How to straighten hair without ironing?


Girls often resort to a method of straightening curls with an iron, which is strongly reflected in the structure and appearance of the hair. Over time, they become dull and brittle. Dandruff may also appear and - the worst thing - hair starts to fall out.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you can use simple, alternative methods of leveling, which are used at home.

Ways to straighten hair without ironing

Alternative hair straightening methods, there are many. When using any of these, it is important to consider length, type, structure and coloring.

Important: Dyed hair is not easily affected by other means. This also applies to alignment, as the dye penetrates deep into the hair structure.

To straighten curls without ironing, you can use the following procedures:

  • Cosmetics: sprays, creams, oils and serums for straightening;
  • Chemical straightening. This is a salon procedure. It is carried out with the help of silicone or other chemical agents that straighten out even heavily curled, tight curls, but worsen their condition;
  • Homemade recipes - decoctions, masks, oils, etc .;
  • Mechanical methods, which include scratching, fixing with rubber bands, hair straightening, etc .;
  • Bio straightening, which involves the use of a special tool (keratin composition), but without serious damage. Hair remains soft and smooth.

It is necessary to note the features relating to some methods For example, cosmetic, mechanical and home remedies are suitable for straightening and styling only slightly wavy curls. For heavily curly and stiff hair, cosmetics for straightening can become supportive and restorative ways of recovery after more serious straightening procedures.

Among cosmetic products for straightening popular:

  • Sprays, not weighting hair. They straighten without gluing, and give a healthy shine. After use, the hair is easy to comb and fold;
  • Oil not only straightens, but also has a healing effect. It protects against external factors, gives softness and smoothness to curls;
  • Serum is applied as a protective agent to clean hair and blow-dried. Thus, the curls are straightened, but not overdried.
  • Creams are less popular. Due to the dense consistency, the hair becomes “heavy” and appears to be greasy.

Hair straightening with hair dryer

The most common and affordable method of straightening and styling hair, after ironing, is blow-dry. No matter how sad, but drying with a hair dryer with frequent use without protective equipment as well as a hair dryer, can lead to negative consequences.

Straighten and stack hair with a hair dryer as follows:

  • Curls wash shampoo appropriate to their type;
  • Thermal spray and balm for straightening along the entire length are applied to wet hair;
  • Then it is necessary to divide the curls into two parts along the back of the head, fasten the upper part to the crown of the head;
  • Loose hair is divided into small strands and dried each top-down;
  • Manipulations are repeated with the upper part of the hair;
  • As a fixing effect, it can be sprayed on a silicone base.

When using a hair dryer for straightening, you need to have special heat protection sprays, comb brushes of the desired diameter and a powerful hair dryer. It is important that the combs are made from natural materials, preferably wooden.

Hair dryer must be at least 700 watts. It is better to give preference to professional models with different nozzles, several temperature regimes and ionization.

Mechanical methods

There are several mechanical methods for straightening without ironing. They can cope with wavy curls enough quality. Such methods include fixing with rubber bands, stealth, foil, special means of straightening, etc.

All straightening methods are carried out on wet hair. The following are the most common and effective.


This method of straightening and styling curls is suitable for those who have curls are not very curly or curl only the tips. Conduct the procedure on wet or dried hair as follows:

  • Processed over the entire length of the hair with a spray for straightening or foam;
  • Comb with a round brush, twirling curls on it in the right direction for straightening and hold for about five minutes;
  • Move from the face to the back of the head and fix varnish.

The larger the diameter of the brush, the smoother the curls will be.

Tight tail

This method helps to straighten the root part of the hair to the nape. Especially important for those who have bangs falls into the bulk of the hair.

To choose for straightening it is necessary not to have tight elastic bands, but more elastic and soft ones, otherwise there will be ugly creases.

For this simple method you need:

  • Comb wet curls;
  • Assemble the tail. If it is low, the aligned length will be longer;
  • Allow hair to dry completely.

If the hair is very long, you can fasten it with rubber bands in several places, and the more there will be elastic bands, the better. If the bang is short, fix it with a hoop or tie a scarf.


Interestingly, with the help of curlers, you can not only curl the hair, but also straighten it no worse than the iron. After the curlers, the styling is not kept as long as we would like, but it looks very natural.

For straightening, large Velcro curlers are used. To put curls need:

  • Wash your hair with shampoo with a straightening effect;
  • Apply a spray or balsam with a similar effect;
  • Comb hair and blow dry;
  • Split into small strands, and screw in curlers in the right direction;
  • Blow-dry hair curlers once more and leave in that position for half an hour;
  • Remove the curlers, once again walk the hair dryer with his head down;
  • Fix varnish.


Laying and leveling with foil do at night. At bedtime, you need to wash your hair with a straightening shampoo and carefully comb the curls. Then we divide the wet curls into small strands and wrap them with foil from the roots to the tips, while pressing the foil with your fingers.

