Black rice is a healthy product or not. Possible harm from eating black rice, contraindications


Forbidden food, available only to emperors and high rulers; unknown to most, because of its high price, cereal; a dietary product that dietitians and other doctors are positive about. All this is black (or wild) rice. What is so useful in black rice? And what is even more interesting is whether there is a harmful side to such a grits? Let's figure it out!

Some facts

As soon as we hear "Asia", rice is drawn in the mind, and when we hear about rice, we remember about Asia, these two concepts are inextricable. This is quite logical, because Asia is the birthplace of all kinds of rice:

● black rice,

● basmati,

● red rice,

● white,

● brown rice,

● Thai fragrant,

● many others, from about 8,000 varieties.

For a long time, black rice was grown only for the ruler’s table. High in the mountains, he gathered by hand, and ordinary people were punished for trying to taste it. Zitsania (Zizania aquatica), as black rice is scientifically called, is not really rice, but rather just the seeds of a water-loving water cyanide. Asian people have nicknamed this plant “longevity rice” and “blood-feeding rice” because of its huge positive impact. Therefore, only very important, high-ranking people ate them.

Today it is also not so easy to get black rice, but more and more healthy food stores and exotic food stalls delight gourmets with the presence of this cereal on their shelves. The price ranges from 5 to 7.5 dollars per kilogram.

Content in black rice of useful substances

A lot of controversy is swirling around the scolding, some talk about its special composition, others about the risk associated with it. What can not be doubted is the content of antioxidants, in such quantities that they are not found in any of the food products. The presence of folic acid is also important. It is believed that 155-175 grams of black rice satisfies the daily norm of this substance. Unlike ordinary, white, black has twice as many amino acids, namely 18.

The vitamin composition is as follows:

● From group B: B6, B3, and B9;

● K;

● C;

● E;

● A.

Trace elements contained in the plant:

● potassium;

● manganese within 1.3 mg;

● iodine;

● zinc about 6 mg;

● selenium;

● phosphorus approximately 433 mg;

● copper;

● magnesium on average 177 mg;

● sodium.

As for the level of sodium in rice, there is an interesting feature - in the wild its level is much lower than in other varieties, for example, in white rice. Sodium is needed to regulate the mineral balance and the level of H2O in the body. The norm per day is approximately 1,500 milligrams. But due to the content in many products, its daily intake is increased many times. And an excess of sodium is more harmful than good. Black rice contains a minimal dose of sodium, so it will not upset its balance in the human body.

Tsitsaniya is rich in other useful elements:

1. fiber, which cleanses the intestines from toxins, and beneficially affects the condition of the stomach.

2. Protein, it promotes health and muscle growth.

3. carbohydrates, our energy sources.

4. healthy fats, essential nutrients, but not harmful.

It completely lacks cholesterol, which is a useful feature, because through another meal we get an excess of different types of cholesterol.

Useful properties of black rice

Modern nutritionists increasingly recommend eating wild rice during diets. Many of the diet programs are rich in fats, but lack of fiber. Because of this, most women who decide to lose weight suffer from gallstones, stomach ulcers, varicose veins and constipation. Eating wild black rice during the diet can not be faced with these consequences.

In a portion (100 grams) it is concluded:

● Energy value: 101 kcal; 423 kj.

● Protein: 3.99 grams.

● Carbohydrate: 21.34 grams.

● Fat: 0.34 grams.

● Water: 73.93 grams.

● Different types of sugars: 0.73 grams.

Such a composition is very beneficial for weight loss, because of its low calorie content, but rich in nutritional value. A positive effect on the digestive system and metabolism, the ability to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time, make this dish on the table very desirable during a diet.

Those who do not just want to lose weight, but are struggling with obesity, will find it beneficial to use citation, because thanks to it, sugars and carbohydrates are very slowly absorbed. This in turn prevents the body from feeling too hungry again too quickly.

For maximum benefit, during a diet, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet, without underestimating the importance of sufficient amounts of water, fruits and vegetables, physical activity.

Removing excess water and harmful fats to the body, having a sweet taste and eliminating the need to replenish the body with glucose, the plant seeds help in losing weight.

In addition to dietary benefits, in other areas of health, wild rice cereal is not inferior in good properties. It can be useful for people with heart disease, thanks to the valuable substance oryzanol. This substance is able to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, and help the brain to carry an increased load, reduces the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries and prevents the development of heart attacks and strokes.

The regular presence of this cereal in food will correct vision, improve the components of nails and hair, and help with anemia, postoperative rehabilitation, and physical exhaustion.

The use of detoxifies the whole body, and in particular the liver, cleansing it of harmful toxins.

Being a hypoallergenic product, rice is not dangerous for people prone to allergic reactions.

Due to the content of beneficial proteins, the muscle condition improves, and the metabolism and functioning of the immune system return to normal.

Favorable for pregnant women, nourishes them with vitamins, while benefiting the baby.

Strengthens the skeleton, reducing the risk of fractures, which is especially useful for athletes and people after 35 years.

A diet with the presence of grain will prevent such problems:

● gastritis;

● heartburn;

● ulcerative lesions of the intestinal mucosa and stomach;

● constipation;

● violations in the digestive tract;

● problems of veins (varicose veins).

Is black rice harmful?

It should be said right away that each, even the most useful product from all points of view, for an individual organism can be harmful. To find out whether citations can be included in the menu, take a small portion and watch your condition.

It is very interesting that scientists believe that black rice is not able to have a side effect on the human body. Even a study of the seeds of this wild-growing rice showed no definite harmful factors.

Overeating wild rice leads to constipation, so moderate consumption will eliminate this problem.

In the kitchen, harm can only consist in the fact that because of its composition, it stains enameled dishes, so it is better to choose containers from other materials for cooking.

Cooking Tips

Before cooking, rice should be soaked in water for two three hours, so it will be more useful. After that, you need to rinse it and proceed to cooking.

Cereal is excellent with legumes, which will help to diversify dishes. Suitable for meat, fish, vegetables, as a side dish. It is used in the preparation of rolls, cookies, soups, desserts, snacks.

Black rice was not in vain worthy of the highest-ranking people, with its enormous benefits and minimal harm, it will delight you too!


Watch the video: How to Be on the Keto Diet the Healthy Way (June 2024).