Planting grapes in the suburbs: the subtleties of cultivation and care. Description of the best grape varieties for Moscow region


More recently, grapes were grown exclusively in the southern regions of the country. Gardeners did not even think about breeding sun berries in the harsh winters of Russia. But breeders are developing new varieties that allow the cultivation of grapes everywhere. Gardeners breathed a sigh of relief, now the climate is not an obstacle to their favorite business. However, despite all the breeding work, grapes require special handling and care.

The secrets of planting grapes in the suburbs

There are several key points to consider when planting grapes in harsh climates.

This question should be approached thoroughly, since the crop depends on the growing conditions. It is widely believed that the vine is planted in the shade, but this is not so. Under such conditions, the berries grow small, and their nutritional value is small. If you approach the landing competently, then the crop can be obtained almost effortlessly.

It is better to choose a place for landing sunny, protected from cold winds. It’s good if the garden bed is tilted. The composition of the soil when planting grapes is of no small importance. When planting grapes in the suburbs, you need to remember that the vine does not tolerate even the slightest waterlogging, so they make good drainage in too wet areas.

The method of planting the vine directly depends on the composition of the soil. On sandy soil, grapes are planted in trenches. If the bed warms up for a long time in the spring or there is the possibility of waterlogging of landings, it is better to equip high beds.

How to plant grapes in a trench? This method is quite simple. Dig trenches, the depth of which is about 80 cm. The bottom of the ditch is covered with humus, which serves as additional food for the vines. To facilitate the watering of seedlings, when planting vines, they dig in pieces of plastic pipes through which water will be delivered directly to the roots of the plant. By the way, growing wine grape varieties can do without such a design. This is due to the fact that the vine is able to independently extract water from the deep layers of the soil.

Growing grapes on the ridges, you need to adhere to some rules. It is very important to maintain the distance between plants, while taking into account the variety of grapes.

• Wine varieties are planted at a distance of up to 80 cm.

• Table varieties are located at least 1.5 meters apart.

• Between the beds leave a distance of about 2.5-3 meters, regardless of the variety.

When planting grapes in the suburbs, the gardener must take into account all the features of the vine, its growth power. This is the only way to accurately determine the required distance between plants. Experienced gardeners recommend grouping seedlings according to the ripening time of berries and resistance to frost, which will facilitate the care of plantings.

Important! Even varieties of frost-resistant grapes for the suburbs are advised to cover in the first years of cultivation, not hoping for selection.

In the north and in the conditions of winters near Moscow, only frost-resistant grapes are grown. In addition to the old proven varieties, breeders have bred new, no less productive varieties. What qualities should grapes have for the northern regions?

• Withstand significant temperature drops.

• Resist diseases and pests.

• Have an early ripening berry.

• Good ripening vines.

A good vine choice is half the way to a good harvest.

Varieties of table grapes for the suburbs

Don Agate

A table variety of overgrown grapes. The vine is characterized by increased resistance to pests, diseases and frost. The bush is able to transfer temperature drops to -26 degrees. At a young age needs shelter.

Large clusters are formed on the vine, loose in composition. The weight of one bunch ranges from 500-700 grams. The berries are round, large, blue in color. Fruits of sweet taste, with fleshy flesh. The skin is thin, but dense, the fruits perfectly tolerate transportation and storage. Sugar content of fruits is average, about 15%.

The variety belongs to mid-season varieties. Needs rationing of the crop; from overload, the quality of the fruit decreases. Rooting of planting material is good.


An early table grape variety that can withstand frosts down to -30 degrees without additional shelter. The variety is characterized by increased resistance to mildew and gray rot.

Bushes are weak, mostly female. When planting, it is important to consider this feature, without a pollinator variety, the berries are minced.

Bunches are distinguished by their weight, which reaches 800 grams. The berries are large, round, ovoid. The fruit color is saturated, raspberry red. The taste of grapes is sweet, with a touch of muscat. Sugar content of berries is high, at the level of 19-20%.

Productivity is high, but normalization of the fruit is required. Allowed up to 30 developed eyes per bush. Grapes are used for fresh consumption and for processing.


One of the best varieties of non-covering grapes for the Moscow region. Withstands even the most severe frosts, it is perfectly restored after frostbite.

The brushes and fruits are quite large, amber-lime green. Productivity is stable. The taste of fruits is sweet, slightly tart. This species is grown everywhere.


Early ripe table grapes. The bush is characterized by stable yield, compact size, but powerful shoots. A distinctive feature of the variety is the specific smell of leaves, which repels wasps. At a young age, seedlings need to be covered in cold weather.

The berries are large, light green in color with white veins. The pulp has a pleasant delicate taste, the skin is soft. The fruits are used for summer consumption and for processing. Very tasty juices and jams are made from it.

The best varieties of wine grapes for the Moscow region

In severe winters, not only table varieties are grown, but also good grapes for making wine.


Variety of Baltic grapes of early ripening. It tolerates frosts, can withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees. The yield is good, the fruits ripen in mid-July.

Bushes are well developed. Bunches and berries are large. The pulp of the fruit is dense, mucous. The color of the fruit is bluish-violet. Harvest tolerates transportation, if necessary, can be stored for a long time. Grapes of this variety are mainly used for processing. Juices and good wine are made from it.


Early ripe grapes of domestic selection. The vine is vigorous, large clusters, their weight reaches 500 g. Productivity is good, needs rationing. The berry is light, whitish in color with a characteristic waxy coating. The pulp of the fruit is mucous, with a dense and thin skin. Fruits do not deteriorate during transportation and storage. Grapes are used to make white wine. Bushes are resistant to various diseases.


Watch the video: Growing Grapes in my Suburban Backyard (June 2024).