Puff pastry fish pie is a great solution! Recipes of different fish pies from puff pastry with potatoes, eggs, rice, cheese


Cooking pies does not always take a lot of time.

There are lots of quick recipes, for example, from ready-made puff pastry. The filling will also not take much time if it is from fish. You can even take canned food.

Here are the most interesting and proven recipes for fish pies from the finished dough.

Puff pastry fish pie - general cooking principles

The store sells puff pastry of two types: yeast and ordinary. For pies, you can use any product. From the yeast dough, baking is magnificent, from the usual dough the crumb is more dense, but also very tasty and crumbly. All you need to do is remove the product from the freezer so that it thaws a little. Then the dough is rolled out, cut, and the pie is collected according to the recipe.

For the filling, you can use canned fish, usually saury, pink salmon, mackerel and other similar species with a small number of bones. No need to use canned food in tomato, it is better to take fish in your juice or in oil. Many recipes for pies with fresh fillet, it can be pre-marinated.

What can be added to the filling:

• vegetables (onions, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes);

• eggs, cheese;

• cereals, usually rice.

The formed pie is sent to the oven, baked until cooked. If the filling is of canned fish, that is, ready to eat, then the exposure time is determined by the color of the dough.

Pink Salmon Puff Pastry Pie

A simple recipe for a delicious puff pastry fish pie. It uses fresh pink salmon, but you can take another fish.


• 500 g of dough;

• 400 g of fish;

• 200 g of onion;

• 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• pepper, salt, one egg.


1. Cut the fish into pieces of arbitrary size, you can cubes or straws, pour lemon juice, sprinkle with black pepper, salt and mix. Let the filling marinate for about fifteen minutes.

2. Cut the peeled onions, fry in oil until a slight blush. Dumb to cool, mix with prepared pink salmon. Add greens if desired.

3. Roll out a layer of dough, cut so that one part is larger. Put on a baking sheet, you can use a suitable shape.

4. Beat the egg with a fork, grease the edges of the formation. Spread the fillet of pink salmon with fried onions.

5. Lubricate the edges of the second piece of dough, make small holes for steam to escape, transfer the tip to the pie. We pinch the edges.

6. Grease the surface with an egg.

7. We bake at 200 degrees. For this fish pie 30-35 minutes are enough.

Puff pastry fish cake with canned food and rice

For this fish pie you can use canned saury, mackerel or pink salmon. If there is rice from the side dish, then it can be put into the filling so as not to waste time cooking.


• 1 pack of dough (0.4 kg);

• 1 can of canned food;

• 0.7 cups of rice;

• 1 bunch of green onions;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• egg or water.


1. Rinse rice, pour water, boil. The cereal liquid must be drained. Cooling down.

2. Open a jar of canned fish, knead the pieces. If large bones are found, then it is better to take them out.

3. Chop all the greens. Instead of green onions, you can save a couple of heads in oil, it will also be delicious.

4. Combine all the ingredients of the fish filling in a bowl, mix well, taste. Salt if necessary. Spice up.

5. Divide the dough into two parts, roll out the bottom layer from one piece. Put the filling on it. Align the layer with a spoon.

6. Roll out the second part of the dough too, but cut into long strips.

7. Put one strip on a pie, grease with egg or water. Lay out the second lap strip and so on, form the whole pie.

8. Bake at 220 degrees until the dough is ready.

Open fish puff pastry cake with filling

A variant of a very festive and beautiful fish pie. It will take a piece of puff pastry 250 grams, which will be the basis.


• 250 g of dough;

• 150 g of red fish;

• 150 ml cream;

• 2 eggs;

• 50 g of cheese;

• 10 pitted olives;

• 1 tomato.


1. Roll out the puff pastry. If the shape is round, then crop. To do this, cover the layer with a plate or a lid from the pan, walk around the circumference with a sharp knife.

2. We shift the layer into the mold, make the sides about two centimeters.

3. Cut the red fish into small slices, pepper and salt, put on a pie.

4. Cut the tomato into slices. Lay out between pieces of fish.

5. We also throw olives. It is advisable that they be pitted.

6. Do the fill. We beat in the eggs until smooth, pour in the cream, put the spices. Grate the cheese with fine chips, add and mix.

