6 rules for personal care


At the current pace of life, it is important for women to find time for daily, personal cosmetic care, to feel attractive, to catch admiring glances. It’s not difficult to choose suitable hygiene and make-up products; they are available in a wide variety on the market. It is enough to devote half an hour a day, to outline the sequence of procedures, trying to strictly adhere to them, and the desire to look like a beautiful and well-groomed lady will become quite feasible.

Mandatory, regular care rules include the following.
1. Keep your hair healthy
Shiny, clean, with normal oily hair, are considered a woman’s jewelry. To restore and maintain them, suitable balms, conditioners, and homemade mask recipes are selected to provide nutrition to the follicles, to moisturize and restore the structure of the hair. It is not recommended to wash your hair often, as it gets dirty.

2. Choose a stylish, elegant hairstyle
To emphasize individuality, it is enough to make a hairstyle, according to your face type, to veil irregular contours, and look younger and more attractive.
• For a round face, it is not recommended to do straight parting, the hair is combed straight, lengthening the shape.
• For a square contour, choose a lush hairstyle on the sides.
• For elongated, narrow faces, it is better to do non-septenary styling with bangs.
• For young, slender ladies, short fashionable haircuts in a modern style are suitable.
• For tall women, a square cut with geometry or a square with a leg is suitable.
• For full persons, slightly curled or strictly straight elongated hair is recommended.

3. Make your skin look perfect
Of great importance, for the acquisition of healthy skin with an even complexion, is the correct balanced diet, with sufficient doses of vitamins found in vegetables and fruits. And also in the spring and winter, do not forget about complex vitamins.
Good rest and sleep positively affect the external state. Regular cleansing, washing with contrasting water using lotions of creams, will give the skin firmness, elasticity.
Bad habits, abuse of alcohol and smoking spoil the face, give it an earthy tint, swelling

4. Make eyebrows expressive
For eyebrow shape selection, suitable for the type of face, with the removal of excess hair, it is better to contact a professional master. He will give the desired shape and tint, if necessary, in the appropriate tone.

5. Learn how to apply makeup
To create an image and perform application techniques, acquire a complete a set of good quality cosmetics. Possessing the techniques of a makeup artist, they achieve an amazing effect, are easily transformed into beauties, skillfully emphasizing their advantages and shading, correcting deficiencies.

6. Keeping your body fit
Any woman, regardless of age, must keep her body in great shape. This can be achieved by observing basic procedures for every day.
• Provide daily showerusing individual cleaning supplies. To moisturize the skin, it is important to choose the right gel and scrub.
• Spend a special, relaxing evening foot care, with the addition of baths, tonic decoctions of herbs, sea salt.
• Cosmetic products carefully clean day makeuprubbing her face with tonic and applying evening cream ...
• Be sure to comply rules of intimate hygiene.
• In the morning and in the evening brush your teeth, use an oral freshener throughout the day.
To eliminate the smell of sweat, after water procedures, apply a deodorant.

Daily body care, for many, become the usual care that does not require additional effort. Water procedures bring great pleasure, especially after a long labor. All muscles relax, the face and body are cleansed, stored up energy the next day.


Watch the video: 7 Personal Hygiene Rules You Break Every Day (July 2024).