Pickled ginger: benefits and possible harm. What is useful and harmful pickled pink ginger for the body


Japanese cuisine introduced Europe to pickled ginger. There is still debate about the benefits and harms of this wonderful delicacy, although they do not care at all about fans of an unusual dish. Very tasty!

Composition of Pickled Ginger

For Russia, pickled dishes can be called traditional. Therefore, pickled ginger, the benefits and harms of which have been sufficiently studied by both Eastern and European medicine, fit perfectly into the list of favorite dishes of Russians.

The composition of the product is unique:

• amino acids essential for the human body, including tryptophan, aspargin, valine;

• essential oils, for example, hergenol, zingiben, etc .;

• organic acids, including the most useful oleic, linoleic, nicotinic, caprylic;

• beneficial minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, sodium.

In fresh ginger, scientists found a high content of ascorbic acid, as well as B vitamins and retinol (vitamin A). When marinating, they are all preserved, since there is no heat treatment.

The benefits and harms of pickled ginger

The unique chemical composition of this product is responsible for the benefits and harms of pickled pink ginger. It can be used not only to enjoy a fresh taste, but also to solve a number of health problems. What is the use of sweet-sour burning ginger? The list of useful properties is as follows:

• cleanses the body of toxins, traces of heavy metals, toxins;

• normalizes metabolic processes;

• regulates digestion and intestinal function, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, helps get rid of parasites;

• used for the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as their complications (sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, etc.);

• improves blood circulation, stimulates the activity of brain cells;

• dilutes blood, preventing thrombosis, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels;

• due to the high content of antioxidant substances prolongs youth and clarity of thinking;

• relieves nervous tension, relieves depression;

• strengthens the heart muscle.

Pickled ginger has the properties of a natural analgesic, so it can be eaten with a headache. The bactericidal properties of the product make it an effective remedy for various infectious diseases. By the way, this particular feature of pickled ginger is used in Japanese cuisine. Ginger petals prevent bacterial infection from raw fish, which is used in land.

Tonic properties provide a person with high physical and mental activity, especially important for schoolchildren, students and mental workers.

Nutritionists also note other unique qualities of pickled pink ginger. The benefits and harms of this product can be assessed in terms of being overweight. The fact is that ginger has stimulating properties. It not only helps to empty the intestines regularly, but also contributes to the rapid breakdown of fat. People who regularly use pickled ginger rarely suffer from fullness, since ginger prevents fat from building up.

Regular consumption of pickled ginger slices normalizes sexual desire, increasing libido in both men and women. The product heals in the presence of inflammation of the female genital organs or prostate in men. Fans of pickled ginger rarely have prostatitis.

If you need to have fresh breath, ginger will help and in this it is better for chewing gum, harmful to the stomach and tooth enamel. A few petals of pink goodies eliminate odors in the mouth, disinfect gums, treat and prevent bleeding.

The Japanese believe that pickled ginger strengthens the spirit, relieves depression and fear, gives strength to a creative active life.

Who Should Not Use Pickled Ginger

We can not say about the potential danger to the body of pickled pink ginger. It hardly makes sense to compare the benefits and harms of this product (its benefits are undoubtedly greater), but there are certain categories of people who cannot eat ginger slices or should be very careful and moderate.

Who should not eat pickled slices of ginger:

• for those who suffer from gastritis and stomach ulcers, since ginger irritates the mucous membrane, its use can trigger an attack;

• pregnant women, if the uterus is in good shape and there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. The fact is that ginger slices increase the tone of the uterus even more;

• people who are diagnosed with acute diseases of the heart, kidneys, pancreas.

Of course, you should not eat pickled ginger with an allergic reaction to it. In addition, it is worth remembering moderation and not to abuse a delicious product.

How to Make Pickled Ginger on Your Own

Pickled ginger is easy to make on its own. By the way, it has a pink color because in the process of pickling they use natural dyes: rice vinegar, beets, red wine.

Essential Ingredients:

• a pound of fresh ginger root;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• one and a half tablespoons of white sugar (50 grams);

• one hundred milliliters of rice vinegar.

Cooking method

Wash the ginger root, with a small knife to scrape off the thin skin.

Cut the root into thin, almost transparent slices.

Sprinkle them with salt, mix and leave to salted, covering the dish for pickling with a lid.

After an hour, squeeze the ginger petals from the saline and transfer to a glass jar.

While the ginger is salted, prepare the marinade. To do this, pour rice vinegar into a saucepan, add the norm of sugar and dissolve it over low heat with constant stirring.

Pour ginger slices with hot marinade, let cool.

Once the marinade has cooled, send in the refrigerator for further pickling.

Pickled ginger is ready when the petals turn a delicate pink color.

To ensure that the color of ginger is guaranteed to turn pink, you can add to the glass jar along with the marinade of heaps of raw beets or a tablespoon of plum juice.

Some recipes recommend ginger slices in a low-boiling marinade for half an hour, then transfer to a glass jar, cool and store in the refrigerator.

After about eight hours, ginger according to any of the recipes will be ready. It must be stored in the cold, and the shelf life is quite long - at least four months. The jar should be made of glass or ceramic, with a tight-fitting lid.

The benefits and harms of pickled ginger have been tested by folk Japanese and traditional European medicine. Do not be afraid to use ginger for food: despite the presence of vinegar and a burning taste, it does not harm a healthy gastric mucosa. Serving ginger is delicious not only with fish and seafood, but also with meat, poultry. Fans of gingerbread treats are distinguished by good health and mental balance, they never suffer from obesity and depression.


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