July 9: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on July 9th.


Holidays July 9th

Argentina Independence Day

Argentina's national holiday is dedicated to the adoption in 1816 of the declaration of Independence of the United Provinces of the Silver River. The date of May 9 formed the basis for the creation of a new Republic - Argentina. Since then, every year on this day the official holiday of Independence Day is celebrated here.

Appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of Our Lady

According to legend, the Tikhvin icon was painted by St. Luke, who was a vivid figure of the Holy Scriptures. In the 5th century, the icon from Jerusalem was transferred to Constantinople, where it rested for a long time in the Blachernae church. A few years before the Turks captured Constantinople, the icon unexpectedly disappeared and soon appeared in radiant radiance over Lake Ladoga. A face wandering from place to place stopped near Tikhvin, and at the place of its appearance in honor of the Virgin, a wooden temple was erected.

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, a monastery was founded at this temple. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Swedish troops repeatedly tried to destroy the monastery, but to no avail. Once the monks, learning about the approach of the Swedes, decided to leave the monastery and take with them the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, but the miraculous face seemed to have grown and did not want to leave the place of its haven. Then the monks also decided to stay, hoping for the protection of the Virgin. A miracle happened: with the approach of the Swedes to the monastery, a huge formidable army appeared in the sky, warning the enemies of death. This circumstance swept the Swedes.

In 1983, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrated the 600th anniversary of the appearance of the holy appearance of the Mother of God. During the Second World War, the Tikhvin Icon was exported to the United States of America, and only in 2004 it was returned to its homeland.

July 9 on the folk calendar

David the Strawberry

On July 9, the people honor the memory of St. David of Solunsky, a monk at the monastery of the Holy Great Martyrs Mercury and Theodore. According to legend, the saint possessed the gift of healing and expelling demons from the bodies of the unfortunate. David turned many into Christianity, people were drawn to him for treatment, salvation, and soul-saving advice.

In Russia, the saint was called Strawberry, since his name day fell at the peak of ripening strawberries in the forests. Russian people have always appreciated this berry not only for its “magical” taste, but also for its valuable healing properties (useful for anemia and inflammatory diseases), as well as its rich vitamin composition. Children were especially fond of fresh strawberries. And in order to stock up on berries for the future, adults began to make various preparations from it in the form of compotes, preserves, jams, etc. In addition, today the housewives baked wonderful pies with wild strawberries, which on this day were of particular benefit.

Strawberries, in addition to healing, were also attributed to magical properties. For example, it was believed that if David put her leaf in his left pocket and wore it all day, then today anyone will agree to lend. People also paid attention to weather signs: if it rained on that day, it would be damp and cloudy all summer until September. But the good, clear weather, on the contrary, portended the opposite.

Historical events of July 9

July 9, 1762 - In St. Petersburg there was a “palace coup”, the result of which was the ascension of Catherine II to the throne

While Emperor Peter III, ruling at that time, was in Oranienbaum, Catherine (his wife) secretly left for Petersburg, where she was proclaimed autocratic empress in the barracks of the Izmailovsky regiment. The news of this event instantly scattered around the city, Petersburgers were very pleased with this news. When the news came to Peter, he tried in every possible way to call his wife for negotiations, but his efforts were unsuccessful. Catherine, heading the state, had a clearly developed political program based on a sequence of actions without detriment to the public.

In the very first years of her reign, Catherine did a lot for the development of the state: Senate reform was carried out, secularization of church lands was carried out, etc. In addition, the empress eased the position of several million peasants, founded new educational institutions (among them the Catherine School and the Smolny Institute). She sought to ensure that Russia took an active position in the world. As a result of her reign, Russia was finally secured on the Black Sea, and Crimea, the Northern Black Sea Region and the Kuban region also moved to it.

July 9, 1791 - The victory of the Russians in the Machinsky battle with the Turkish troops

On this day, near the city of Machin (now Machin), the largest battle of the Russian-Turkish war took place. To prevent the Russian army from crossing the Danube, Turkish troops led by Yusuf blocked Machin. The commander of the Russian army Repnin decided to deliver an unexpected blow to the Turkish camps concentrated near the city. And at dawn on July 9, the Russians went on the offensive, guided by the developed plan. The fierce battle lasted more than six hours, but the Russian troops came out of it as complete winners. Thanks to this victory, the imminent end of the Russo-Turkish war became apparent. Soon, between the countries, the Yassky peace treaty, favorable to Russia, was signed.

July 9, 1877 - Phone creator Alex Bell founded the world's first telephone company

The Bell Telephone Company was the first telephone company in the world created by American inventor Alex Bell. In 1875, he developed the concept of telephone construction, spent a year on improving the invention, and in 1876, Bell filed a patent application. A couple of months later, a demonstration of the first telephone, which made a very strong impression on the American public, took place. The creation of a new intercom system prompted Alex Bell to establish his own telephone company and turn it into a developing and successful concern. Since 1881, the world's first telephone exchanges began to open.

Born on July 9

Nikolay Sheremetev (1751 - 1809 gg.) - Count, founder of the strange house in Moscow (now the Sklifosovsky hospital). Sheremetyev was an avid fan of dramatic art, singing and music in general. He even married an actress performing on stage under the pseudonym Zhemchugova. However, after the birth of her son Dmitry, the countess soon died. The count was very worried and fully devoted himself to the last years of his life to his son and charity.

Barbara Cartland (1901 - 2000) - an outstanding writer, who was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful author in Britain. Thanks to her, seven hundred twenty-three books of various genres were born.

Elem Klimov(1933 - 2003) - film director ("Agony", "Sport, Sports", "Welcome, or No Trespassing," "Go and See," etc.). After the fifth cinematic congress, he became the first secretary of the organization of the Union of Cinematographers of the Soviet Union. He was also the man who led the Russian Oscar Commission, specializing in the selection and nomination of Russian films as candidates for honorary prizes.

July 9th Birthday

Celebrate: David, George, Ivan, Denis, Pavel, Tikhon, Yuri, Egor, Vladislav, Veronika.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).