After such manipulations with all the strands we leave them until the morning. In the morning we unfold the foil, comb our hair and fix it with varnish.

Chemical straightening methods

Chemical straightening is used if the curls are not amenable to other methods. This method is very effective straightens curls of any stiffness and structure, but may permanently damage them.

The essence of the method consists in applying strong chemical agents to curls that react with keratin and detach water molecules from it. After washing the hair becomes perfectly straight.

Three kinds of chemicals are used on the following bases:

  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Guanidine hydroxide;
  • Ammonium thioglycolate

The most benign of these are ammonium thioglycolate-based products. It does not destroy the hair cuticle. But, like all chemicals, with careless use can cause burns, irritation and other unpleasant side effects.

Chemicals are straightened as follows:

  • Curls are treated with a special tool that opens the hair scales to facilitate the penetration of the straightening agent;
  • Apply a chemical rectifier and align the iron or hairdryer;
  • Thoroughly flush the straightener, apply a tonic to impart shine and smoothness;
  • Secure protective means from external factors.

After chemical straightening, hair can keep its shape for several months until it grows back. But, due to the toxicity of the drugs used, this procedure is not for everyone.

At home, you should not resort to this method on your own, since without experience working with chemicals you can cause serious harm to health.

If you decide to straighten and put curls chemically at home, then you should choose the most safe means and consult with a specialist in advance. Many well-known cosmetic companies are now producing similar products with less toxicity, for example, companies Schwarzkopf, Zimberland, RioBottox, etc.

Keratin straightening

Keratin straightening is also known as bio-straightening. To date, this procedure is very popular. Unlike chemical straightening, it does not damage the hair structure. They remain soft and smooth for a long time.

The process of keratin straightening itself can take up to four hours, and the procedure is not cheap. Like chemical straightening, keratinizing is done in beauty salons.

The process is divided into several stages:

  • The head is washed with a special shampoo of deep cleaning and dried with a hairdryer;
  • Put keratin composition and leave for half an hour;
  • Straighten each curl hair dryer or iron;
  • Apply hair mask for 10 minutes, wash off and dry with a hairdryer.

The hair after the keratin straightening procedure is soft, smooth and straight, without split ends and creases.

Folk remedies for hair straightening

Completely and permanently get rid of annoying curls at home will not work. You can use some tools for a short period of time, but without harm to the hair.

It is recommended to use oils, with the help of which the curls become heavier and straighten. You can resort to the use of various masks and rinses with the effect of straightening from natural products. The advantage of these tools is that the styling looks natural.

Egg mask

Egg mask with milk not only straightens curls, but also nourishes with beneficial substances that help to restore brittle damaged hair.

For such a mask is necessary:

  • Mix one egg with 0.5 liters of milk and immerse curls there.
  • Keep about 10-15 minutes (as long as enough patience).
  • Wrap cling film for half an hour.
  • Over time, wash your hair with shampoo and dry using a hair dryer and a comb.

Gelatin mask

Gelatin mask helps not only straighten curls, but also give volume. Of the many tools used for straightening hair at home, it is gelatin that gives the most lasting effect, although the result is not noticeable from the first application.

In order to make such a mask, you must stir in 100 ml of warm water one tbsp. gelatin and 1 tbsp. Hair balm available. Apply the mixture over the entire length and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.


Beer is used to fix the hair instead of varnish. A strong disadvantage of using an alcoholic beverage is a big disadvantage, therefore, this method is rarely used.

Apply the “beer lock” as follows:

  • Wet curls are divided into small strands;
  • Then beer is applied to each strand with a foam sponge;
  • After the entire head has been treated, the hair is dried with a hair dryer to give it the desired shape.


Vinegar is a universal hair care product. It helps with seborrhea, brittleness and dryness of the hair, and is also able to help straighten curly locks. To do this, you can use rinse or mask.

For a rinse of vinegar in 1 liter of warm water dilute 2 tbsp. l vinegar. This solution is rinsed with hair after each wash and let it dry on its own. Then comb the wet strands.

The mask for straightening is prepared as follows: mix 50 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 15 ml of olive oil. The mixture is distributed over the entire length of the hair and left for 30-40 minutes, then washed off.

The benefits of hair straightening without ironing

The main advantage of hair straightening without the use of an ironing is the preservation of the structure and health of hair. Prolonged straightening irons can seriously damage the curls, which will lead to a significant waste of money, effort and time to restore them.

The methods of home and harmless straightening listed in the article will allow the hair to retain its natural shine and softness. In cases where they are ineffective, the best option would be to go to a stylist who will help you choose a new fashionable hairstyle and change your style.


Watch the video: Straight Hair WITHOUT Heat!! Curly Hair Tutorial (July 2024).