Causes and symptoms of hernia in kittens, types of hernial protrusion in kittens. How to identify and properly treat a kitten's hernia in time


Hernial protrusion is a disease that occurs not only in representatives of the species Homo Sapiens. This pathological process has become quite widespread in the animal world.

Kittens are no exception to these rules. Unfortunately, breeders very often do not pay attention to the first symptoms of this physiological anomaly. Such carelessness can result in the development of serious complications, and in some cases even cause the death of the animal.

In order for this scenario to bypass your pet, let's look at the main causes and symptoms of hernia in kittens, as well as pay closer attention to timely diagnosis and proper treatment of a hernia in kittens. We suggest starting our tour with a definition of the disease.

Hernia - a pathological process in which the tissues of the internal organs go beyond the normal boundaries of the cavities they occupy. This physiological anomaly is a consequence of the weakening of certain muscle groups located in the walls of the cavity. Such a sharp drop in muscle tone can lead to the appearance of various defects in the muscle tissue, accompanied by the formation of pathological holes, the so-called hernial gates. Moreover, each of these holes is a weak link, a gap in the muscle fibers, which (in potential) can become the focus of the formation of future hernial protrusion.

Types of hernias in kittens

Depending on the location, hernias in kittens are divided into the following types:

• Diaphragmatic hernial protrusion.

• Pericardial-peritoneal hernial protrusion.

• Umbilical hernia protrusion.

• Inguinal hernial protrusion.

• Perineal hernia protrusion.

• Intervertebral hernia.

The most common types of this physiological abnormality found in kittens are umbilical and inguinal hernia. All other varieties of this disease are much less common.

Important! Even an unbroken hernia can negatively affect the condition of internal organs, and also become the main cause of constant depression in your pet!

The reasons for the appearance of a hernia in a kitten

The causes of hernias in kittens are diverse. The hereditary factor is considered the main provocative mechanism that causes the manifestation of such a pathological process. Also, hernial protrusions can lead to:

• Mechanical injuries.

• Complicated childbirth.

• Incorrect gnawing by the cat of the umbilical cord after the birth process.

• Disorders of the digestive tract (frequent constipation, diarrhea).

• Unsuccessful castration or sterilization of the animal.

• Complication of various postoperative processes.

• Congenital weakness of the umbilical ring.

• Increased pressure on the abdominal wall.

• Improper nutrition, accompanied by systematic overeating.

• Increased flatulence.

The vastness of the hernial sac directly depends on the muscle tone of the umbilical ring. The size of the hernia can be either tiny or acquire quite impressive volumes.

Important! The hernial opening is the place where the muscles of the umbilical ring are most weak. Further normal physiological development of the body should lead to the closure of muscle groups and the natural elimination of hernial gates. But if tissues of internal organs have already entered the hole, then the opposite process will inevitably follow. Its result will be a permanent increase in the hernial sac, which will entail further development and complication of the pathology!

Symptoms of hernia in kittens

At the initial stages of development, the kitten's hernia appears as a tiny tubercle, usually localized in the umbilical region or in the groin area. In this form, a hernial formation does not cause the pet any special trouble and does not declare itself in any way. It is at this stage that the experienced and caring breeder must take all necessary measures aimed at eliminating the hernia in his pet.

At this stage, getting rid of a hernia formation will be as painless as possible for the kitten and will not cause much trouble to its owner. In this phase, you can even try to eliminate such an anomaly yourself, avoiding surgery. If the breeder misses the time, the pathological process will begin to develop further, more and more strongly declaring his presence by the appearance of various negative symptoms.

The main symptoms of a hernia in a kitten:

• The kitten looks lethargic and lethargic.

• The kitten refuses food.

• The kitten is vomiting.

• The kitten is fixed bowel obstruction.

• There is an increased body temperature.

• Difficulty with breathing.

• The coordination of movements is disturbed.

• Signs of local muscle atrophy are recorded.

Important! Independent disposal of your pet from a hernia with the help of a tightly fixed coin in the bulging area or another type of bandage is possible only at the very initial stage of the disease. It is recommended that such a procedure be carried out only if the breeder has sufficient experience and is fully confident in its effectiveness. In all other situations, self-medication is strictly excluded!

Diagnosis and treatment of a hernia in a kitten

Diagnostic measures for such a pathological process are standard. They include:

• Initial examination by a veterinarian, with palpation of the affected areas.

• Radiography.

• Ultrasound procedure.

• MRI.

• Myelography.

Depending on the specific situation, the appointment of an additional diagnostic procedure by the attending physician is possible.

Kitten hernia treatment is divided into two main methods. The first is conservative therapy. The second is surgery. It should be remembered that the conservative method of treatment can be used only with an uncomplicated pathological process. With this method, a special bandage corset is put on the kitten, which is designed to prevent the loss of internal organs in the hernial cavity, and helps to strengthen the corresponding groups of local muscles. This kitten will have to wear this corset for several months.

In all other cases, surgery is indicated. Its main goal is the mechanical excision of the restrained tissue and the forced elimination of the hernial sac by suturing it.

Preventative measures

Prevention measures include:

• Elimination of problems with the digestive system and bowel movements of a kitten.

• Feline birth control.

• Maximum protection of the pet from mechanical injuries and falls.

• Reduce the number of mating in a cat.

• The use of special veterinary ointments.

• Massotherapy.

Important! Very often, the cause of a hernia in a kitten is a hereditary factor. Breeders are not recommended to use when breeding animals that previously suffered from similar diseases. It is likely that the pathology can be transmitted to offspring at the genetic level!

In the article, we examined the main points associated with the appearance of a hernia in kittens. If you want to receive more detailed information on this pathological process, then you need to seek advice from a specialized veterinary clinic. In any case, we hope that the information you just received will help solve your problems.

Health to you and your pets!
