Lazy manti or khanum: step by step recipes with meat, potatoes and other vegetables. Cooking a hearty khanum according to step by step recipes


Hanum (Hanuma) is often called "lazy manti." This dish is also prepared from dough and meat, vegetables, and is also steamed, but requires less effort. No need to sculpt piece products, just twist the roll with a juicy filling.

Here are collected home-made step-by-step recipes of khanum with the three most popular fillings.

Khanum - general principles of cooking

The Uzbek khanum is always prepared from unleavened dough. And it is very important to roll it thinly. Only in this case, the inner layers of the roll are saturated with filling juices, it will turn out very tender and pleasant to the taste. The dough can be kneaded in water, milk, using custard technology. Below in the step-by-step recipes of Hanuma, all this is described in detail. The finished dough needs to lie down, then it is rolled out, the filling is laid out, the roll is twisted.

The most popular types of minced meat:

• meat with onions and carrots;

• meat with potatoes, onions, carrots;

• vegetable mix.

The finished roll is transferred to a pallet from a special pressure cooker (mantis) or a double boiler is used, a small roll can be prepared in a slow cooker. It is important that the surface is lubricated, otherwise there may be problems with the extraction of the khanum. Steamed roll from 30 to 45 minutes.

Khanum is laid out on a flat plate, greased on top with oil or grease. The dish is cut across, like a regular roll. A small bowl with tomato sauce or vinegar is usually placed in the center.

Khanum meat: a step by step recipe

For the filling, you can use any kind of meat: lamb, pork, beef, optionally add poultry. If the meat is not fat, then additionally introduce a small piece of fat or fat tail. The dough in this step-by-step Hanuma recipe is the easiest on water with the addition of oil.


• 100 ml of water;

• egg;

• a spoonful of oil;

• salt and flour (3-3.5 cups).

For filling:

• 500 g of meat;

• carrot;

• 2 onions;

• 2-3 tablespoons of fat or oil;

• spices.


1. It is better to start with the preparation of the dough, as it should lie down. Otherwise, rolling out a thin layer will not work. Add 0.3 tsp to the egg. salt, shake, pour in room temperature water and add a spoonful of oil. You can knead the dough without it, but the fat will make the mass more elastic, convenient to use.

2. Stir, introduce flour. This amount of liquid will take about three glasses. Knead the dough until the piece stops absorbing flour. We remove the lump in the bag for 30-40 minutes.

3. Peel two large onion heads, cut into cubes. Peel the carrots too, grate coarsely or cut them with a knife as well.

4. Heat oil or fat in a frying pan, put the vegetables and fry over medium heat. It is not necessary to achieve a brown color, just lightly fry until the onion becomes transparent. Turn off the stove, cool.

5. Twist the meat through a meat grinder with a large grill. You can chop with knives. Minced mince for khanum is not used.

6. Add salt to the meat and pepper. You can enter other spices, for example, zira, curry, saffron. Choose to your taste, pour and mix thoroughly.

7. We take out the dough, roll out a large and thin cake from it. If the pan of the double boiler is small, then it is better to cook two rolls. In this case, we divide everything in half. We make a long cake, something between an oval and a rectangle.

8. We spread the minced meat, spread it with an even layer, leaving the edges intact, about 1 cm.

9. Sprinkle the meat on top with cooked vegetables from the pan, they can also be seasoned with spices, since onions and carrots have a sweet taste.

10. Gently lift the nearest edge, twist a long roll with the filling. We’re not in a hurry, the filling should not be gathered in a heap, but you don’t need to do too much tight roll.

11. Carefully transfer the formed roll of khanum to the pallet. We spread in a circle, try not to completely cover the holes through which the steam will pass.

12. Pour water into a saucepan or pan of a double boiler, bring to a boil. Add a bay leaf, a few peas of pepper.

13. Install the khanum. We cover.

14. Cook for 40-45 minutes a couple.

15. Take out the roll, transfer to a flat dish. Serve with tomato sauce, herbs, lecho, cut into pieces.

Hanum: a step-by-step recipe with potatoes and meat

In this step-by-step Hanuma recipe, not only the filling, but also the composition of the test changes. Knead it without an egg and in milk. It will turn out softer, tastier.


• 120 ml of milk;

• 2 tbsp. l oils;

• 0.3 tsp salts;

• flour.

For filling:

• 250 g of meat;

• 50 g of fat;

• 2 carrots;

• 2-3 potatoes;

• 2 onions;

• spices, a little oil.


