Nutrition for immunity: what foods to include in the diet. How to make proper nutrition to strengthen immunity?


The body's ability to repel viral attacks, resist infection, and withstand adverse environmental conditions is called immunity. A person cannot survive without immune defense. Despite the complexity of the immune processes, there is nothing complicated in strengthening immunity. One of the rules is to provide the body with nutrition for immunity.

Causes of weakened immunity

At birth, a small person is given strong immunity - this is a law of nature aimed at maintaining the human race. In infants and young children, they have colossal immune powers. But time passes, and with age they weaken. For some adults, the autumn-winter period becomes almost a synonym for influenza, and any breeze is perceived as a threat to health.

Frequent colds, constant fatigue, gray skin, bad hair, problems with the intestines - all these are symptoms of reduced immunity. The reasons may be different:

• lack of substances necessary for the body (vitamins, minerals, fats, acids, etc.);

• intestinal slagging, chronic poisoning with toxins;

• bad ecology;

• uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, including in livestock and poultry;

• the occurrence of a chronic focus of infection, disruption in the functioning of systems and internal organs;

• wrong day mode;

• lack of physical activity;

• bad habits;

• abuse of coffee, alcohol, soda, refined foods and sugar.

It is no coincidence that the lack of nutrients comes first in this list. The postulate "We are what we eat" refers not only to the problem of excess weight but to the catastrophic decrease in immunity in modern humans. The problem of nutrition comes first.

In order to develop cells necessary for protection against a constant, every second attack of microorganisms-aggressors of a substance, the body urgently needs first of all proper nutrition for immunity. He needs proteins, fiber (carbohydrates), fats, minerals.

Proteins, fats, fiber for immunity

This is not to say which substances are most needed by the immune system. Proteins are important, because it is from them that the body receives the essential amino acids from which it synthesizes immunoglobulin. It is these antibodies that destroy the pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated inside, contributing to the constant restoration of cells.

Squirrels can be plant and animal. The first include mushrooms, nuts, some types of cereals, beans, and the second - meat products, fish, poultry, offal, eggs, dairy products.

From fats for immunity, we need those substances that our body does not independently produce: these are the polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. The first class of acids relieves inflammatory processes, directly strengthening the immune system. Omega-6 strengthens the immune system in general, contribute to the elimination of toxins. Essential fatty acids are found in oily marine fish and certain types of vegetable oils.

Cellulose necessary for the body to increase the body's resistance, ensure the normal functioning of the intestine. It is the intestines, strangely enough, that is the most important organ for the immune system. A clean, regularly working intestine, populated with beneficial microflora, ensures timely removal of toxins, avoids chronic intoxication.

Fiber absorbs poisons, salts of heavy metals, other harmful substances and helps their natural evacuation from the body, helps prevent inflammatory processes. We find a high content of healthy dietary fiber in bran, oatmeal, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, cereals, and seeds.

Beneficial substances and bacteria for immunity

Among the most useful substances for the immune system are selenium, zinc and iodine.

Selenium - A powerful natural antioxidant that is involved in the synthesis of antibodies to fight infections. Nutrition for immunity with a high content of selenium should include dried nuts, cereals, seafood, mushrooms. There is selenium in brewer's yeast.

Zinc necessary for the normal functioning of the thymus gland (thymus), which is responsible for the production of cortisol and the formation of immune cells. Iodine ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which also produces hormones important for the immune system. Carrots, garlic, tomatoes, seafood, milk, seafood, eggs - suppliers of zinc and iodine.

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - These are microorganisms special for immunity. They form favorable conditions for the development of immune cells, destroy the pathogenic intestinal microflora, help digestive processes, stimulate the production of amino acids. Proper nutrition for immunity must necessarily include products with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. These are fermented milk products, homemade pickles, kvass.

To maintain health and strong immunity, the body needs volatile. This group of substances increases the body's ability to resist infections. Champions in the content of volatile products are odorous vegetables (garlic, onions, horseradish) and some berries (blueberries, black currants, bird cherry).

Vitamins for immunity

A complete vitamin complex is the basis of health. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the diet products for immunity containing the necessary vitamins.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) improves the body's ability to resist colds and infections, increases the synthesis of interferon and immune cells, and has powerful antioxidant properties. Contains vitamin C in citrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, wheat seedlings, kiwi, cranberries, sauerkraut.

Vitamin D helps to resist colds and hypothermia, in addition, it is able to defeat the flu and SARS. However, the peculiarity of this vitamin is that it works with the participation of sunlight. That is why in winter the level of vitamin D in the body drops sharply. Hence the seasonal colds. Flaxseed and pumpkin seed oil, sardines, mackerel, salmon, and milk will help fill the deficiency of "solar vitamin".

Vitamin A (retinol) has antioxidant properties, protecting the immune system from dangerous bacteria, and cells from free radicals. A lot of retinol in red and green vegetables (carrots, peppers, tomatoes, spinach, leeks), orange berries and fruits (sea buckthorn, melon, apricot) and animal products (meat, liver, cheese, egg, cottage cheese, butter).

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is also a very powerful antioxidant. It blocks and relieves inflammation, slows down aging, and contains immunity products such as nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, yolks, green vegetables, liver, and beans.

A large group of vitamins B is able to maintain immunity during periods of increased stress, viral attacks, and also quickly recover after an illness. To receive this group of vitamins, you need to eat brown bread, herbs, brown rice, buckwheat wheat seedlings, eggs, seeds and nuts.

The best products for immunity

Proper nutrition for immunity should be balanced and aimed at providing the body with the substances necessary for the synthesis of immune cells.

The most useful of the products for immunity are:

• fresh bee honey (it contains almost all the nutrients the body needs);

• walnuts (healthy protein);

• chicken broth (contains a lot of essential amino acids);

• beef meat cooked with raw vegetables, garlic (a source of protein and selenium, as well as zinc and iron);

• lemons, kiwi, oranges, sauerkraut (suppliers of vitamin C);

• tomatoes (they have the strongest antioxidant lycopene);

• red cabbage (contain phytonutrients, flavonoids, vitamins, fiber);

• cranberries (a storehouse of vitamins);

• salmon, cod, tuna, trout (provide omega-3 and vitamin D);

• whole grain cereals (selenium, zinc, fiber);

• linseed oil (omega-3 and omega-6), as well as pumpkin and olive;

• broccoli, apples and vegetable fruits of bright color (contain quercetin, which contributes to the production of antibodies);

• garlic (contains allicin - a natural antibiotic and volatile).

The basis of nutrition for immunity is proteins, plant fiber and essential vegetable oils. Including them daily in your diet, you can forget about colds, serious illnesses, powerlessness, delay old age, and gain active longevity.


Watch the video: Nutritional Considerations to Help Support the Immune System: During and Beyond Cancer Treatment (June 2024).