella" Differs in good productivity and endurance. Bushes of medium weaving, bouquet type of flowering, with good immunity. In one sinus, up to 8 green leaves are formed. Cucumbers are elongated, smooth, without spikes. The pulp is pleasant to the taste, crispy and aromatic. Use the variety for fresh consumption and pickling.

Cucumber "Korolek" zoned for the Central and Northwest region. The bushes are hardy, resistant to cladosporiosis, powdery mildew and other diseases. Mass fruiting begins in the second month of cultivation. Green cucumbers with blurry stripes, covered with small tubercles, taste good. Zelentsy intended for summer consumption. The variety is grown for sale, the yield is up to 15 kg per meter.

No less popular is the variety "Advance", which is also grown for sale. This is a high-yielding hybrid with dark green fruits that do not grow more than 10 cm. The crop retains its presentation for a long time and is well transported. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and other diseases.

The best mid-season and late self-pollinated pickled cucumbers for open ground: a selection of varieties and hybrids

Middle and late varieties are considered those that give Zelentsy 45-50 days after planting. Of these, the most productive are:

· "Raphael";

· "Russian style";

· "German."

Variety "Raphael" universal purpose well resists various diseases, tolerates transportation and is characterized by good keeping quality. Bushes are vigorous, climbing, high-yielding. From one bush collect up to 7 kg of greenery. Fruiting occurs on the 50-55 day of cultivation. Fruits are large, tuberous, weigh up to 200 g. The pulp is without bitterness, the skin is dense. Taste is high, does not change with salting.

Cucumbers "Russian style" treat mid-season hybrids which are suitable for conservation and salting. The bushes are hardy, well resistant to powdery mildew, root rot and other diseases. Bushes of medium weaving, high-yielding. From one bush leaves up to 10 kg of marketable products per season. Zelentsy is small, crunchy, the flesh is not bitter.

No less interesting is the variety "Herman", which refers to medium-late varieties of cucumbers. Bushes are medium-sized, hardy, high-yielding. At least 22 kg of greens are collected from m2. The type of ovary is bundle, up to 6 fruits are formed in one sinus. Cucumbers with crispy flesh, sweet, do not turn yellow during transportation.

Shrub cucumbers for open ground in different regions of the country: the best self-pollinated varieties with description and photo

Shrub varieties are less climbing, compact, easy to care for. As a rule, these are early ripe varieties of cucumbers. Summer residents prefer the following varieties:

· "Diversity";

· "Crispy."

Variety "Diversity" The mid-early ripening period is characterized by good yield and disease resistance. Bushes are compact, well leafy, bear fruit on the 40-45 day of cultivation. Productivity is excellent, up to 17 kg of greens are collected from m2. Fruits are green, small, with dense crisp flesh, without bitterness, tuberous. Commercial quality is high, taste and color after preservation does not change. The variety is suitable for cultivation in any region of the country.

Crispy Cucumber Suitable for planting in open ground. The variety is medium-braided, hardy, high-yielding. Cucumbers rarely get sick, bear fruit stably and for a long time. From the bush collect up to 10 kg per season. Zelentsy greenery, dense, with crispy flesh. The variety is suitable for planting in the central region of the country.

The best self-pollinated cucumbers of the Dutch selection: varieties for open ground

Dutch seeds are well-treated for disease, so you don’t have to worry about the crop. In addition, Dutch cucumbers at the genetic level are devoid of bitterness, do not outgrow and give stable crops. Among the known varieties, several of the most productive can be distinguished:

· "Gunnar";

· "Satin";

· "Athena."

Grade "Gunnar" in demand due to the beautiful and delicious fruits. This is an early ripe hybrid, which gives the first crop after a month and a half of cultivation. The fruiting is long, marketable greens must be removed every two days. The bush is compact, slightly branched, a type of flowering bunch. Dark cucumbers, small, dense with crispy flesh. The peel is tuberous, covered with small spikes.

The yield of the variety is up to 22 kg per m2. The fruits retain their presentation for about two weeks when properly stored, their taste does not deteriorate.

Hybrid "Satin" relatively new variety resistant to powdery mildew and other diseases. Bushes are fruitful with a female type of flowering. Cucumber-type cucumbers, crispy, with a thin skin. The taste of greens is excellent, it does not change even after storage.

Cucumbers "Athena" will please the early harvest of delicious, sweet greenery. They are used for fresh consumption and all types of conservation. The bushes are resistant to olive blotch, fungal diseases.


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