1. In milk at room temperature we introduce salt, oil, dissolve. Add the sifted flour, begin to knead the mass with a spoon. Once it becomes difficult to rotate, take out a spoon and transfer the mass to a table sprinkled with flour. We make a cool and elastic dough. Turn the bowl over, cover the lump, give it a "rest"

2. Twist the meat with lard. Since potato is involved in this step-by-step recipe of khanuma, additional fat is needed, otherwise it will turn out a dry minced meat.

3. Peel the onions, grate the carrots.

4. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of oil into a large pan, put to heat, put prepared vegetables, fry for two minutes. Add salt.

5. Peel the potatoes. Pre-boil the tubers is not necessary. Cut into small cubes of 4-5 millimeters.

6. Mix potatoes with minced meat. Add salt, pepper.

7. We put water on the stove, add spices, wait for boiling.

8. We roll out the settled dough into a very thin layer. We distribute the stuffing of minced meat with pieces of potato over it.

9. The next layer on the meat spread the fried vegetables.

10. Lift the ends of the dough, spin the roll.

11. Transfer to a greased tray. We spread it with a seam down so that it seals under the weight of the roll, juicy filling does not leak.

12. Set the pan of the double boiler over boiling water, close with a tight lid.

13. Khanum with potatoes and meat is also cooked for about 35-40 minutes. The exact time depends on the thickness of the roll, as well as the meat used. If it is beef, it’s best to hold it a little longer.

14. Transfer the finished dish to a large flat plate. It is advisable to lubricate the roll on top. You can use fat from a pan in which vegetables were fried, or just walk on a hot surface with a piece of butter.

15. Decorate the khanum with fresh herbs, serve.

Vegetable khanum: step by step recipe with pumpkin and potatoes

Another step-by-step recipe for Uzbek khanum, but only with vegetable filling. The meat is not added to it, the dish can be used for fasting or included in the diet of vegetarians. The dough will be kneading using custard technology. It can be easily rolled into a thin layer, but at the same time it is very gentle, soft.


• 1.3 tbsp. water;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• flour.

Stuffing for khanum:

• 200 g pumpkin;

• 200 g of onion;

• 50 g butter;

• spices;

• 2 potatoes;

• 1 pepper;

• 1-2 carrots.


1. Measure the right amount of water, add oil, salt, put on a stove. Brew and knead conveniently in a pan with low sides. Bring the mixture to a boil.

2. Turn off the stove, fill up a full glass with a slide of flour and quickly stir. Cool to a warm state while continuing to mix. You can add an egg to the warm mixture, there is such a recipe for the dough. But you can’t add an egg to a freshly brewed mass, the protein will catch in flakes.

3. Add the flour, knead a very cool dough until smooth. We put it in a bag, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, let it lie down.

4. Peel all vegetables, chop the carrots into strips, dice the onions.

5. Melt in a pan 50 grams of oil, lightly fry cooked vegetables over medium heat. Or take any fat. For the lean option, you can use vegetable oil.

6. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes. The recipe indicates the weight of clean pulp without a peel. Pour into a bowl.

7. Wash bell peppers, remove seeds with internal leaves, cut the rest into small pieces, pour over to a pumpkin.

8. Add cooled vegetables with pan oil.

9. Lastly, peel the potatoes, cut into cubes. You do not need to do this in advance, as it can darken.

10. Put the water, bring to a boil.

11. Take the choux pastry out of the refrigerator, divide it into two parts.

12. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out one large cake.

13. Now the vegetable filling can be salted, seasoned with spices, add chopped herbs if desired. If this is done earlier, then the vegetables will start to produce juice, they will lose their taste. Stir.

14. Spread half the minced meat on the tortilla, level it. The second part is left for the second piece of dough.

15. First we twist one khanum, shift it onto a pallet. Then we also roll out the dough, lay out the filling, twist another roll. We shift to the second pallet.

16. Set over boiling water, cover, cook for 30-35 minutes.

17. Vegetable khanum also needs to be greased with oil, you can sprinkle with herbs. This dish is served at the table with sour cream sauces, but someone likes to use it with ketchup or horseradish.

Khanum - useful tips and tricks

• It is not necessary to twist very thick rolls; it is important to consider the height of the pan of a double boiler or a pressure cooker. Between the khanum and the next circle or lid there must be space so that the steam circulates freely.

• If you add a spoonful of salt to the pot with water, there will be more intense steaming, the dish will cook faster and more evenly.

• Hanum can be cooked with other vegetables, for example, zucchini, eggplant, put tomatoes. Very tasty and fragrant is obtained roll with the addition of mushrooms.


Watch the video: Орама ХанумақызылшаменЛенивые мантыХанумаlazy manti khanum (June 2024).