Recipes for making Ducane cakes for a variety of diets. Unlimited food and weight loss with any Ducane recipe


The French nutritionist Pierre Ducane once struck the whole world with his unique diet, which to this day millions of people use to get rid of extra pounds.

General principles of the Dukan diet

Being on this diet, you can eat without restrictions and at the same time lose weight. How does a diet work? Basic principles:

1. Eating protein foods, reducing carbohydrate intake to a minimum.

2. Passage of 4 necessary stages: attack, alternation, consolidation and stabilization, on each of which the menu becomes wider and more diverse.

3. Only during the "attack" is it allowed to eat only protein foods and oat bran, but on the remaining steps you need to follow the allowed list.

4. From the products on the list you can cook a lot of different dishes, including Ducane cakes, which will not be a bunch of carbohydrates. Ordinary cakes, of course, are strictly prohibited.

Ducan Cake Recipes

The recipe for Dukanovsky "Napoleon"

Everyone's favorite and well-known Napoleon cake can be prepared according to Ducane’s recipe, based on a list of allowed products.

To create cakes you will need:

• 3 eggs;

• starch 30 gr. powder;

• sweetener 5 gr.;

• a pinch of vanillin.

To mix the cream you need:

• skimmed milk powder (0%) 50 gr.;

• starch 20 gr.;

• sweetener 10 gr.;

• skim milk 1 cup;

• vanillin.

The cooking process itself will consist of the following steps:

1. First, prepare the dough, for this, whisk the eggs with a whisk, add the remaining ingredients to the whipped mass and mix everything thoroughly.

2. The dough should turn out liquid, do not be scared, because the cakes will be prepared by analogy with frying pancakes.

3. After frying on both sides, each cake should cool, and at this time you can do the preparation of the cream.

4. We place all of the listed ingredients in a container with a non-stick coating and mix until smooth.

5. The cream must be boiled over low heat until it becomes thick, then let it cool.

6. One of the cakes will be used for decorative purposes - in the form of powder on top of a cake according to Ducane’s recipe. It can be crushed manually, with a mixer or a blender.

7. It remains only to collect the finished cake, alternating cakes and cream, sprinkle with crumbs and send to the refrigerator to insist.

Ducane Chocolate Cake Recipe

For a chocolate cake, you need to make a biscuit from:

• pudding company Dr Oetker 5 tbsp. l .;

• eggs in the amount of 7 pcs .;

• baking powder 5 tsp;

• sweetener;

• a pinch of salt.

The cream consists of the following ingredients:

• fat-free cottage cheese 0% 450-500 gr .;

• natural yogurt without additives 50 ml., If necessary, can be replaced with milk with minimal fat content;

• sweetener;

• vanillin.

The whole essence of the name of the cake in the glaze, for which you will need:

• egg yolks 3 pcs.;

• cocoa powder 2 tsp;

• low-fat soft curd 2 tbsp. l .;

• sugar substitute.

Making chocolate cakes of Ducane will take a considerable amount of time, it is necessary to strictly follow each step.

1. You need to cook 2 cakes. To make the sponge cake lush and tasty, it is advisable to knead each cake separately. For the first, you need to take 3 eggs and separate the yolks from the proteins. Yolks should be mixed with half of the prepared ingredients: pudding, baking powder, salt and sucrose until smooth.

2. Proteins are shaken separately until a thick foamy consistency, and only after that they are poured into the total mass.

3. The first cake is sent to the oven until a barely noticeable crust appears, and at this time the second cake is created using the same technology.

4. After cooling the dough, it must be cut lengthwise to obtain 4 cakes.

5. To create a cream and glaze, it is enough to mix all the necessary ingredients until each of them is homogeneous.

6. When assembling the cake, each cake should be carefully coated with cream, except for the top, which will be covered with a layer of glaze.

Sour Cream Cake by Ducane

A childhood favorite taste can be made a low-calorie delicacy and eat a cake during the diet.

For cakes prepared:

• 2 whole eggs and 1 protein;

• oat bran 20 gr.;

• milk without fat 60 ml;

• starch 20 gr.;

• baking powder 1 tsp;

• vanillin;

• sugar substitute 8 gr.

For cream you need:

• 1 yolk;

• soft curd mass 200 gr .;

• completely skim milk 0% 300 ml;

• starch 25 gr.;

• sugar substitute 13 gr.;

• vanilla for flavor.

Stages of cooking:

1. First, prepare the cream. 200 ml of milk should be placed on a slow fire and pour vanilla and sucrose into it. In the rest of the milk, carefully mix the yolk and starch, without leaving lumps.

2. After heating the milk, you can add to it a mixture with the yolk gradually, stirring. The fire should be minimized as much as possible and constantly stir the mass with a whisk until it thickens.

