Julienne in a slow cooker - the French are in shock! Simplified julienne options in a slow cooker with mushrooms, chicken, vegetables, seafood


French julienne is a dish that does not need advertising, but requires a lot of time.

Or not?

In fact, you can cook julienne very quickly and simply, if you use a slow cooker.

The result will be no worse, time and effort will be much less. Surprise the French?

Slow cook julienne - general cooking principles

As expected, julienne in a slow cooker will be filled with creamy or sour cream sauce with flour. In classic versions, the main ingredients are mushrooms and chicken. But more and more often you can meet julienne with a different set of products.

What can be added to the dish:

• potatoes;

• seafood;

• zucchini, eggplant;

• pickled or salted mushrooms.

The constant ingredient in julienne is hard cheese, which is sprinkled on top of the dish. For taste, salt, pepper, garlic, dill and other herbs are added.

In a slow cooker, three programs are mainly used for cooking: Braising, Baking, Frying. Each housewife can adjust the recipe to the capabilities of her kitchen assistant. Some crock-pots are better at frying ingredients in a frying mode, while others give a delicious crust on pastries.

Real julienne served in round buns. The tip is cut off with a sharp knife, the pulp is taken out, the cavity is filled with the prepared dish, sprinkled with cheese and the bun is baked. But more and more often cheese is poured directly into the multicooker, and the dish is simply laid out on a plate.

Recipe 1: Julienne in a slow cooker with champignons and cream

The simplest version of mushroom julienne, which can be cooked in any slow cooker. Usual mushrooms are used, but you can apply this cooking technology to other mushrooms.


• 1 kg of champignons;

• 0.2 liters of cream;

• 0.15 kg of sour cream;

• 0.15 kg of onions;

• 20 grams of flour;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• seasonings, herbs.


1. Turn on the assistant in the "Frying" mode, but you can use the program "Baking". Put the butter and leave to warm up.

2. Onion, cut into thin strips, send to fry.

3. We wash the mushrooms, quickly shred the plates. If the mushrooms are large, then you can first cut in half or quarters, then chop the plates.

4. Run the mushrooms to the onion, cook until all the moisture from the product has evaporated.

5. As soon as the mushrooms begin to brown, stir occasionally and add sour cream to them.

6. Close the slow cooker, turn on the quenching mode and cook for twenty minutes.

7. Open, season with salt, pepper, pour in the recipe cream and cook for another five minutes.

8. We taste. If there are enough spices, then sprinkle the dish with cheese, let the product melt and ready!

Recipe 2: Julienne in a slow cooker with porcini mushrooms

A variant of the amazing julienne in a slow cooker, for which chicken and fresh porcini mushrooms are used. You can take frozen white mushrooms, but in this case you will need a little more, because after thawing the weight of the product will be much less.


• 0.5 kg of mushrooms;

• 0.5 kg of chicken;

• 1 onion;

• 0.2 kg of sour cream;

• 50 grams of oil;

• one spoonful of flour;

• a spoon for breadcrumbs;

• 0.12 kg of cheese;

• seasoning.


1. Simply boil the chicken in salted water, then cool and cut the finished bird in small pieces.

2. While the chicken is being prepared, we cut the white mushrooms into plates, toss in the multicooker bowl along with the butter and cook for 20 minutes on baking mode.

3. Add the chopped onion to the mushrooms, stir, continue to fry.

4. Put the mushrooms with onions in a separate bowl, add flour to the slow cooker, pass for a minute.

5. Put sour cream in flour, warm the sauce and gradually pour 120 ml of boiling water.

6. Return the mushrooms and put the chicken, stir, season the julienne salt, pepper, warm well.

7. We fall asleep with cheese, close the slow cooker and cook in the baking mode for about half an hour.

8. Then open it, let it stand for a while, cut it into portions with a spatula and carefully remove it, try not to damage the cheese layer. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Recipe 3: Julienne in a Seafood Slow Cooker

A variant of the amazing julienne, which is prepared from seafood with cream. Used squid, mussels, shrimp. If there is no ingredient, you can always add another product or change the amount of components present.


• 0.2 kg squid;

• 0.15 kg of shrimp (peeled);

• 0.15 mussels;

• 2 small onions;

• 140 ml cream;

• 50 grams of butter;

• 0.5 tablespoons of flour;

• 0.12 kg of cheese.


