The subtleties of planting chrysanthemums in spring and autumn: how to plant. Features of caring for chrysanthemums throughout the season, preparation for winter


Chrysanthemum - a beautiful autumn flower, pleases with bright colors until the frost, when all the plants in the garden have already faded. It is not difficult to grow a bush, it is enough to know all the rules for planting and caring for chrysanthemums in the open ground. We’ll talk about this.

When to plant chrysanthemum in the ground

This is a question many gardeners ask themselves. So, when is it right, in the spring or in the fall? Chrysanthemum seedlings can be planted in the spring, as soon as the threat of frost passes. In different regions, the timing may vary, landing occurs approximately in mid-May or early June.

In regions with a warm climate, delenki can be planted in the fall. If winter begins early, then you need to finish the work before the first frost. Otherwise, the root system does not have time to grow stronger, the plant will die.

For planting, choose a suitable day when the sun is not so scorching. It is good to plant delenki before the rain. Experienced gardeners advise not to make holes, but special trenches, placing the plants on the curb. Between the bushes leave from 20 to 50 cm, which depends on the variety.

Important! Border chrysanthemums are planted closer to each other so that they form a dense row. Between tall specimens leave more space.

If planting is carried out in the spring, then be sure to water the bushes so that the moisture well soaks the earthen lump. When the work is finished, mulch the soil around and cover the plant with lutrasil. When the seedlings adapt to new conditions, young shoots appear, then the shelter is removed. This method allows you to create the desired microclimate, seedlings take root more quickly.

Autumn planting imposes its own rules. Plants are not watered if the weather is wet and rainy. Dry shoots are necessarily cut at a level of 10-15 cm from the soil surface and mulch the bush with dry leaves. When the snow falls, they throw it into the root zone to additionally insulate it.

When to plant chrysanthemum cuttings

If you have cuttings of chrysanthemums, then you can root them in two ways:

· In the open ground;

· On the windowsill.

In open ground, cuttings root in the spring, when the daytime temperature is set at +21 ° C. Planting material is selected from the root, since the side shoots are not suitable for this. Cuttings are cut with a sharp knife, the bottom cut is made oblique. For planting, a bed is prepared in advance in a shady place in order to observe the necessary microclimate. Cuttings are planted in the soil at an angle, a layer of sand 2-3 cm thick is poured on top. The landing site is covered with a film or a greenhouse. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to root.

Important! Young plants are transferred to a permanent place the next year in the spring. They hibernate in a greenhouse. In the first year, buds need to be cut off so as not to loosen the bushes.

You can root cuttings on the windowsill at any time of the year. For this, a container with a depth of 15-20 cm is selected. The lower layer is made of nutrient soil, and washed sand is poured on top. Cuttings are planted in the sand so that the bottom edge does not touch the ground. Rooting takes place in the sand. The container with cuttings is cleaned in a cool place where the temperature is maintained at 18-20 ° C. The soil is regularly moistened, air is sprayed around the cuttings. It takes about a month to root, after which young bushes can be taken out to the garden and planted in a permanent place.

Advice! It is better to transplant young chrysanthemums in autumn to enjoy flowering the following year. In the first year, bushes from frost well cover dry foliage.

How to care for chrysanthemums in the garden

There are no special difficulties in caring for chrysanthemum, but some points will not hurt to know.

How to pinch a chrysanthemum

To grow a beautiful spherical bush, you must definitely pinch the plant over 8 leaves. After this procedure, the active growth of lateral shoots begins, which also need pinching. However, this rule does not apply to border chrysanthemums, which already grow in a compact bush. If you pinch them further, then flowering can not wait.

Tall large-flowered chrysanthemums pinch differently. The apical shoots are shortened as soon as they reach the required length. But it is better to cut the lateral shoots completely at the root, leaving only 3-4 of the most developed. If this is not done, then the flower baskets will be smaller, the bush will grow greatly and lose attractiveness.

Advice! For tall chrysanthemums, it is better to build props that will support the shoots from the wind.

Watering organization

Chrysanthemum prefers plentiful watering, but not too frequent. If there is not enough moisture in the soil, then the shoots will become coarse, the flowers will lose attractiveness. In the rainy season, the bushes are rarely watered, but regularly loosen the soil under them. Ideally, plants are watered under the root so that drops of water do not fall on the leaves. This can lead to various diseases, which reduces the decorativeness of the flower.

Important! In wet weather, chrysanthemums are often affected by fungal diseases, so they are regularly sprayed with preparations containing copper.

Do chrysanthemums need to be fed?

If you want your flowers to please the eye every year, then dressing is necessary. They are made at least three times a season according to the following scheme:

· At the beginning of growth, ammonia nitrogen is used;

· In the period of budding feed phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;

· In the fall make bird droppings or mullein.

If chrysanthemums were planted in the spring, then for the first time top dressing is applied 1.5-2 months after planting. If delenki planted in the fall, then immediately after planting, the soil is mulched with bird droppings.

Chrysanthemums perceive well both mineral and organic fertilizing. It is only important to alternate them among themselves.

Important! If the weather is rainy, then dry granular fertilizers are applied. In hot weather, it is better to feed with a liquid solution, but first moisten the soil well.

When to transplant a chrysanthemum

In one place, the shrub can grow up to three years, after it must be transplanted. If this is not done, then the flower baskets will become smaller, and the bush itself will often begin to hurt.

A transplant is planned for spring. An old bush is dug up with a lump of earth, divided into several parts, each planted in a lighted place. Take care of young chrysanthemums as usual. In the first winter, the flower is sheltered from severe frosts.

Autumn Chrysanthemum Care

What to do with bushes after flowering? This question is asked by many gardeners. As soon as the cold comes, all shoots are cut, leaving 10-15 cm from the soil surface. After that, the bush is mulched with dry leaves, additionally covered with spruce branches, if severe frosts are expected. However, this rule does not apply to all chrysanthemums, but only to Korean or small-flowered ones.

Large-flowered and tall varieties do not winter well in open ground in central Russia. How to keep these species until spring? Uterine plants are dug up with a lump of earth and stored until planting. There are three ways to organize storage:

· Put the bushes in wooden boxes and store at a temperature of 6 ° C in a bright room, maintain humidity at 80%;

· Install plants in the cellar on the earthen floor, where the temperature does not drop below 0 ° C;

· Dig a trench in the ground, put bushes in it, cover with a thick layer of soil, after boards or slate.

The latter method is not entirely convenient, since it is impossible to completely control the bushes at the storage stage. Often they are affected by disease.


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