How to refrain from screaming when raising a child: recommendations of psychologists. Is it possible to raise a child without raising his voice?


It's no secret that modern methods of education are significantly different from those adopted earlier. Some value systems and the political system have changed. Previously, the authoritarian method of education reigned in the family, when the words of the elders were law. Now the little man has his own opinion, he is already a person from birth, his interests must be reckoned with.

Modern children do not understand the phrase "Because I said so!" - they need to explain the appropriateness of each action. But often, parents continue to act in the old way, as they were raised, so they face problems. The child ceases to obey, gets out of control. Having tried all the familiar options, the mother begins to raise her voice on her baby, which leads to even more misunderstanding.

Recommendations of psychologists who will help not to shout at their children

First need look at yourself. If you are irritated, you need to look at yourself in the mirror, or imagine what a screaming person looks like - his face is twisted, his mouth is wide, his eyes are burning with a bad fire, and strange sounds like a roar of an animal fly out of his throat. It's getting scary. What is it like for a little man? This method will quickly sober up and help calm down.

It is necessary to relieve tension. Often, mothers scream at children because of their own fatigue - a difficult day at work, a quarrel with a friend, a bad mood or well-being, and then the baby got nasty. Nerves can’t cope and mom breaks down. You need to find a way to remove the negative before you get home. For example, you can sign up to the gym and take off stress there or listen to your favorite music on the way home.

Special attention needs to be paid to taking care of yourself. A tired mother who does not love herself is the worst thing that can happen in a family. The mood of the household directly depends on the mood of the mother, so you need to give yourself at least 1 hour a day. A woman should not put her desires in the background. If there is a desire to draw, dance or sing, you need to do this in order to cheer up and easily endure household scrapes.

A good method of not yelling at the baby is take a short pause. As soon as irritation turns into anger and mother feels that she is about to break loose, she should take a deep breath, go into the next room and take a break there. You can drink a cup of coffee, look into the distance or count to 50, and then calmly assess the seriousness of the situation. When emotions calm down, the desire to raise a voice will disappear by itself.

Talk more often with your children about feelings. Through such communication, they will learn to recognize their feelings and show respect for other people. If the mother is in a bad mood, she needs to be told about it directly, then the baby will be warned and become naughty less.

Psychologists recommend using the methods described above if parents are not comfortable with their child. Everything happens in the life of parents, but if it so happened that screams become the norm in the family, you need to pay attention to this. Do not blame yourself for the annoyance, because awareness of the problem is already good. You can try to cope with the problem yourself, but if it does not work out, then you should contact a specialist.


Watch the video: How To Get Kids To Listen Without Yelling (June 2024).