Teeth whitening with lemon is a Hollywood smile at home. How to whiten your teeth with lemon and soda safely


Many dream of a beautiful snow-white smile.

Nature rewarded someone with white teeth, someone resorted to the help of specialists, well, and some prefer folk remedies.

One option for home whitening is the use of lemon or a combination of it with soda.

Useful and harmful qualities of lemon as a means for teeth

Lemon is the concentration of nutrients, in particular, vitamin C and other trace elements. Due to its beneficial properties, lemon is actively used in folk medicine as a means that can relieve vitamin deficiency, viral infections, as well as for the prevention of diseases. Lemon is also famous for its good whitening properties, so it has gained popularity in home cosmetology to remove age spots, lighten skin, nails. For tooth enamel, lemon is a highly effective means of gaining a radiant smile without cost in a short time.

When using yellow citrus as a tooth whitener, you can get:

- freshness of breath;

- clarification of tooth enamel;

- disinfection of the oral cavity;

- reduction of toothache.

Anyone who wants to have a snow-white smile and is not allergic to citrus fruits can use lemon as a bleaching agent. Sensitive tooth enamel is also incompatible with such a procedure.

The disadvantage of fruit is a high acid content, which can destroy tooth enamel, cause tooth decay. Therefore, it is often not recommended to conduct lemon procedures in the oral cavity. The optimal frequency of teeth whitening with lemon is 1 time per week.

How to whiten your teeth with lemon

Possessing antibacterial properties and having an acidic nature, citrus in contact with enamel is able to eliminate particles staining teeth. There are several ways to use lemon as a tooth whitener. You can use both the whole fruit and its peel or juice. Of all the methods, you need to choose exactly one that will not cause discomfort when teeth are whitened with lemon.

1. The most common option is to use the fruit peel. It is necessary to rub the tooth enamel with the inner white side of the crust and sit with your mouth open for about 5 minutes, and then rinse it with clean water. During this time, the acid will begin to act, destroying plaque.

2. Small pieces can be applied to the teeth for several minutes. This method is more unpleasant due to the pronounced acidic taste and aggressive. It is not suitable for frequent use, as it can damage the tooth enamel. After holding it, rinse with clean water.

3. Convenient and familiar brushing can be combined with the whitening procedure by dropping a few drops of lemon juice onto a toothbrush with a paste.

4. A method of whitening with a less aggressive effect on the enamel is lemon rinsing. For it, you need to mix in a ratio of 1: 1 lemon juice and clean water. Rinse immediately after brushing. You can repeat it in the mornings and evenings, but not longer than 5-6 days in a row. The solution will help not only to make the teeth brighter, but also to freshen the breath, as well as to disinfect the oral cavity.

5. An alternative to rubbing your teeth with a lemon peel is to chew it normally for 3-5 minutes. This method will whiten your teeth even in the most inaccessible places. But for people with sensitive enamel, it is not suitable. Do not forget to rinse your mouth with clean water after the procedure.

Precautions for whitening lemon

Lemon whitening should be approached carefully. When using citrus as a bleach, some rules must be observed:

• Do not forget that, first of all, lemon is an external irritant and enamel destroyer. A high concentration of acid is the cause of bleaching, but in large quantities it is harmful. The consequences of frequent use can be expressed in increased sensitivity of the teeth due to the destruction of calcium in them. Therefore, the procedures and the time of their implementation should be carefully dosed.

• Although lemon whitening is a highly effective method, it is worth thinking, first of all, about dental health.

• For the period of the procedure, it is better to refuse to eat foods with coloring pigments. Among such pomegranates, strong tea, red wine, beets, which can change the color of the enamel or color it.

• Doctors always advise foods and beverages containing an acid concentrate to be careful. For example, drink lemon juice through a tube to reduce contact with teeth. During lemon whitening, it is also worth abandoning additional receptions of such food.

Features of teeth whitening with lemon and soda

Soda is an abrasive substance that easily removes soft deposits on teeth. By its nature, soda is an anesthetic that can combat pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. Soda can be used as a separate ingredient to lighten teeth. A pinch of soda is applied to the brush and teeth are brushed. When teeth are whitened with lemon and soda, the effect is enhanced, and the taste of soda is clogged. One of the ways you can clean the plaque from smoking, darkening from strong drinks, such as tea, coffee.

1. On the toothbrush you need to saturate a little dry soda and add a few drops of lemon. The teeth are brushed with the finished mass, and at the end, the mouth is rinsed. This method is aggressive, as it cleans a thin layer of enamel, it should be carried out no more than once a week.

2. The second option for combining soda and lemon is to apply separately. First, the teeth are rubbed with lemon juice, and then soda. Only after that you can rinse your mouth.

Contraindications and preparation for teeth whitening with lemon and soda

Like any medical procedure, teeth whitening at home has indications and contraindications. It is not necessary to carry it out to people with such problems:

• the presence of caries or pulpitis on the teeth, first it is necessary to cure diseased teeth;

• thinned tooth enamel, the aggressive effect of which lemon whitening can lead to undesirable consequences;

• increased tooth sensitivity, for which the procedure will become extremely unpleasant and, most likely, a painful event;

• sealed front teeth, whitening of which can lead to a sharp color difference between the part of the tooth and the filling.

To protect your teeth from the negative effects of whitening folk methods, you should prepare the body for it in advance. To do this, you must:

• a month before the first procedure, start taking calcium to strengthen tooth enamel;

• brush your teeth with fluoride paste;

• refuse acid-containing products or use them with the least contact with teeth.

To whiten teeth as efficiently and safely as possible, the following rules should be observed:

• not make too energetic and active movements, they should be soft and without the application of effort;

• not to part with courses, you can repeat them no more often than after 2-3 months;

• after bleaching for some time, do not drink coffee, black tea and drinks with dyes.


Watch the video: MY WEIRD TRICK for WHITE TEETH - NATURALLY!! (June 2024).