Olga Buzova said too much


Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasov spend quite a lot of time separately from each other. Dmitry is a football player and is often busy at matches, training, training camps, and Olga is constantly busy with presentations, parties and filming. In addition, she has her own brand of clothing and she needs to deal with its design. But parting is often useful for couples - meeting after them is very pleasant.

Recently, the couple attended the presentation of the video of Dmitry Danilenko for the song "Silence". The presentation was held in one of the Moscow restaurants. It was assumed that the video star Victoria Bonya would visit her, but she could not do this. But instead of Victoria, Buzova suddenly appeared in the institution with her husband. As the couple later claimed - they were not aware that an event was being held here and went to a restaurant for dinner completely by accident.

Olga several times gave interviews to various television channels in which she said that they respect Mita Fomin and sincerely wish this clip to become a hit. But after watching the clip, Buzova was convinced that she had spoken to the journalists not at all what was needed, since the clip did not belong to Mitya Fomenko, but to Dmitry Danilenko.


Watch the video: Ольге Бузовои исполнилось 30 лет (June 2024).