Second pregnancy: physiological and psychological differences. How to prepare the first child for the birth of a second?


You are expecting a second child. Alarming thoughts are often mixed in with joyful and exciting experiences. I would like to know how the second pregnancy will go, how it will differ from the first in physiological and emotional terms.

The unknown is always a little alarming. Do not worry, everything will go well. Differences, of course, will be. It’s true to say what changes concern you, only a fortuneteller will undertake to predict. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some features that may await you.

The second pregnancy - differences from the first

Usually the second pregnancy is a little easier. Firstly, you already know what lies ahead, and on a subconscious level you are ready for a new pregnancy, and secondly, the body itself is easier to adapt to the changes that are taking place, because he had already experienced this condition.

It is likely that your taste preferences are changing. If in the past pregnancy you could not live without the salty, then this time you will be pulled for sour or sweet, or in general, there may be no taste preferences. Toxicosis will torment much less or not at all, although there are exceptions.

But varicose veins with each subsequent pregnancy manifests itself more and more. Therefore, if you encounter this problem in everyday life, you should take extra care of your legs during pregnancy: do not overload them, spending too much time on their legs, and wear special compression underwear.

In this pregnancy, you will not be able to devote much time to yourself, although you will get tired more. After all, now you have a child who requires care and attention. In order not to be in a stressful state, try to evenly distribute the time during the day so that, without any emergency, it is enough for household chores, a child, a husband and, most importantly, your vacation.

My years are my wealth

If the second pregnancy is in the young years, or after the first birth not so much time has passed, the waiting time for the second child will be very similar to the first pregnancy. And, here, if the second pregnancy occurs at the age of 35-40 years or older, a woman may encounter some difficulties.

Firstly, no matter what they say, but at first your colleagues and grandmothers on the bench will whisper behind your back. Although the number of late births is rapidly increasing in the world now, the mentality of people does not always keep pace with fashion trends. Especially in small cities. Human gossip will not affect the state of health, but they will not add pleasant moments. Therefore, try to simply ignore them.

Secondly, various diseases appear with age. During pregnancy, they can worsen. Therefore, the state of your health during this period should be treated with great attention. You will have to take more tests than in the first pregnancy, visit the local gynecologist, genetics and other specialists more often. For your own good and health of the unborn child, follow all the recommendations, even if, in your opinion, there will be too many of them.

Although a woman aged 35-40 often looks very young, her body is still tired. And if the first pregnancy, being younger, you suffered quite easily, now fatigue will accompany you quite often. Therefore, do not hesitate to connect your husband and older child for more active help with the housework.

The first, but not the only one

This point can be an important distinguishing feature of a second pregnancy. Therefore, he should pay due attention. According to the results of numerous surveys that were conducted at different times, most first-born children are very painful and jealous of the news of the appearance in the near future of a brother or sister. And not necessarily this will be expressed by demonstrative protest, often children carry experiences within themselves. After all, he managed to get used to the role of the universal favorite, to be in the spotlight. It doesn’t matter how old the child is, 3 or 15 years old, he definitely needs to have preparatory talks. Only, depending on his character, age, it is necessary to choose the right approach.

When the second baby is born, at first try to devote more time to the eldest son or daughter so that they do not feel superfluous. True, after the birth of the baby, older children very quickly get used to a new member of the family, and express a desire to play or to care for him. It is clear that the eldest son or daughter will help the mother with the housework or in caring for the baby. Just do not forget that the eldest child is also a child, he has his own childhood, he needs to play, study, communicate with peers. Do not shift too much cargo onto it. No need to ask him to constantly walk with a stroller or sit at home with a baby when peers play in the yard. Let him also chase the ball with them, go to the cinema or sit at the computer.

Interesting facts about the second pregnancy

  • There is an opinion that the second pregnancy lasts a week or two less than the first. This is not true. Any childbirth can begin earlier, later, or on time, the sequence of pregnancies does not affect this. But the fact that the time of birth in the second pregnancy is often shorter than in the first, it is true. Therefore, during the first contractions, do not pull with a trip to the hospital, childbirth can begin rapidly.
  • From the fact that the walls of the abdominal cavity were stretched during the first pregnancy, in the second, the tummy will become noticeable earlier. You will also feel the first tremors of the child 2-3 weeks earlier.
  • The first few days after birth, the uterus will continue to contract. If after the first birth, you hardly felt this, then after the second and subsequent birth, uterine contractions occur more painfully. This will be especially noticeable when breastfeeding.
  • In the second pregnancy, the uterus with the baby is slightly lower, which creates additional pressure on the lower back and bladder. Therefore, lower back pain and more frequent urination are possible. The situation can be corrected by wearing a support bandage.


Anika 03/26/2016
I suffered a first pregnancy just awful! And stretch marks, and nausea, but what a toxicosis! I thought that this is the first and last time I am so tormented!)) But, now after three years, we are thinking about another child. I hope that there will be no repetition))

Anna 03/26/2016
I have a girlfriend (she has two children), I did not feel my pregnancy at all. That is, she did not have any special signs or inconveniences in connection with this. Just - gave birth and all))) In my opinion, even food preferences were the same. And at the same time, she is small and thin! Some are lucky)))

Eva 03/26/2016
I was much more difficult to endure the second pregnancy, I just fall into the category of women who gave birth late. The pressure was constant, the lower abdomen pulled. And the stomach was larger, although the baby was born with a normal weight. In general, the second pregnancy was much harder.

Aleftina 03/26/2016
Of course, the second pregnancy is easier to tolerate. After all, you are already ready for these difficulties and know what exactly awaits you. It’s one thing to just read about pregnancy and childbirth, and it’s quite another to experience everything yourself. And I have no tastes with the first. have not changed with a second pregnancy.

Tanya 03/26/2016
It seems to me that all the inconveniences associated with pregnancy can be endured. But all that concerns the first child, this is a very serious moment. Indeed, it often happens that parents are fully engaged in a second pregnancy or as a child, forgetting that the older one needs attention.


Watch the video: Physiological Changes During Pregnancy (June 2024).