3. After that, the last ingredient is added to the mass - cottage cheese. The cream needs to be whipped with any convenient kitchen appliance and sent to infuse in the refrigerator.

4. Bake the cakes in a preheated 180 ° oven. While the oven is heating, it is necessary to make a batch. Proteins are separated from the yolks, the latter are mixed with bran, part of a sugar substitute, starch and baking powder. Squirrels need to be beaten with 2 gr. sucrose to the maximum density.

5. The two parts of the dough must be combined and put in the oven for about 20 minutes.

6. When the cakes are cooled, they need to be cut into 2 parts and grease each of them with cream.

7. An hour in the fridge and Ducane’s cake is ready to eat.

Honey cake Ducane

The Honey cake, which can also be prepared dietary, was no exception.

For biscuit you will need:

• oatmeal 5 tbsp. l .;

• wheat flour 3 tbsp. l .;

• milk without fat in dry form (COM) 7 tbsp. l .;

• starch 3 tsp;

• salt;

• sweetener;

• eggs 5 pcs.;

• fat-free kefir 200 ml;

• baking powder 3 tsp;

• if desired, honey flavoring.

The cream consists of the ingredients:

• 4 egg yolks;

• milk with 0% fat content of half a liter;

• starch 3 tsp;

• sucrose.

The process of creating a cake according to Ducan’s recipe:

1. COM must be fried until it turns yellow, then mix it with the rest of the bulk solids according to the recipe.

2. Proteins here are traditionally separated from the yolks, which are immediately sent to the dough along with flavoring.

3. Squirrels together with salt need to be beaten to a solid foam and also sent to the dough.

4. The finished mass must be divided into 5-6 parts (these will be the cakes) and bake separately.

5. We begin the preparation of cream by heating half of the milk. In the second part of the liquid, you need to mix the rest of the ingredients until they become even, and then gradually pour into the heated first. Stir the mass over low heat until thick, and then fluff with a mixer.

6. The last stage - smearing cake layers.

Cake Recipe Bird's Milk by Ducane

To prepare an airy white layer on Ducane's cakes you need:

• squirrels of 5 eggs;

• 20 tablets of sugar substitute;

• 2 tbsp. l freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• skim milk 1.5 tbsp .;

• 25 gr. a bag of gelatin.

Chocolate coating:

• 3 tsp cocoa powder;

• 2.5 tbsp. milk;

• 10 tablets of sucrose;

• 15 gr. gelatin.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. The first step is to prepare the gelatin by dissolving the product in a glass of milk for the white layer and in half a glass for chocolate coating. The mixture should stand for 1 hour.

2. Then you need to pour cocoa into the remaining milk and heat over low heat, stirring continuously for 7-10 minutes. Add to the mass at this stage the sweetener and gelatin, and then leave to cool.

3. Pour the chocolate layer into the mold and place it in the refrigerator for solidification.

4. For a white layer, whisk the proteins to obtain a fluffy mass, dissolve the sugar substitute in the lemon juice and gradually add to the foam. After them, gelatin is also sent there, which by this moment should have cooled down.

5. The resulting thick mass must be laid on top of the chocolate layer and sent to the refrigerator for the same purpose.

6. After 20 minutes, the main layer should increase in size, you only need to now pour the remaining chocolate on the surface and again allow the cake according to Ducan’s recipe to completely harden.

Ducane Cheesecake Recipe

Ducane cake recipes are a great opportunity to treat yourself to low-calorie sweets. In 100 gr. the cheesecake will contain only 155 kcal, for its preparation are necessary:

• 300 gr. cottage cheese with 0% fat;

• starch from corn 2 tbsp. l .;

eggs 3 pcs.;

• powdered sugar substitute 2 tbsp. l .;

• cocoa powder 1 tbsp. l .;

• soda? tsp

Cooking process:

1. First you need to beat eggs with a sweetener with a blender or mixer.

2. Then in the foamy mass you need to add cottage cheese, starch, soda in the specified order.

3. Half the cooked mass must be separated, in one part add cocoa.

4. Before baking, you need to cover the mold with special paper and place the chocolate portion on it. Then, with a gentle movement to avoid mixing over the part with cocoa, pour the second half of the future cake.

5. Bake the cake in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 °.

6. Cool before use.

Tricks and Tricks for Cooking Ducane Cakes

1. The use of bran for baking is a lot of trouble, to avoid this, you should use a mixture of flour from oat bran and corn starch.

2. To make cakes easier to prepare from low-fat cottage cheese, which is usually dry, you should add a little 0% milk to it.

3. To ensure uniformity in the mass of desserts from nonfat products, a thickener should be used when cooking.

4. To prevent cakes and pastries from getting dry (which is almost inevitable with the Dukanov set of products), you can use a little olive oil when cooking.


Watch the video: Oat Bran Pancakes - How to Make Healthy Homemade Pancakes from Scratch (June 2024).