Ice and beauty: from which you can make useful cubes


Ice is a tonic, it wakes up the body (because washing with cubes is recommended in the morning) and refreshes the skin of the face and body.

All this is due to the fact that during the cooling of the skin, blood flows to it, the pores narrow, and metabolic processes are stimulated. The skin becomes firmer and fresher, for those who do not have a natural blush, such a wash will give a light rose on the cheeks.

Washing occurs at a fast pace, the ice slides on the skin, both on the face and on the neck and décolleté. A two-time procedure will give daily not only vigor, but also freshness and smartness of the skin.

Cosmetologists advise not to wipe after a cold wash, but to allow the skin to absorb liquid. In order to make the benefits of ice even greater, it is possible not only to freeze water, then together with the absorbed liquid, useful microelements also penetrate the skin.

We offer several options for "filling" of vitamin-tonic ice.

Ice composition for beauty

  • Mineral water will be a great refreshing agent for the skin, it is very useful for the body and you can take it not only inside but also outside as a means for cold washing.
  • Green tea also has a tonic effect, brew strong tea leaves and pour into molds. In the morning, you can enjoy the refreshing effect and aroma of tea on your skin.
  • Silver water has a cleansing property. We lower the silver coin into the water and leave it for a day, then freeze it and use it. Silver has disinfecting properties, so this washing is suitable for sensitive and irritated skin.
  • To get rid of age spots and lighten the skin a little, use rice water for the procedures. To do this, rinse a small amount of cereal and boil until full boiling, drain and freeze the liquid. Every three days cook fresh broth.
  • The bay leaf has a calming effect. It also needs to be boiled and the liquid frozen. By the way, these cubes can be used after home cleansing.
  • Lemon juice not only has an excellent set of vitamins, but is also capable of rejuvenating the skin. To make citrus juice, squeeze a liquid from a half of a lemon, connect it with a glass of water and freeze.
  • Another bleaching agent is grapefruit, the juice from it is not necessary to crush. It is enough to peel and peel the slices and freeze.
  • Watermelon ice has a tonic. Squeeze the juice and freeze it, the freshness and energy for the skin is guaranteed.

Ice for beauty can be made not only from fruits and spices, but also from herbs. Examine their effects on the skin and prepare medicinal decoctions.

As a conclusion, it is worth recalling that in the cold season it is not necessary to wash your face with ice, at least, before going out on the street for sure. You should not use ice in case the skin is very inflamed or your vessels are dilated, such procedures can only aggravate the condition of the face. If in doubt about this procedure, consult a beautician.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna


Watch the video: 42 SMART AND HELPFUL BEAUTY HACKS (June 2024).