7. Pour the filling of the cake on top. It is important not to rush here, use a spoon.

8. Put the form in an oven preheated to 210 degrees. An open cake is baked for about half an hour.

9. Remove from the oven, but not from the mold. We give the filling to get stronger, then transfer it to the dish.

Puff pastry fish cake "Goldfish"

This cake has an original design. For the filling, canned fish is used in its juice.


• 0.5 kg of dough;

• 2 cans of canned fish;

• 3 boiled eggs;

• 2 onion heads;

• seasonings, herbs;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 1 raw egg.


1. Boiled eggs need to be cleaned, crushed into cubes.

2. Onions are also peeled, chopped, set in a frying pan, passaged until a slight blush. Combine with eggs.

3. Add the mashed fish, freed from excess moisture, season the filling with spices, put greens to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.

4. Cut a third of the dough, set aside. We roll out the remaining layer, pay attention to the edges, they should turn out to be very thin.

5. Put the filling in the middle, make an elongated roller that imitates fish.

6. We collect thin edges inward, pinch in parts.

7. Roll out the previously deferred dough, cut out small circles. Put scales on the formed fish.

8. Grease the original fish cake with an egg, bake until it is rosy.

Puff pastry fish pie with potatoes

The potatoes and fish used for this pie are fresh. You can take any kind, according to the recipe the weight of pure fillet without pits and skin is indicated.


• 1 pack of dough;

• 2 potatoes;

• 350 g of fish fillet;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• spices, egg.


1. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin round plates, sprinkle with spices, add half the mayonnaise.

2. Cut the fish fillet into slices, season with spices, add the remaining mayonnaise, mix well.

3. Roll out the dough, divide into two different parts, a smaller piece will go to the top of the pie.

4. Lay the potatoes on the bottom layer.

5. Sprinkle chopped dill on top, put pieces of fish on it.

6. On a smaller part of the test, make many chaotic cuts. They are needed for steam output.

7. Transfer the layer, spread over the filling, connect the edges of the pie, tightly twist.

8. Grease the fish cake with the egg.

9. Put the mold in the oven. Bake the cake for about 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Puff pastry fish pie with cabbage

For fish pie made of puff pastry, you can use not only fresh, but also sauerkraut. The cooking will be similar, it also needs to be fried.


• pack of dough;

• 400 g of cabbage;

• 1 onion;

• 1-2 banks of saury;

• oil, seasoning.


1. Onion cut. Throw it in a fry in warmed butter, after a couple of minutes we throw chopped cabbage, fry until tender, add spices.

2. Open a jar of fish, you can take one or two, knead pieces, combine with cabbage. Cool the filling completely.

3. We make an ordinary closed cake from two layers of dough or we form something interesting at our discretion.

4. Bake until cooked at 220 degrees. We are waiting for a golden crust and you can take it out!

Open fish pie made of puff pastry with potatoes and cheese

Another recipe for an interesting open pie. Again, you need a piece of dough a little larger than the shape to make sides.


• 250 g of dough;

• 250 g of any fish fillet;

• 120 g of mayonnaise;

• 2-3 potatoes;

• 100 g of cheese;

• spices.


1. Pour peeled potatoes into boiling water, boil for 7-8 minutes. Cool in cold water.

2. Sprinkle the fish into slices with spices, pickle for several minutes, until the potatoes are cooked and cool.

3. Add any spices to mayonnaise as you wish, you can squeeze a clove of garlic.

4. Put the dough layer in the mold, grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise, spread the pieces of fish with spices.

5. From above we lay out the potatoes cut into slices, which we previously lightly cooked.

6. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise, send the cake to the oven for 25 minutes. Temperature all the time 200.

7. Take out the cake, fill it with grated hard cheese.

8. We add the temperature to 230, put the fish pie in the oven again, cook until beautiful and crisp on top.

Puff pastry fish pie - tips and tricks

• The cake will not crack on top, the seams will not stick out if you make several small holes on top. Through them will come steam from the boiling filling.

• It will be easier to make puff pastry, if you wet the edges with water or milk, you can grease them with a fresh egg.

• Do not bake puff pastry at temperatures below 200 degrees, the crust will turn out to be dry and hard.

• Do you have any trimmed dough? They can be rolled thinly and laid out on the basis of the cake or used for decoration. In this case, the surface must be lubricated so that everything is firmly adhered.


Watch the video: How to Make Nigerian Meat Pie. Ivonne Ajayi (June 2024).