1. Immediately turn on the "Baking" program and throw the oil.

2. While the fat is warming up, cut the onion into small cubes. The vegetable is fried until soft.

3. Add squid cut into cubes or julienne.

4. Next, throw the mussels and shrimp. We fry seafood for four minutes, sprinkle flour through a strainer so that the lumps do not seize and stir.

5. Shake the cream with salt, black pepper, optionally you can add a chopped clove of garlic or seasoning for fish.

6. Pour the sauce into the multicooker bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

7. Three cheese and fall asleep on top.

8. Cook in the same mode for a couple of minutes, cover with a lid.

9. Put the sea julienne on plates, add greens and serve.

Recipe 4: Julienne in a slow cooker with mushrooms and potatoes

A rich version of julienne in a slow cooker, for which you need mushrooms and potatoes. According to the recipe champignons go to the dish, we select small copies, it will be more beautiful.


• 4 potatoes;

• 0.3 kg of mushrooms;

• 1 onion head;

• 80 grams of oil;

• 280 ml cream;

• dry dill;

• salt;

• cheese at will.


1. Turn on the “Baking” program, throw half the prescription oil into the multicooker cup, leave it to heat.

2. We clean the tubers. We cut the potatoes into small plates, you can chop thin straws.

3. Run into the bowl and start frying.

4. We cut the mushrooms with thin plates, too, and send them after five minutes to the potatoes.

5. In a couple of minutes, we throw the onion and the rest of the butter.

6. Evaporate all the water and lightly fry the main ingredients of julienne.

7. Once they are almost ready, season with salt.

8. Add the cream, close and cook another ten minutes.

9. Now sprinkle the dish with dill. If cheese is used, then rub it and combine with dill.

10. Let the product melt under the lid and the dish is ready!

Recipe 5: Julienne in a slow cooker of pickled mushrooms with chicken

To prepare such a dish, you need a small jar of pickled mushrooms, champignons are suitable. Another main ingredient of julienne will be chicken breast.


• 0.5 kg of breast;

• 1 jar of mushrooms;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 2 onions;

• 300 ml cream;

• 0.1 kg of cheese;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• seasonings;

• butter.


1. We wash the fillet, wipe it with napkins to remove excess moisture. Cut the breast into strips or in small cubes. You can sprinkle with spices and leave to marinate for a while.

2. Cut the onion in half rings, send to the slow cooker, immediately throw a piece of butter and fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Sprinkle pieces of chicken with flour, mix and spread to the onion. Fry for about five more minutes.

4. We take out the mushrooms from the marinade, cut into plates. We shift to the chicken.

5. Close the slow cooker, cook under the lid until the breast is soft.

6. Pour in the cream, add spices and chopped clove of garlic.

7. After another three minutes, sprinkle the dish with cheese, cover and cook in the same mode until the product is completely melted. Before serving, let Julienne brew and get stronger at least half an hour.

Recipe 6: Julienne in a slow cooker with mushrooms and zucchini

A variant of juicy and low-calorie julienne in a slow cooker, which is prepared with zucchini. You can use ordinary zucchini, but the vegetable should be young and tender. If necessary, replace sour cream with cream.


• 1 zucchini;

• 500 grams of fresh champignons;

• 400 ml sour cream;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• onion head;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• pepper, salt, oil.


1. Cut into zucchini cubes, do not remove the young skin, do not remove small seeds.

2. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in baking mode, pour the zucchini and fry for five minutes.

3. Onion cut into small cubes, send to the zucchini. Fry a couple more minutes.

4. We shred the champignons with the plates, put them into the slow cooker, close, charm under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

5. Then open, boil water from the mushrooms, salt, pepper and fry.

6. Add sour cream or pour cream mixed with flour, warm the dish.

7. Sprinkle with grated cheese, cover and cook for another three minutes. Turn off and let stand for another half hour, so that the ingredients are saturated with sauce.

Julienne in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• Chicken julienne will be juicy and tender if you use not only the breast fillet, but also the pulp trimmings from the thigh. The ratio of meat products is equal.

• Julienne can be cooked not only with fresh mushrooms, but also with a dry product. In this case, you need to soak it well in advance. It is better to use cold milk for this purpose.

• The most delicious julienne is obtained from fried scream. So that a golden brown crust quickly appears on the pieces, you can roll them in ordinary flour.

• Lay mushrooms, poultry and vegetables in a well-warmed oil. Otherwise, the products will quickly absorb it, become fatty and not tasty.

• Real julienne cooked with butter. If you plan to cook a healthy and dietary dish. That uses olive oil. In this case, cream or sour cream is used with a low fat content, and the flour can be replaced with corn starch.


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