How to plant a coleus from seeds at home. How to care for coleus in order to maintain the health of the bush


Coleus is a bright plant that is notable for its foliage.

Its flowering is inconspicuous, so most often they break out a panicle with inflorescences. Planting a coleus and caring for it is very simple.

How to plant a coleus at home (photo)

You can grow coleus from a cuttings or delenki. If you take nowhere to planting material, then you can buy coleus seeds in a flower shop. They germinate well, which makes it possible to grow several specimens.

They begin sowing seeds at the end of March, when daylight hours increase. If you sow earlier, you will have to additionally highlight the seedlings. For growing seedlings, select fertile, but quite loose soil, which allows water and air to pass through well. Sowing seeds is superficial, they do not need to be planted in the soil, you can sprinkle a thin layer of sand on top. Moisten the crops with water and cover with glass, clean before germinating in a dark place. Ventilate the greenhouse regularly so that the seeds do not rot.

Coleus shoots photo

Seeds germinate very quickly, somewhere on the 6-7th day. It is important not to miss this moment and transfer the greenhouse to a well-lit place. Shelter is removed gradually, giving seedlings the opportunity to get used to. Coleus seedlings are grown at a temperature of 17-19 C. If the container with seedlings is not brought into the light, then it will immediately stretch and become unattractive.

Seedlings are growing at first slowly. Only at 4 weeks a second pair of leaves appears. After this, the coleus grows faster, after two weeks they dive into separate containers and pinch for better tillering.

Photo of coleus seedlings

Important! Further coleus cultivation can occur in a house or in a flower bed. The plant loves fresh air, it can be put on the balcony or terrace.

On the plot, coleus is grown as an annual plant. With the advent of autumn, he is brought into the house. But it is best to grow new seedlings every spring. The plant becomes maximally beautiful by 3-5 months after sowing.

How to care for coleus at home

The plant does not need special attention. Coleus care is minimized.

1. Planting in a spacious and deep pot. The plant grows, needs frequent transplants and renewal.

2. Arrangement of good drainage. Despite the fact that coleus is hygrophilous, it does not tolerate stagnation of water, the root system is exposed to putrefactive diseases.

3. The correct watering regime. The warmer the room, the more often the plant is watered. The earth must be in a wet state. In winter, watering is reduced, but the earthen lump is not overdried.

4. High-quality lighting. The flower is placed in a well-lit place, eastern or western windows are best suited. From the south side of the house, the pot must be shaded from direct sunlight.

5. Timely dressing. In spring and summer, the plant needs complex mineral fertilizers and a large amount of nitrogen. The frequency of feeding - 1 time per month.

6. Haircut. The plant quickly loses its decorativeness, so in the spring it needs to be rejuvenated. All shoots are cut short, and cuttings are used for germination. Coleus is quickly restored.

Comprehensive care will allow you to grow a compact bush with decorative leaves.

Pest and Disease Control

From improper care, the plant becomes weak, loses its decorative effect and is attacked by pests. Other indoor plants also suffer from this.

The most common mistakes when growing coleus:

• Rotted stalk. Too much moisture in the soil, since there is no drainage of excess fluid, there is no drainage or drainage holes are clogged, the ground is acidified;

• The tips of the leaves are dry, curled and wilted. The plant is grown in a room with dry air; do not spray it or irregularly water it;

• Fallen leaves from the bush. The reason may be excessive watering, draft, watering with cold water, maintenance on a cold windowsill in winter;

• Dry spots on the leaves appear due to sunburn. The plant needs diffused light, on the southern windows they shade even in winter;

• Leaves are pale, bright coloring is lost. Lack of lighting or poor soil, the plant was not fed for a long time;

• The bush does not grow because it lacks nutrition. Transplant into a new land, feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizers.

The presence of pests is easy to determine. The bush is deformed, the leaves dry out, discolor. Of the pests, the most dangerous are aphids, whiteflies and spider mites. With a weak lesion, the bush is washed with soapy water. In advanced cases, treatment with insecticides will be required, treatment with Actellic, Fitoverm, Aktara gives good results.

How to care for Coleus in winter

At the end of August, gradually reduce watering and top dressing.

With the onset of cold weather, the plant needs peace.

Transfer the pot to a cool place where the temperature will not rise above 15 ° C, it is necessary to water the coleus once a month so that the earthen lump does not dry out.

Coleus breeding at home

To preserve the decorative qualities of the shrub, it is better to propagate it with cuttings. They begin to cuttings in early February, continue the procedure until mid-May. Root planting material in wet sand for 8-12 days. After this, the cuttings are transplanted into plates for further cultivation.

Photo of coleus cuttings ready for planting

For better tillering, pinching is carried out when the bush reaches the desired height. When caring for the coleus, do not forget to water the plant, maintain the temperature at 16-18 C and ventilate the room.

Put the cuttings in the sunniest place, but shade them from direct sunlight. If there is a lot of sun, the edges of the leaves will become discolored. Cuttings are grown in plates for 3 months, after which they are transplanted into pots in a permanent place.

Varieties of Coleus

Coleus is hybrid. Most often it is used for indoor cultivation. The plant is completely unpretentious, does not need special care. Under good conditions, reaches 1 m in height. The color of the leaves changes, depending on where the pot with the plant stands. In the light, the sheet plate turns purple; in the shade, it turns green.

Coleus Renelt. Grow like an ampel plant. The length of the shoots reaches 50 cm. The leaves are heart-shaped, the edges are wavy, streaks of red or yellow.

Coleus Blume. One of the most popular plants among gardeners. There are many varieties of plants. Most often these are shrubs whose shoots reach a height of 80 cm. The color can be brown-purple, golden yellow, fiery red. The veins are green, white or red.

As you can see, it is easy to plant a coleus, so be sure to try to grow it at home. The plant is unpretentious, will not cause trouble, and bright foliage will fit well into the interior of the room. In the summer, take a pot of plants to the garden or balcony, protect from sun and rain.
