Products that excite us and that kill desire


Exotic fruits and fish, various types of legumes and seafood - not just food. These are ingredients in which there are various invisible to the ordinary eye vitamins and trace elements that can improve our body, give beauty and youth, as well as giving or selecting sexual desire.

Products that enhance sexual sensations and increase the time of sexual intercourse

Male potency - an important component of successful sex, so that it was normal, it must be supported. Products that are rich in proteins, vitamins B, E and A do this. But carbohydrates and fats (bread, muffins, fatty meats) negatively affect potency, you need to be careful with them.

Be sure to add a man a portion of meat, fish and eggs. Let his diet be varied, as a side dish you can cook a vegetable salad, including celery, radish, spinach or turnips. Naturally, you can add other vegetables to taste, better fill with garlic butter, which, like onions, has a good effect on potency.

Walnuts are a strong aphrodisiac, so treat your man to a romantic dinner with vegetable salad, a piece of fish and a dressing of garlic and nuts. The night of love is assured.

Milk, sour cream and cottage cheese are not ignored, add these products to the menu and see how your life will change.

Little sweet

Bananas possess remarkable qualities, their action is long, often for the whole day.

Dates can not only improve the potency, but also extend the process of sexual intercourse. Add to this avocado with its wonderful properties and married life may seem like a paradise and a fairy tale.

Do not forget about chocolate. He is not only able to cheer up and give joy, but also allows you to plunge into a state of love because of the production of the hormone endorphin (the hormone of joy).

Few women know that after a strawberry mood becomes playful and romantic, the whole thing in fruit sugar and how the body reacts to it.

Products that can put out the fire of love

In addition to lowering potency, the products listed below are also harmful to health.

First of all, it is fast food and fast foods, then semi-finished products. The composition of these ingredients deserves criticism, because they contain a lot of flavors, dyes and other elements that are not very useful for our body.

Foods rich in carbohydrates adversely affect not only the figure, but also the potency. For example, white bread, in combination with sausage is the number one enemy for the health of a man.

Products that contain soy may also have a negative effect on potency and sexual desire. The same applies to alcohol, although many believe that it acts the opposite, but after a brief dilation of blood vessels and blood flow, vasoconstriction, blood outflow and difficult erection occur.

As for the quantity

Often, after a hard day's work, we rush home. To eat and rest, however, after a hearty dinner (due to slow saturation, we can eat several times more), we feel heavy, very tired and sleepy. About any joys and speech can not be. It turns out that if overeat is too bad.

Conclusion: you need to follow not only what you eat, but how much. Only in a combination of these two moments will get a full sex life.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna


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