Kombucha: useful properties of "jellyfish", the use of traditional medicine. Kombucha: contraindications


Kombucha, whose beneficial properties have not been a secret for a long time, is often called the loud name - "the elixir of immortality."

The fact is that he copes with many diseases much better than antibiotics.

Kombucha has very few contraindications, so absolutely everyone can afford to use it for culinary, medical and cosmetic purposes.

The excellent taste of the drink has not yet disappointed anyone.

Kombucha perfectly refreshes in the hottest weather.

What is a part of Kombucha

What does Kombucha look like and what is it? Simple to explain - this is a layered thick film consisting of a yeast-like fungus and acetic bacteria. It doesn’t look very good, but it contains everything the body needs for normal functioning.

The composition includes:

• vitamins of group B, PP, D;

• vitamin C;

• acids of organic origin - oxalic, citric, malic, acetic, lactic;

• organic substances-catalysts (protease, amylase).

The components of the product composition saturate every cell of the body with nutritional components, support the normal functioning of internal organs and all systems, strengthen the immune system, which increases the person's ability to resist infectious diseases.

Kombucha: beneficial properties for the body

It was proved that when a person takes pharmacy drugs, his body is not able to fully absorb them. This means that sometimes there is simply no sense from them. It is more efficient to use tea mushroom for medicinal purposes, which has practically no contraindications, but it has a beneficial effect on the body and cures diseases as quickly as possible.

Kombucha: beneficial properties

1. Normalizes the acidity of the stomach.

2. Maintains blood pressure within normal limits.

3. Allows you to lower blood cholesterol.

4. Effectively cleanses the human body of toxins, toxins, salts of heavy metals that accumulate over time.

5. Supports the intestinal microflora, normalizes the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. It cures of dysentery, regular use of a unique product will permanently forget about constipation.

7. Removes kidney stones faster and safer than pharmacy drugs.

8. Helps to effectively cope with pain in the temporal region and insomnia.

9. Strengthens the immune system, contributes to the healing of the whole body.

10. Soothes the nervous system.

11. It has anti-inflammatory properties, cures tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis.

Kombucha drink, the beneficial properties of which have been listed, is truly unique. If you cook it in accordance with all the rules and drink in the required portions, you can saturate your body with useful vitamins and strengthen its protective functions.

Everyday recipes of traditional medicine

And alternative medicine, the healing properties of Kombucha are very appreciated. Not many people know that with its help it is possible to cure both serious ailments, as well as headache, insomnia, and stress. It’s useful to have several notes in your notebook with everyday recipes for alternative medicine with kombucha.

1. A remedy for stress and chronic fatigue. Everyday bustle sometimes “eats” so much power that in the evening a person falls down. You can fix the situation. You need to add 3 tablespoons of tea mushroom infusion to 100 ml of honey. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. It is recommended to use 1 spoonful before bedtime. The tool will not only relieve stress, but also cope with insomnia.

2. For pain and inflammation of the eyes, dilute the infusion of Kombucha with warm boiled water in the same proportion. The resulting liquid is washed the problem area.

3. Few people know that Kombucha helps the body better process fats. This means that the risk of subcutaneous fat formation is reduced. To support the work of the digestive tract, it is recommended to drink 1 cup of tea kvass regularly 30 minutes before a meal.

4. Infusion of tea kvass effectively fights toothache, relieves gum inflammation. With such a problem, you need to rinse the mouth with a drink 4-5 times a day.

5. In case of burns, cuts or wounds, a cotton swab dipped in tea kvass is applied to the damaged area, on top it is fixed with adhesive plaster. Such lotions accelerate the process of regeneration of skin cells.

Kombucha has practically no contraindications; both adults and children can test its healing properties.

Cooking use

Demand is not in the healing properties of Kombucha, but in recipes based on it.

1. A refreshing cocktail. Pour the infusion of tea mushroom into the mixer, add honey there (2 tablespoons, less can be), a little lemon juice, 50 grams of fresh carrot juice. All ingredients mix well. The cocktail is not only tasty and refreshing, but also vitamin.

2. Vinegar, which can then be used to season any meal. First you need to put the mushroom in a tea solution with sugar and leave there for at least 3 months. Then the liquid is poured into an enamel pan, over medium heat it boils for 40 minutes. Finished vinegar is filtered and bottled in glass containers. It should be noted that it is more fragrant, tastier and healthier than any other vinegar.

There are really many ways to use Kombucha in cooking, the beneficial properties of which cannot be counted. It is added to tea and punch, vinegar is used for meat marinade.

Cosmetic use

Kombucha in a few days improves the general condition of the skin, hair and even strengthens the nail plate, due to its unique composition. In cosmetology, he is incredibly appreciated.

Homemade Beauty Secrets Using Kombucha

1. If you want to get rid of acne and acne, to prevent their further appearance, you need to make it a rule to wipe your face daily with infusion of Kombucha.

2. If a woman wipes the nail plate with the infusion of Kombucha, and then applies varnish, it will last much longer, lie flat.

3. The infusion of Kombucha is recommended to rinse your hair every time after using shampoo. After the first procedure, the curls will gain vitality and volume.

Kombucha: contraindications

Despite the huge amount of useful properties of Kombucha, some precautions should be familiarized with before use.

Kombucha: contraindications

1. The drink is not recommended for people with high acidity of the stomach and diabetes.

2. It is forbidden to consume more than 1 liter of drink per day.

3. For motorists, before driving, a drink based on Kombucha is not recommended.

4. To eliminate the risk of stomach irritation, when using Kombucha for medicinal purposes, you need to regularly take a break of several weeks.

Kombucha, whose beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of which have been considered, can be kept at home. However, you must first consult with a more experienced person in this matter in order to take into account all the rules and nuances of care.


Watch the video: Top 5 Reasons to Drink Kombucha Everyday (June 2024).