What is tachycardia, how serious is it, possible causes. When tachycardia appears and how to cope with it - doctor's answers


In medical science and practice, tachycardia is understood as a type of arrhythmia, in which there is a pathological increase in the number of heart contractions over 90 beats per minute. A dry problem hides a real problem: normally, a person should not feel his heartbeat.

Moreover, in addition to discomfort, tachycardia can lead to dire consequences, including cardiac arrest. Not always an increase in the number of heart contractions is in favor of the disease. In some cases, this is normal (with physical exertion, psycho-emotional arousal, etc.). It is about accelerating the heart rate at rest. What you should know about tachycardia?

Causes of Tachycardia

Tachycardia is considered a multifactorial condition that can be caused by both natural, physiological, and pathological causes. Among the most likely factors:

Exercise stress. Intense physical activity is the most likely reason for the formation of unstable tachycardia in healthy people. It is characterized by a transient character and a mild degree (from 90 to 120 beats per minute).

• Congenital and acquired heart muscle defects. They are relatively rare.

Angina pectoris.

Pulmonary embolism. An even rarer condition in which shortness of breath and intense chest pain are observed.

• Heart failure. Most often we are talking about left-sided heart failure. As a result of the pathological process, the heart loses its normal function of pumping blood, the parasympathetic nervous system also begins to malfunction. As a result, persistent, severe tachycardia begins, sometimes alternating with bradycardia (decreased heart rate). Heart failure itself can develop as a result of pathologies of the lungs, prolonged hypertension, etc.

Myocardial infarction. Directly affects the development of tachycardia. It is accompanied by characteristic concomitant symptoms.

Pericarditis. It is an inflammation of the pericardium of an autoimmune, infectious or other nature. Dangerous and serious illness.

Myocarditis. Similar to pericarditis, however, with myocarditis, the myocardium itself becomes inflamed.



Endocrine system diseasesexcretory system, etc.

There are other factors. Regardless of the cause, tachycardia is a formidable symptom, but not an independent disease.

In what cases should I see a doctor?

Firstly, if a rapid heartbeat is observed in a state of complete rest.

Secondly, when tachycardia begins immediately after eating.

Thirdly, if after physical activity (after half an hour or less) the heart does not "calm down" and continues to beat faster.

Tachycardia: Symptoms

Tachycardia is not an independent disease. Therefore, talking about symptoms is not entirely correct. However, this manifestation does not occur in isolation, there are always concomitant symptoms. Among them:

Tachycardia itself. They say about it if the heart rate "exceeds" for 90 beats per minute. The intensity of the manifestation varies from patient to patient and depends on the underlying cause. So, obesity causes a mild to moderate degree of tachycardia, while heart attack, heart failure and other serious diseases are characterized by a pronounced acceleration of the heart rhythm, which is dangerous for health. Subjective sensations depend on the type of tachycardia. So, sinus tachycardia is well tolerated by patients, while increased heart rate of the ventricular and other types are felt much harder.

Chest pressure. An alarming sign, often testifying in favor of an organic lesion of the cardiovascular system (except for intercostal neuralgia and false pain). It's about myocardial infarction,

Generalized feeling of heat.

Pain behind the sternum. Another alarming symptom. Often speaks about problems directly with the heart. Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, all these are the probable causes of the pain syndrome. Determining the source of discomfort without specialized research is problematic. However, a probable disease can be suggested. Angina pectoris is characterized by pressing, dull aching pains in the center of the chest. Radiating to the arm, left shoulder, shoulder blade, back. Myocardial infarction is characterized by acute, dagger pain, etc.

Dyspnea. The feeling of lack of air is most specific for organic problems with the cardiovascular system. Strengthens after physical activity, remains at rest.

Suffocation. It is characterized by the inability to breathe normally. Prevents normal gas exchange.

It is impossible to carry out differential diagnosis based on tachycardia symptoms alone, they are nonspecific. It is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures.

Diagnosis of tachycardia

Diagnose tachycardia and identify its source is possible only under the supervision of a cardiologist. If a rapid heartbeat is detected, it is felt, especially if there is an increase in blood pressure, a cardiologist can’t do without a consultation.

Diagnostic measures begin with an oral survey for complaints and an assessment of the heart rate with a stethoscope. A blood pressure measurement is also performed. High numbers coupled with tachycardia is an alarming diagnostic sign.

The basis of diagnostic measures is instrumental research. Among them:

ECG (Electrocardiography). Allows you to evaluate the type of heart rhythm and determine the type of arrhythmia. In many cases, tachycardia is detected by chance, but there are exceptions.

Daily monitoring. Allows you to evaluate the type of heart rhythm and measure blood pressure around the clock. This is a necessary event for any patient with a suspicion of an organic pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Ultrasound examination of the heart. It allows to detect pericarditis, myocarditis and other organic heart diseases.


Functional tests with load.

MRI of the heart.

Laboratory studies do not have sufficient information content, therefore they are prescribed only to assess the general condition of the body.

Tachycardia Treatment

Treatment of tachycardia is aimed at eliminating the root cause. Sinus tachycardia, as a rule, is physiological and does not require special treatment. Neurogenic arrhythmia is stopped with the help of herbal remedies and should be adjusted in tandem with a neurologist. Among the funds for the treatment of tachycardia:

• Infusion of motherwort (water, alcohol has the ability to excite the nervous system).

• Valerian root.

• St. John's wort.

In some cases, a reception is indicated. sedatives.

The basis for the treatment of tachycardia of a different kind is specialized drugs:

Beta-blockers (Carvedilol, etc.).

• Calcium channel blockers. Indicated for the relief of acute attacks of tachycardia. Assigned by long courses.

Antihypertensive drugs (designed to stop hypertension - high blood pressure).

In exceptional cases, cardiac surgery is indicated.

Usually tachycardia has a favorable prognosis. In most cases, conservative therapy is sufficient.

Tachycardia Prevention

Prevention of tachycardia is not difficult for a relatively healthy person.

• It is important to maintain an optimal physical activity regimen. Hypodynamia is the enemy of a healthy cardiovascular system. It is also important not to overdo it. Showing light walking, jogging, swimming. Heavy loads are recommended to be excluded.

• You need to optimize your diet. As little salt, fatty, animal food as possible. Preference should be given to plant foods.

• It is important to keep weight within normal limits.

• It is necessary to treat arterial hypertension of any genesis in a timely manner and prevent an increase in blood pressure. This is the guarantee of health not only of the heart, but also of blood vessels.

• It is necessary to consult a specialist in time at the first suspicion of heart problems.

Tachycardia is not an independent disease, but a symptom of pathologies. In some cases, this is a completely physiological phenomenon that does not require medical correction. Nevertheless, it’s not worth the risk. If you have any suspicions, you need to contact a cardiologist.
