Pregnant man: British transgender is expecting a baby. Why won't he be given the Nobel Prize?


The man became pregnant! Filed by the United Kingdom, Hayden Cross informed the general public about his pregnancy. This was reported by the weekly Metro. A happy transgender is the first in the world among men of their kind who turned out to be ... mmm ... in position. Everyone is wondering if they will give him the Nobel Prize now.

Transgender went to pregnancy for three years

Perseverance and labor will grind everything. How not to recall this proverb, reflecting on the quirks of self-identification. Briton Cross decided to become a man after his 17th birthday. Until that moment, judging by the photographs, he was a pretty pretty young lady from Gloucester.

From what time the idea of ​​sex change began to haunt Hayden is unknown. But it is known for sure that from 17 to 20 years old he (she?) Took hormonal pills necessary for a wonderful transformation. Meanwhile, he issued a British passport with a new gender identity.

And how long are you?

Now the transgender said that he was in an interesting position. We are talking about as much about pregnancy. Interestingly, this is the first such case among British subjects.

The fact is that earlier children in pairs created by ordinary women and ladies who preferred masculine nature were already born. This was reported, in particular, by American publications. However, the UK has not yet known transgender pregnancy cases.

At the moment, the situation can already be called quite certain. The fourth month of pregnancy is serious. Another question that tormented by its obscurity: how is this possible?

Here it is, transgender happiness

It turns out that everything is simple. The physiology of Hayden Cross remained unchanged, that is, physiologically, he continues to be a woman. This fact allows the Briton to seriously hope for the happiness of motherhood. Well, or paternity - it's certainly hard to say.

The fact is that the unborn child does not have a real father: the fetus was conceived from donor sperm, and the candidate was found - it's hard to believe! - through Facebook. Moreover, Cross decided to conceive without completing the final process of changing his female physiology. And all because he shares with others that he understood: he really wants to give birth to his own baby.

This already leads to certain thoughts. Moreover, the young man is somehow strangely happy. He believes that pregnancy is very feminine in nature. So why, I want to ask in hearts, just like that, without gender freaks you can’t give birth ?!

However, there is hardly any reasonable answer to this question. Cross plans to remove the ovaries and chest after a successful delivery. Transgender, by the way, does not intend to hide his real physiology from the child.
